TROTRODS Game Guide of DOOOOM! by antrow
SPACE STATION - TROTRODS. No, it’s not some kind of game with go-carts and pretzels,
it’s an acronym for “The Return of the Return of Doctor Sloth” and you have to
destroy Franky’s army of-
Uh, I’llberightbackstayrightthere!
Dr. Sloth has recruited an army of Space Bats, Chomby Fighters, and every other
type of mechanical beast you can think of.-
Hey… I’m over here! Yes, the pile of soot on the floor… Fran- I mean, Dr. Sloth,
caught up with me.-
Anyways, Sloth is planning to take over Kreludor and Neopia’s near planets.
You have to destroy Dr. Sloth’s fleet with your small, tiny, red, laser-shooting
ship. 1 Ship against 1000. You really should have taken Latrine Duty.
Use the arrow keys to move your ship around, and the space bar to shoot your
lasers (Hold down the space bar to fire a never-ending stream of DOOM).
Destroying space ships will give you points, and they will release several
small particles. Touch them. No, really. They multiply your score from destroying
space ships until you lose a life. Destroying small fungus blobs and asteroids
will multiply your score multiplier.
Space Bats: 20 Points
Interceptors: 30 Points
Fungus Ships: 40 Points
Fungus Ship Ammo: 5 Points
Chomby Fighter: 50 Points
Stationary Gun: 50 Points
Missile Launcher: 60 Points
Missile: 10 Points
Swirly Green Thing: 70 Points
Fungus Blob: +3 Multiplier Multiplier
Asteroid: +10 Multiplier Multiplier
Large Asteroid: +15 Multiplier Multiplier
Orange Particle: +5 Multiplier
Red Particle: +25 Multiplier
Orange Particle In Circle: +10 Multiplier
Orange Particle In 2 Circles: +15 Multiplier
Red Particle In Square: +50 Multiplier
Example: Space Bats are regularly worth 20 points. If you obtained 10 Orange
Particles, your Multiplier would be 50, and Space Bats would be worth 1000 points.
If you then destroyed 2 Asteroids, your Multiplier Multiplier would increase
to 20, and multiply your Multiplier (50) by 20, so your total Multiplier bonus
would be 1000, and Space Bats would be worth 20000 points. If you then lose
a life, Space Bats would be 20 points again.
Health and Lives:
You start the game with 5 lives. It is impossible to regain any lost lives.
You start each level with 10 Health points and 10 Shield Points. When an enemy
hits you and you have 5 shield points or more, you will lose exactly 5 shield
points. If you have 4 or less Shield points, then each hit will take off 2 of
your health points. If you run out of Health, you lose a life. Lose all your
lives and you lose the game. There are health and shield Powerups, which can
fall from the sky and give you 2 extra health or shield points. If you lose
a life, you have to restart the level. Life Powerups are extremely rare, and
they give you an extra life. Who would have guessed? Life Powerups giving you
lives?!?! That’s crazy talk!
In the first level, you only fire one laser. In the second level, your laser
gets upgraded and you fire 2 lasers at once! If you lose a life on a level where
you have more than one laser, you will lose the upgrades. But at the start of
the level, Weapon Powerups will fall down so you can regain the lost Weapons.
In each level, the color of your lasers change, and you seem to shoot faster.
Mission 1: Kreludor
The only enemies here are Space Bats and asteroids. This level is kind of hard
since you only have one laser, and you might need some getting used to the game.
Space Bats fire 2 little blue dots every second or so.
Mission 2: Babaria
Here, the Interceptors join the Space Bats. They fire more quickly and you
could suffer quite a bit of damage if you get caught in their fire. Your laser
is upgraded to level 2 on this level.
Mission 3: Fungor V
This is the only level with Fungus Ships, and Fungus Blobs replace Asteroids.
There are no Large Asteroids. Fungus Ships are probably the easiest enemy to
destroy, since you can shoot their ammo.
Mission 4: Meridellia
This is the only level with Chomby Fighters. The stationary guns release a
spray of bullets every half second or so. If the guns remain on the screen for
too long, they will release 2 bullets, which will then explode and release a
giant bullet wave that is very hard to escape from. The Chomby Fighters are
nothing special, basically souped-up versions of the Interceptors. Your laser
is upgraded to level 3 on this level.
Mission 5: Sulphagne
The Missile Launcher Ships that you will find here are huge and release a few
missiles from their backs every so often. The missiles will follow you around
for a few seconds or until you shoot them. Your laser is upgraded to 4 lasers
on this level.
Mission 6: Aishon IX
This is the last level, and it’s probably harder than all the others combined!
The swirly Things constantly release huge waves of bullets, and just one mistake
could instantly kill you.
Extra Tips:
On the last level, don’t try to get the particles that the enemies drop! Being
too greedy could cause you to be a-sploded back to Fungor IV. Always try to
get Health Power-ups unless if you will lose more health than you will gain.
Sometimes, even shield power-ups can be missed.
In Meridellia, 4 Space Bugs will sometimes come from the top of the screen.
Destroy at least one very quickly and run between the bullets before you can
suffer any damage.
In Sulphagne, if you fail to destroy a Missile Ship, the missiles may overpower
you and kill you. Try destroying them before they manage to release many missiles.
Well, I have to go now. Sloth’s still angry about the whole “Franky” incident,
and he’s charging at me with a giant fungus mutation ray of doom and I should
really start running and stop talking before he zaps me.
Note: Completing TROTRODS may anger ol’ Slothy Wothy, and I am not responsible
if he turns you into a Mortog and/or pile of dung.
Whoops, gotta go!