When Bad Shoyrus Go Awful: Part Two by babyangelchick18
Keya's jaw dropped. 1.3 million was more than even she had
expected. I knew she was going to go nuts. The Scorchio smiled with a knowing
look. He handed me my 1.3 million Neopoints.
Keya finally found her voice. "Ah! Laural! We
have to go now. I want to get everything money can buy!"
I deposited 1 million into my savers account,
just before upgrading it to Millionaire-Mega Platinum. And then came the shopping
I gave Keya 30,000 Neopoints and told her she
could invite some friends and have a girl's day out. She smiled, and ran off
with the bag of coins. I had a fleeting feeling that when she returned the bag
would be empty.
I spent the day upgrading our Neohome. The insurance
went from nothing to Peophin Platinum. The wallpaper became royal. We had marble
flooring, the halls were filled with light from gorgeous chandeliers, and we
had a very sleek heating system. I also changed the bamboo to cloud, and it
cost me a mere 25,000 Neopoints. I could get used to this.
Keya came home carrying a pack bursting with
toys. It was more plushies then I had ever seen in my life. She had baby plushies,
faerie plushies, mutant plushies, and everything in between. I was appalled.
How could one Shoyru spend 30,000 Neopoints on plushies in a single day? Her
face was glowing.
"Look, Laural, look! Have you ever seen anything
so magnificent?" She paused and looked around her. "Wow! Nice upgrades. Tomorrow
can we go furniture shopping?
I signed. She would never be happy. This little
Neopet was like a hole you could never fill. "Sure, Keya. We can pick out all
new furniture."
"Great! I thought we could do a pink theme in
my room. You know, with that heart shaped nice bed and a cool dresser?"
"Sure, sure." Anything to get her off my back.
"And what about a Petpet? And could I," she paused,
and I knew what was coming. "Could I get painted?"
I sighed. I had been dreading that question.
For all knew, she could have wanted to be painted baby, which would blow close
to half of our money.
"Well, that depends, Keya. What do you want to
be painted?"
She looked at my with a dreamy expression in
her eyes. "Well, I really wanted to be painted royal, but I know that's even
more then a million. So I decided on faerie."
I breathed a sign of relief. Faerie wasn't that
expensive. It was between 200 and 300 thousand, which was nothing compared to
what she could have demanded.
"Sure Keya, we'll get one the day after tomorrow."
I was tired. I wanted to go to bed, so I left her amongst her mountain of plushies
and headed for my room. This room was even worse then Keya's. There was no bed,
but a pile of pink pillows in the corner for sleeping. And then there was dung
chair near the round hole in the wall that served as a window. I tried to forget
all about Keya's greed as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.
I was awoken by Keya jumping on my excitedly.
"Today's the day! I need new furniture!" She nearly screamed in my ear.
I yawned. "Keya, what the heck are you doing
up so early? It's still dark out," I squinted through the darkness. She was
smiling a huge maniacal grin. Some people say that money changes creatures.
Humans and Neopets alike. But Keya wasn't any different. She had been like this
since day one. Greedy and ambitious and power hungry. I don't know how I missed
it when I was creating her. But now that she had that money, the sky was the
limit. Or at least 1.3 million Neopoints.
The Shoyru was so excited that she nearly pushed
me from behind all the way to downtown Neopia Central. The furniture shop was,
of course, the first stop.
She got a heart shaped stain glass window, a
valentine's pillow, a beauty bed, a pink vanity desk, a pink rug, and a pink
table. I was sure the room was going to look like cupid's house, but Keya was
set on this arrangement. She bought all fancy bathroom plumbing, some stone
kitchen appliances, Zen living room furniture, and then left me to pick out
my bedroom furniture.
I picked out a nice Kauvara set, and surprisingly,
Keya approved. We also bought some food at the health food shop. And Keya insisted
on buying a bandana and a scarf from Uni's Clothing. The day had been a long
one, but it was only 2 in the afternoon when we were done shopping.
