Neopian Foods that You Should Know by gustking15
Throughout Neopia are strange foods, exotic foods, tasty foods, and rather
disgusting foods. I, being the author, would like to warn you and talk to you
about some of these foods and which species or color would prefer which food.
So, let’s begin with what every meal starts with; Soups, Salads, and Breads.

Thornberry Noodle Soup
Thornberries are juicy and sweet with a taste that is in between the taste
of raspberries and the taste of blueberries. Although, be careful not to hurt
yourself from the points around the scrumptious, crimson berry. The noodles
are purely egg noodles, rolled as they are spaghetti noodles. The liquid tends
to be a Thornberry-type liquid, and the meat is the Thornberry Sausage, made
from the wild Thornberry-eating Snorkles of Meridell.
Recommended: For pasta and Thornberry lovers.
Taste: A sweet and strong taste with a strange zing.
Goes great with: Thornberry Tea
Hairy Fungus Salad
“YUCK!” is constantly yelled when this salad is served. The most beautiful
thing about this salad is the bowl. The Hairy Fungus Salad is made with random
chopped mushrooms, usually baked, and fungi. A special breed of Neopian fungi,
Hairy Fungi, which grows in the uninhabited portions of Neopia, earns its name
well and gives the salad its name. Although the taste isn’t nearly as bad as
thought of, most people refuse to eat it, for it seems rather gross.
Recommended: For adventurous folk.
Taste: A strange taste of hair certainly compliments the baked mushroom and
fungi tastes.
Goes great with: Mushroom Pasty Puffs.
Flat Bread
Flat Bread is not very tasty at all. Its hardness demands it be cut up and
have butter spread over it. Because of constant yeast famines, this bread is
very common in Meridell and rather cheap, too. A lot of avatar seekers buy these,
but to force their pets to eat it would be torture. If you want to eat it, make
sure you have enough money for a tooth operation the next day.
Recommended: For Grarrls and other powerful-toothed pets.
Taste: An old cracker-type taste, although it’s hard to concentrate on the
taste when you are chewing it.
Goes great with: Soft White Cheese
The second thing to a usual meal would be a drink. In the morning, usually,
you may want coffee, but otherwise, you might want anything. So, here are two
drinks in Neopia.
Spicy Mystery Island Coffee
Mystery Island is the biggest producer of coffee in Neopia; thus, they have
gone above and beyond all the tastes of coffee. This coffee is wonderful for
those cold, foggy mornings. Made with six different spices and eight different
fruits, the coffee is so very tangy with a strange sensation of energy that’ll
awaken anyone from being half-asleep.
Recommended: For sleepy creatures that enjoy luxury.
Taste: Spicy and tangy, of course.
Goes great with: Poogle Biscuits
Extra Large Fizzy Drink
Common in Neopian fast-food restaurants, this drink is a very dark tonic with
a usual taste. You’ll also find out that many places, like the Tyrannian Music
Hall, sell these for low prices.
Recommended: For cheap Neopians.
Taste: Very strong and Neocola-like.
Goes great with: Chilli And Cheese Hot Dogs
Okay, now you see the waitress come, balancing a tray of food on her hands.
She asks you for a refill of your drink and gives everyone their wished-for
meals. Then, she collects the appetizers and heads out to the kitchen. One night,
when two friends and I went out to eat at the Neopian International Restaurant,
I examined everyone’s meals. These were the meals.
Tyrannian Goulash and Hot Tyrannian Pepper
The friend of mine who seemed the most hungry that night had this meal. Tyrannian
Goulash, she said, is very warm and meaty. She also noted that the Bone-forks
she received with it made it seem like she was dining in Odh-Gugg, the largest
restaurant in Tyrannia. Hot Tyrannian Pepper is very, well… hot, and you would
have to cut some of the pepper up and then put it in the Goulash; otherwise,
your head would blow up with heat. Nevertheless, she said that it was rather
tasty indeed and that she would have to have it again.
Recommended: For hungry Neopians who love a good meal.
Taste: Meaty, luxurious and first class, although very hot.
Goes great with: A Tyrannian beef dip.
Fried Suwek, Sutek Beans, and Pyramid Potato Skins
This was my meal, and I did love it! The Fried Suwek, possibly one of the
biggest delicacies in the Lost Desert, was decorated with Sutek Beans. I couldn’t
wait to dig in! So, I did just that, and I was most certainly satisfied. The
Suwek was strong-tasting and was just as marvelous and refreshing as lemonade
on a hot day. The Sutek Beans complemented the Suwek in a nice fashion, and
the Beans were full of flavor. The potato skins made the meal more interesting
and tasted different than I would’ve thought. Overall, I was happy with my meal,
extremely happy.
Recommended: For people who like dry foods.
Taste: Everything complements everything else in this wonderful dish.
Goes great with: Pitcher of Water
Brains a la Tree with Gummy Rat Stew
This is what my coo’ friend had. This was the most expensive and definitely
the largest of the three meals. Despite the price, he told me that he was impressed
by the dish, but would like to know what the ingredients are, but when he asked
a waiter, he said nothing. He especially enjoyed the liquid of the stew which
tasted way better than it smelled or looked. The Brains a la Tree he said was
too good to resist, and that it almost messes with your mind so much that it
feels like it’s brainwashing you. When a nearby chef heard him, he just blushed
and said, “Heh heh…”
Recommended: For evil and coo’ folk, especially Darigan pets and Mutants.
Taste: A hard to explain taste that, altogether, tastes so very much better
than it look or smells, like I said before.
Goes great with: Spooky Pumpkin Gateau
Well, after the meal, my two friends and I decided to have a dessert. So,
we thought and thought, and we decided on something we had believed may be very
ideal to the mood we were in.
Delicious Custard Brulee
We were sure in the custard mood! Custard Brulee is a creamy custard shaped
and topped off with a smooth cream sauce. We also took note of the berries,
which added a light touch, on the side of our dessert.
Recommended: For custard-loving Neopians and Neopians without custard pets.
Taste: Is so smooth, soft, and creamy, that just the texture emphasizes the
taste and make the dessert spectacular.
Goes great with: Strong Berry Java
That was just to tell you about a few foods that you may see while traveling
Neopia, so make sure to get to some of the gourmet restaurants out there! Here
are a few restaurants you may like; Café a la Faeries (Downtown Faerie City,
Faerieland), Frightened Gourmet (Spyterington, Haunted Woods), Odh-Gugg (Magguh
Plateau, Tyrannia), and, if you’re feeling rich, Kelp (Maracitia, New Maraqua).
Note: If you’re reading this, I got into the NT! And yes, when I said I
was out with two friends, those were two real neofriends I have. I also did
use foods that TNT made. I would like to credit neoitems, a website of which
I like, for helping me find some of these items. Thank you.