Lost in the Lost Desert Scroll Repository by vicart1
"We're NEVER gonna get out of this place!!!"
I collapsed against a bookshelf and groaned
in frustration. This was getting ridiculous!
"We've been in for three days!!! Three days!!!
I'm going nuts from looking at all these scrolls!!! How the heck did we get
into this mess?!?"
Next to me, my gold Shoyru, Aarliiyanna, let
out an exasperated sigh.
"Didn't I tell you to take that left at the
'Asparagus Recipes' section? You should never leave home without a map!"
It was true. I was hopeless with directions.
What in Neopia had compelled me to investigate the Lost Desert Scroll Repository
anyway? I had no interest in scrolls or history and I DEFINITELY was not interested
in 'Asparagus Recipes', 'How to Play the Viola', 'Desert Mathematics', or any
other section of ancient scrolls that I and Aarliiyanna had stumbled upon thus
far. The only thing I wanted to read now was an 'EXIT' sign directing us out
of this place.
"I think we're in the basement!" exclaimed Aarliiyanna.
"The air here is kind of damp so we must be underground."
"Yeah," I said. "We did go down that huge flight
of stairs."
Suddenly a message flashed above our heads:
"Yay! Food!" Aarliiyanna cried.
Thank Fyora for random events. They were the
only thing keeping us fed over the past three days.
"This looks great," quipped Aarliiyanna. "You
want some?"
I looked at the cheesicle, then shook my head.
Sure I was hungry, but not hungry enough to eat frozen cheese on a stick. I
hoped that I would never be that hungry.
"Okay, your loss!" said Aarliiyanna, and devoured
the cheesicle in two bites.
We came across another flight of stairs and
climbed up them (or maybe it was the same flight of stairs and we'd just been
going in circles for the past couple of days). All of a sudden, something scuttled
by my feet. I jumped three feet in the air.
"What was that!!!!!"
"I think it was a petpet!" cried Aarliiyanna.
"Let's catch it and see if it can lead us out of here!"
The petpet, a spotted Khnum, stared at us for
a second, then took off running as fast as it could down one of the narrow corridors.
We hurried after it up another flight of stairs and past several dozen shelves
of scrolls. Finally we cornered it in a section of scrolls marked 'Pasta-Based
"Okay on the count of three, I'll grab it,"
I whispered to Aarliiyanna. "One...Two...THREE!!!"
I leapt at the Khnum, who jumped nimbly out
of the way. I crashed into the shelf of scrolls and was promptly buried under
a pile of scrolls adorned with pictures of artwork created entirely with pasta.
When I unburied myself from the pile of scrolls, I saw Aarliiyanna crouched
in a corner, petting the now docile Khnum.
"There's a good boy," she cooed. "You're lost
in this place too, huh?"
Indeed, the Khnum did look pretty dirty and
worn out. It had probably been wandering around this place longer than we had.
Which meant that it didn't know the way out either. Just great. And now we were
even more lost.
"Look! I think he wants to come along!" exclaimed
Aarliiyanna with a huge smile on her face.
The Khnum did seem to have bonded with Aarliiyanna
and had nestled itself comfortably between her golden wings.
"You know we still need to find a way out of
this place!" I sighed.
"HEY YOU OVER THERE!!!" a voice suddenly called
Walking briskly towards us was a gigantic Yurble
dressed in a chef's outfit. He seemed very surprised to see us.
"Thank goodness!" I cried as I ran up to him.
"Please tell us how to get out of this Repository!!!!"
"I wish I knew," the Yurble grumbled. "To tell
you the truth, I signed up to be the chef here months ago but in all that time,
I hardly ever got any customers and I completely forgot where the exit was!
You guys wouldn't believe how big this place is!!!"
I glanced at Aarliiyanna and she glanced at
"Yeah," we said in unison. "We would."
The Yurble glanced at us for a moment. We were
a motley crew. We were all covered with dirt and grime, the Khnum's paws were
coated with thick muck, Aarliiyanna looked more brown than gold and I was covered
with a fine layer of scroll dust. We had seen better days. The Yurble stared
at us for a second more and then seemed to make up his mind.
