An Inconspicuous Guide: How to Write Well by pugnaciousilliterate
Inconspicuous here, writing you bookslorgs a helpful guide on how to write well.
Being an avid Time reader myself, I have come to the conclusion that there are
many, many great articles designed to help you get published. However, not one
explains the basic rules of English. As a hopeful writer myself, I have come to
the conclusion that the masses of Neopia can, in fact, benefit from a little guide
of basic rules. For example, in the following article I will discuss pronoun/antecedent
agreement, misplaced modifiers, dangling participial phrases, subject/verb agreement,
differences between 'who' and 'whom,' and commonly misspelled words. If you are
having troubles on a specific area of writing that I do not cover in this handy
little article, feel free to consult my owner; I'm sure she'll pass the message
along to me. I would like to make it clear, however, that I too tend to make a
lot of errors in this craft, so do not blame me for any mishaps you have in the
writing world. I'm just here to help!
Okay, let us start out with my biggest pet peeve:
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
This is a nasty little habit that a lot of people commonly have trouble with.
In fact, this was one of my biggest obstacles to overcome as a writer. Let me
throw out an example on how to avoid this problem.
The Babaa wandered into the Haunted Woods and they was scared
out of their fleece!
Now, note the above passage. If you thought that it was written correctly,
pay close attention! If you noticed the glaring mistakes and ground your teeth
at the horror of it, you deserve a starfruit.
Because you are only talking about one Babaa, you must make sure that your
pronoun is singular. Most writers often use "they" instead of "he/she/it" because
they often want to dance around the gender issue. So, to fix this problem, you
must write the sentence like this:
The Babaa wandered into the Haunted Woods and he was sacred
out of his fleece!
Note now that you have a singular pronoun representing your subject. If you
are not sure which gender to use, you can use he/she (or even 'it,' as the case
may be) instead of using one specific pronoun.
Moving onto a different topic, I will now discuss:
Misplaced Modifiers
This can be a subtle problem. However, misusing a modifier can change the entire
meaning of the sentence!
Here is an example:
I, carrying a tray of brittle neggs, dropped and nearly broke all
of them!
And another,
I, carrying a tray of brittle neggs, dropped and broke nearly all
of them!
Okay, quiz time. How many neggs did I break in the first sentence? How many
neggs did I break in the second?
In the first sentence I did not break any of the expensive neggs. I nearly
broke them. In the second sentence, I broke nearly all of them.
Make sense? When you are using a modifier (nearly, only, etc) make sure you
are describing what you want to describe. If you mix up word order, you're going
to be telling the reader something completely different! If you are having trouble
with this, break down the sentence. Ask yourself what are you trying to convey
in your statement. Highlight the subject, verb, and modifier. If you take the
time to really break down your sentences, this will not be a problem for you
at all. It just takes a little practice to catch.
Moving on to:
Dangling Participial Phrases.
This is my favorite error to catch and to edit. They can be quite amusing once
you really think about it. Okay, back to business. The trouble with a participial
phrase is the fact that writers often forget to place to subject immediately
following the phrase. This can lead to some pretty dangerous sentences. Let
us take a look at a pretty interesting example:
Flying through Faerieland, the walls of the city were a wonderful shade
of fuchsia.
This can, for the most part, be considered a "gerund phrase," but for the purposes
of this article, I'll stick with explaining the dangling participal problem.
Take a look at the above example. Ask yourself: Who was flying through Faerieland?
Now, from my nine-months of being on in Neopia, I never knew walls could fly!
The above example is saying that the walls were flying through Faerieland, not
a subject.
Let's add a subject and see it develop into a sentence that actually makes
some sense, shall we?
Flying through Faerieland, I noticed the walls of the city were a wonderful
shade of fuchsia.
Now, doesn't that sound better?
Subject Verb Agreement!
This isn't that big of a problem, but I see it often enough as a writer to
make note of it. If you have written anything, you obviously know that a singular
subject has to have a singular verb, a plural subject has to have a plural verb.
But, there is some commonly missed subject and verbs. For example:
Anyone who eats glowing jellies are completely insane!
Because anyone is singular, it needs a singular subject. This can sometimes
be confusing if there is a plural noun in front of the verb. Again, this is
simple to catch if you pick out your subject and ask yourself if it's singular
or plural.
Anyone who eats glowing jellies is completely insane!
Everyone, anyone, and groups (as in "the family" "the flock" "the herd") needs
to have a singular verb. This is often missed. But once you start you learn
those special cases, it isn't a problem that crops up too often.
The Differences Between:
'Who' and 'Whom'
This is probably the biggest question I get asked as a writer. "Inconspicuous,
how do I know where to use 'who' and where to use 'whom?' It is so confusing!"
Well, now I get to share with you my little tip to figuring out this little
Let us start out with a few examples:
"Who did you call this afternoon to help you eat some startfruits?"
"Who stepped in the pile of dung?"
"When you went to Maraqua yesterday, who did you go with?"
Out of those three examples, only one of them correctly uses "who." Let's take
a look at each individual sentence so I can break down the basics for you.
"Who did you call this afternoon to help you eat some starfruits?"
In this case, it would be correct to use 'whom.' You use 'whom' if, and only
if, it isn't the subject. Because 'whom' is acting as the direct object, (You
called what? You called whom!) you need to use whom. If 'whom' was the subject,
you need to use 'who' instead.
"Who stepped in the pile of dung?"
In this case, 'who' is correct because it is the subject. If you are still
having trouble with this, don't put the subject in there. Set up the sentence
like this: "[blank] stepped in the pile of dung." Now that you have created
a statement, it is easier to see that you can fill the blank with a pet or a
person. "Who stepped in the pile of dung?" "The Space Faerie stepped in the
pile of dung!" (Ewww….)
"When you went to Maraqua yesterday, who did you go with?"
Again, this should be 'whom' instead of who. Who isn't the subject, you are.
And last but certainly not least:
Commonly Misspelled Words
In the era of spell check, I understand how you humans don't have a problem
with spelling words correctly. However, we pets don't have access to your "word
processor." Ergo, my whole section devoted to those annoying words that pop
up and are, more often-than-not, misspelled.
Definitely. Agh! I don't know how many times I'm reading something and
I see that misspelled. I understand that it isn't phonetic, and as an audile
leaner, I can sympathize. However, definitely is NOT spelled de-fin-ately. There
is no 'a!'
Weird. For the longest time I spelled it 'W-I-E-R-D,' but after constantly
getting yelled at by my pugnacious owner, I finally spell it correctly. The
"I before e except after c" rule is absolute dung!
Congratulations. It is not spelled with a d. End of point.
Misspelled. It's spelled with two 's'(es?), not one.
Faerie. I don't know the reasoning behind this one. Personally, I think
there are too many vowels in this word.
Tomorrow. Again, for all you phonetic spellers out there, it isn't spelled
"t-o-m-m-a-r-r-o-w" There is no 'a' in tomorrow!
I also consulted the Help Chat and came up with a few others from Neopians
Pound (often spelled pond)
A lot (often spelled without the space)
So in conclusion, there are many rules that a writer has to be aware of every
time he/she sits down to write the next great masterpiece. I hope that this
helped those of you who have some doubts about the English language and all
the rules attached. Like I said, drop me a neomail if you have comments, complaints,
and suggestions or just want to say 'hi.'
Also, if this goes well and is, in fact, published *crosses wings * then I'll
write a sequel on how to use comma and semi-colons correctly. That and maybe
parallelism and passive voice. We shall see!
Thank you Neopia! Keep on writing and I'll keep on reading!