Bumping Back by einstein20
They say if you leave your window open at night that you
might not be there in the morning. Why? Because Count von Roo, the blood sucking,
caped Blumaroo, may visit you in the night and trust me, it's not going to be
one of those Grandma-comes-with-yummy-cookies visits.
And how do I know for sure, you ask? Because
I, being the totally ignorant fool that I am, -- was --, left my window open
and my door unlocked one balmy summer evening. Boy, would I live to regret that
decision. To make a long story short, I thought it was my Floud that was making
the quiet, whimpering sounds at my window so I, of course, say "It's okay, Janice,
c'mon in and let me cuddle you."
After that, pretty much everything becomes a
blur. Most likely because my mind doesn't want to remember, and the fact that
I blacked out after viewing those pearly whites inhabiting the mouth of the
devious Count von Roo.
(Who, by the way, prefers to be called Bo around
his confidants. Bo? What evil villain calls himself, Bo?)
Anyway, back to that faithful night, I blacked
out and next thing I know I'm surrounded by a bunch of strangers; strangers
who thankfully did not wear way too much black eye liner and were not, pardon
the pun, deathly pale.
"Welcome back," a purple-eyed Acara named Aloha
said with a red-lipsticked smile that seemed genuine. "Are you feeling okay?
You want to tell us who you are?"
"Yeah, who are you, Cybunny?" This came from
a tough looking dark blue Gelert leaning against the kitchen counter. His name
was Haley (and no, it's not his real name). He was wearing a black fedora on
his head and a black leather jacket that had certainly seen better days. The
wearer however, hadn't. "You know, you're not lookin' all that good. Your baby
blues are seriously blood-shot." It took me a minute to figure out that he was
talking about my eyes.
"Where am I?" I moaned. I sat up carefully;
my body hurt so much, I could feel at the tips of my red hair, from sleeping
on the hard, carpeted floor.
"You're at Luna House, on the outskirts of the
Haunted Woods. It is where we ... nocturnal ones live," a pretty red Kacheek
decided. Her name was Damita, and once upon a time she was a princess but she's
been around so long that she's tired of telling people about her past. "Now,
who are you, Sweetpea?"
"My name is Kara. Why am I here? Did you guys
find me? Because I don't remember ever leaving my house last night--" And that
is when it finally hit me. "Something's happened to me! What happened?"
"Yeah, something has happened, Sweetpea. You've
been what we call, 'blessed.' It's going to take some getting used to but you'll
come around sometime."
"Come around to what?!" I was in total freak
out mode. This was me; Kara, the Cybunny with a head full of long, wavy dark
red locks which contrasted with my delicate white fur, and the baby green (not
blue) eyes. I was supposed to be at the theatre this morning for an early rehearsal
but I guess that I was never going to make it.
"Sweetpea, you're dead. Well, undead." Just
like that my life was changed forever. Or, more accurately, my sanity was changed
forever. "And you're a special one, too. The count himself picked you out."
"Picked me out?" Had they been watching me?
Oh, boy, was that a terrible thought. "The count?" I squeaked, terrified of
the answer.
"Count von Roo, of course." At this point I
was thinking that they were crazy stalkers of some kind, and that I really needed
to get out of there. So, I bolted for the door and yanked it open. As sunlight
spilled over me, my arm exploded into flames, causing me to run back inside
to dunk it under some cold water.
"What've you done to me?" I cried, from the
sink. (Yes, I was crying but you would too if your arm spontaneously combusted.)
"Again," Damita huffed, "you're a blood-sucking
vampire. You are the living dead. THE Count von Roo blessed you! Consider yourself
unique and out of the ordinary. I was the last one he chose to bless
and that was a very long time ago, let me assure you."
"V-v-vampire? I c-can't be a v-v-vampire!" Oh
my Fyora, I was stuttering. Never a good sign because I always stutter when
I'm afraid and not sure what to do. I never stutter when I'm on stage and singing.
Singing is my passion, and the rehearsal I had this morning was going to be
my big break. I slid to the floor and broke out into gut-retching sobs at the
At that point, Damita, Aloha and Haley rushed
over and tried to comfort me. Well, Damita and Aloha did; Haley just stood off
to the side and handed tissue boxes to us when needed. When I finally calmed
down, they introduced themselves as the inner circle of Count von Roo's court.
Damita, as I said before, was once a princess
but that gig had ended a long, long time ago. She seemed to be the leader and
she immediately took me under her wing; heck, I didn't even notice when she
started calling me 'Sweetpea'. She explained quite firmly that, yes, I was a
vampire and no, I couldn't deny it because no one sees normal pets walk about
in the sunshine and instantly become a large campfire without the help of magic
or a Death Ray. Aloha jabbed Haley in the ribs when he chuckled at Damita's
Now Haley, he had changed his name after being
turned, wanting to start a new life, and was going solo until meeting good old
Bo. He says the leather jacket and fedora are his trademarks, leftovers from
his first crime, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are his fashion statements.
Which he must have paid for.
Then there's Aloha, a fun-loving Acara who was
just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She won't tell anyone what her age
is (when I say age I mean her immortal age) or when she was 'blessed'. She looks
to be around my young age but I'm not going to dare ask her what her real age
is. Supposedly she was the one who nicknamed von Roo, 'Bo'.
Anyhow, after I stopped freaking out, I sort
of accepted the fact that I was one of the living dead but not just ANY undead
person, I was a vampire sired by Count von Roo. Goody. (To this day, I still
don't get what's so good about it.) Nonetheless, I was gone from the life I
knew to this "unlife" I had to get used to. Surprisingly, it actually grows
on you in a good way.
So, long story short, I am an evil vampire.
Okay, a singing vampire who's only a little annoying when irritated but you
better beware of my connections!
And don't worry, if you leave your window open,
I won't be the one to take you from it. But I warn you, I am part of what goes
bump in the night; I suggest you don't bump back.
The End