Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 107,223,896 Issue: 214 | 28th day of Collecting, Y7
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Me and my Weird Ones

by captain_arctic

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Vexed by Vex: a Cellblock Interview
As I made my trek to the Citadel, I reflected on the history of Vex. The warden who watched over the prison blocks of Darigan was the some-what celebrated inventor of Cellblock, the ever popular puzzle game.

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Roos Views II
I'd better buy a costume...

Art by Fetedieu

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Be Well Advised
While the search for Sahkmet may seem innocent enough, we beg of you to understand what this whole event is doing to our planet. An obsession with this “Lost Desert Plot” has been sweeping Neopia...

by heretosee


Lennert's Lawn Ornament, Take 2: Part One
The only bits of dull color were those that the pets manning the machines were painted. And perhaps the pink colors of the Lenny lawn ornaments...

by buddy33774

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