We passed an owner with a baby Ruki and a baby
Yurble on our way home. Both were squealing on how they were going to try the
new game, Hannah and The Ice Caves.
Keya was watching the babies intently with a
glow in her eye, but I didn't really notice. But the talk of games got me thinking.
We should still have a steady flow of Neopoints coming in.
"Hey Keya, do you want to drop this stuff of
at home and play some games afterwards?" I asked hopefully.
"Nah," she sighed. "We're rich now, why would
we play games? Games are for poor Neopians."
I looked at her angrily. We had been rich for
2 days! How could she be so snotty already? I thought perhaps I had better get
another Neopet to make her a little less spoiled. But what if that pet turned
out like Keya? I didn't think I could stand two Keyas. No, I would just have
to stick it out with Keya.
"Come on Keya! Games are fun. They'll just bring
a little extra home."
But Keya just smiled and shook her head, as if
the subject wasn't even worth talking about.
We arranged all the furniture that night, and
I had to admit, the house looked magnificent. I was lounging on my Kauvara bed
when Keya walked into the room and pounced on my bed. She gave me a melting
"Hi Laural! I can't wait for tomorrow! To finally
be painted is a dream come true. I'll have so many more friends at school, and
I'll be happier." She gave me a hug and ran back to her newly finished room.
That was strange. I had never seen Keya so content,
so happy with life. Who was this little Shoyru, and what had she done with Keya?
I smiled. Maybe she just couldn't think of anything else she wanted. Maybe she
was finally content. The thought calmed me, and I began to drift into a serene
But before I could get there, I felt a twinge
in my stomach. Something was wrong here. Something was very wring, indeed. Keya
was never content. And she was definitely up to something.
My sleep was not as relaxing as it had been the
night before. I had the most frightening dream. Keya was sitting upon a huge
pile of plushies and furniture, wearing a string of pearls and heart shaped
sun glasses. She was a baby, or painted baby I could not tell. She was laughing
happily, like a five year old in a candy shop, playing with one of her thousands
of plushies. She looked directly at me and smiled. And she spoke, "Oh! Hi Laural!
I spent all of out Neopoints. I'm a little baby now. I'm sorry about that, but
I had to be this cute." Her irony was bitter. She was not really sorry. In fact,
she was so happy she had stolen my Neopoints that she could burst. "But I really
can't have you stealing it back now can I?" I wanted to protest, tell her that
I couldn't get it back because she was already painted, so it didn't matter.
But I couldn't. My mouth seemed glued shut. I couldn't even mumble. She laughed,
and jumped down from her mountain and dragged me to the edge of a cliff made
from paint brushes. "Bye-bye Laural!" And with that, she pushed me over the
edge, laughing merrily, as if it were Christmas.
I woke up with beads of sweat dripping down my
forehead. It was light out my window, but Keya never let me sleep this late.
What was going on? And where could I have possibly gotten the dream from? I
jumped out of bed and ran to find Keya. She wasn't in her bed, or in the kitchen
or bathroom. I ran for the living room.
There, sitting before our new fireplace, was
a baby Shoyru. She was playing with a faerie plushie. I screamed.
She looked up at me abruptly, "Oh…hi Laural.
Sleep well?" She seemed nervous, not like in my dream.
I was so enraged that I couldn't speak. She took
my silence as a You-better-explain-right-now-missy statement. She shifted uncomfortably
on the floor.
"Well, I knew you would never let me be painted
baby if I asked, so I told you I wanted to be painted faerie. Last night I took
600,000 of our Neopoints to the Hidden Tower and bought a paint brush from Fyora.
And, here I am," she finished weakly.
I still couldn't speak. I was so angry I picked
her up and marched her all the way to the Shop Wizard. I bought a red paint
brush, and painted away her beautiful baby color. I didn't care that I was throwing
away the money. She needed to learn that this was so wrong.
We were never really rich again; we stayed at
the hardworking middle class title. And I'm OK with that. And thanks to our
run in with over a million Neopoints, Keya is too.
The End