"Okay, I'm coming with you!!! We can stick together
until we find a way out of this maze!!!!"
"The more, the merrier," I exclaimed. "Welcome
We set off once more, weaving our way through
the virtually identical corridors. All of a sudden a gigantic creature appeared
in front of us, blocking the entire hallway. It let out a huge roar.
"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" shrieked Aarliiyanna. "A Qasalan
"What's it doing here?!?!" I yelled.
"I don't know but it looks like it wants to
fight!" yelled the Yurble chef.
I turned to him.
"Can you fight?"
"Not at all!!! I may look fierce but actually,
I'm on level 1!!!!!"
Level 1?!?!?! That didn't help, and the mummy
was getting closer!!!! Somehow I didn't think that either me or the Khnum could
take out a Quasalan mummy (even if we combined forces). Completely out of options,
I turned to Aarliyanna.
"Aarliiyanna! Do you think you could fight that
"I'm not sure!" she cried. "I'll try to hold
it off!"
She flung herself at the mummy. She was definitely
not in top shape, and if this were the Battledome, I would never ask her to
face such a foe in this condition. But we were out of options. It was either
this or watch the mummy duke it out with a level 1 Yurble chef... and that
wasn't really an option.
The mummy growled and swung out a bandaged hand,
knocking Aarliiyanna aside. She hit the ground hard. This was not good; the
creature was strong and poor Aarliiyanna was weak from wandering around the
Repository for days. There was no way she could win this! She pulled herself
up off the ground and threw herself at the mummy once more. Once more she was
knocked aside. This time she didn't get up. The mummy crept towards her and
I jumped into its path. The creature stopped directly in front of me. I was
shaking but somehow managed to hold my ground. The creature leaned closer to
"Do you know the way out of this place?" it
"What?" I asked, unsure that I had heard right.
"Do you know how to get out of here?" it repeated.
"I took a wrong turn at the Lost Desert Plot and wound up here. I've been lost
for days!"
"You and everybody else here," I sighed.
"Do you mind if I stay with you until we find
a way out of here?" the mummy growled. "I have to get out of here fast- there's
this Lost City that I need to attack."
"Why not?" I mused. "Let's go over there and
join the rest of the group."
We went to join the others but suddenly the
floor started to shake. The Scroll Repository may have been well built but under
the weight of a full grown Shoyru, a spotted Khnum, a 400 pound Yurble chef,
a teenage girl, and - oh yeah - a two ton Qasalan Mummy, the floor was beginning
to crumble.
"WATCH OUT!!!!!" cried the Yurble chef in alarm.
The warning came too late. The entire floor
caved away beneath us. We plummeted several feet and landed in one big heap
(except for Aarliiyanna who flew down gracefully and landed beside us with the
Khnum on her back). It took us a while to get untangled. I was stuck under the
Yurble chef with my foot lodged squarely in the Qasalan mummy's eye. It was
a rather interesting experience that I hope never to repeat. When we had untangled
ourselves, I took a look at our new surroundings. There in front of us was a
sign. It read:
We stumbled out into the sunlight, glad to be
free again. The mummy turned to look at us.
"It's been fun, guys," he growled. "Now to get
back to Sakhmet."
He left over the dunes. The Yurble chef glanced
nervously at the hole we had made in the Repository floor.
"I hope this doesn't come out of my pay!" he
He left in the opposite direction the mummy
had gone. Now me, Aarliiyanna and the Khnum were alone on the desert sands.
Aarliiyanna looked at the Khnum, then at me, her eyes filled with hope.
"Can we keep him?"
"Sure, but be sure to take very good care of
"I will!" she promised.
"So where should we explore next?" I asked her.
"I hear the Temple of 1000 Tombs is supposed
to be lovely this time of year!"
"Well what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Let's
get going!"
Aarliiyanna stared at me for a moment.
"Do you think we should get a map?"
"Nah! It's just one little temple! No way we
can get lost in that! Let's just explore it a little bit!"
...And so we set off for our next adventure!
The End