Dreams: Part Four by laurel146
Getting to Faerieland
"Do you have everything you need? And are you sure you'll
be fine? I'll be gone for an entire day!"
I sighed. This was the third time she had asked
me these things. "I'll be fine, I can get along for a day. There's enough food
left and if I'm ever to go out, I'll always stay near my friends and won't talk
to strangers."
Ranea nodded, and with obvious reluctance, started
towards the door. She said goodbye and walked out the door. I waved to her and
shouted goodbye.
"Remember, I'll be gone for about a day," she
said, half shouting because she was already a good distance away.
I waved goodbye one last time and closed the
door. I locked it, as Ranea had told me a countless number of times to do, and
waited for her boat to depart. After a few minutes, I remembered the note I
wrote the night before and ran to get it.
I stuck it to the fridge with a magnet and reread
it to make sure I made the message clear and there were no mistakes. Even though
I was a bit more intelligent than a normal one, I was still a baby Aisha, and
I still made mistakes.
Dear Ranea,
Just over a month ago, I got visited by the Fountain
Faerie. It was when you were sleeping on the last boat trip I was on and I went
exploring. I know I should've told you, but the Fountain Faerie said to tell
no one.
But even though she said that, I'm writing this
to you because I know it will only take less than a day to get to Faerieland
and back. It will take you a day to get back here in time for you to read this
note, and if I came back before you, I would hide this so you wouldn't find
out my secret.
But if you read this and it's not hidden, that
means something has happened to me, though if it's good or bad, I don't know.
That's just about it, so goodbye.
~ Milana
I added a few more words and corrected others
until I was satisfied. I ran to the window near the front door. I started trying
to unlock it. I always hated those window locks. All of them were different
so I didn't know how to use any of them.
Finally, I got it open. Dressed in my favorite
dress and jacket, I jumped out, just as I had in my dream. I walked towards
the shore wondering what Faerieland would be like. I started running, full of
Still running, I looked up at the clouds and
thanked my dream for showing me what to do. As the soft grass turned into wet
sand, I looked around eagerly.
The boat rental shop was open, as it almost always
was on weekdays. I walked up to it and looked at the sign:
ROWBOATS…….....50 NP per hour
SAILBOATS………100 NP per hour
CLIPPER SHIPS…..200 NP per hour
The last part caught my eye. I needed to get
to Faerieland the fastest I could. I took out the bag of neopoints I had in
my pocket. I looked through them. The Fountain Faerie was right, there was just
enough to get to Faerieland.
It cost five hundred neopoints to get to Faerieland
in the morning and five hundred neopoints to get back in the evening. It cost
two hundred fifty more to get to the ground from Faerieland in the morning
and two hundred fifty more to get to Faerieland in the evening.
I had decided that I would go to Faerieland in
the evening since it was when Ranea left for shopping. There were one thousand
five hundred neopoints in the bag. If I rented the Peophin pulled boat, I would
have enough neopoints to get to Faerieland, but not back.
I stopped myself. Since when did I know math?
I shook my head, as if it would clear my thoughts, then continued thinking.
I suppose if I ask the Fountain Faerie, she
could spare a few hundred neopoints. I mean, she can't just leave me there on
Faerieland! Besides, she seems very nice.
I nodded while I thought. I knocked on the door
of the rental boats building. A red Kyrii came out and looked down at me. "What
do you want?" he asked.
"I'm here to borrow a boat. Do you have those
Peophin pulled boats you were talking about on the sign?"
"Yeah, but you're too little to ride in a boat."
He started to close the door but I held it open. His eyebrows raised in surprise
at how strong I was, but didn't say anything.
"There is no law that says that I can't ride
in a boat. I need a fast boat and I need it now. If you still refuse, I can
get the kids of the island to come over here right now, and don't start thinking
that's an empty threat."
Before he could scoff at my childish sounding
threat, I snarled - something I hardly ever do - and said, "I know all the kids
of this island and they know me. How many kids do you think there are here?
One hundred?" He looked ready to agree at the reasonable sounding amount but
I interrupted him as a bark of laughter escape from my mouth. "You wish."
He glared at me and gave him a piercing stare
that made him avert his gaze. After a moment, he sighed angrily. "Fine. I'll
get you a boat."
He brought some papers for me to sign, I paid
him, then we headed out to the dock. We stopped at a nice looking boat. There
was only enough room for a few people, but since I was going alone, that wouldn't
be a problem.
The Kyrii whistled at the water. Moments later,
a brown Peophin came to the surface, only his head visible. "Yes, boss?"
"We've got a customer," he responded, motioning
to me. Then he added, grumbling, "An annoying one."
I stuck my tongue out at him and then jumped
to the boat on the dock.
"Only you?" the Peophin asked me. I nodded and
he shrugged. "Well, as long as I get paid. Where to?"
"The Faerieland Uni Express station in Neopia
He nodded and swam to the front of the boat.
He fastened some hooks into holes on something he was wearing. Then he nodded
that he was ready.
"I'll pay you an extra hundred neopoints if you
get me there fast. The sooner the better and I don't want to miss the Unis'
last transportation service for the day."
"I'll go as quick as I can."
The Faerieland Uni Express was a service by Unis
who bring people up to Faerieland in the morning and down to Neopia in the evening.
By being the easiest way to get to Faerieland for pets without wings, the Faerieland
Uni Express has gotten so popular that everyone but faeries and pets with wings
know all about it.
"Fasten the seatbelt in the boat. It's for safety
reasons since Peophins like me can go super fast," the Peophin said.
I nodded and did as he directed. I tightened
the seat belt once I had it on and then zipped up my coat. I put my hood on
as well. I told the Peophin I was ready and he started pulling the boat.
At first, it was slow, but then it got faster
and faster until everything around me was a blur. My hood was immediately pulled
back by the strong gusts of wind. I put my arms in front of my face to block
the powerful wind.
The ride continued for about another hour and
a half and finally came to a stop at a dock. I got my arms down from my face
and looked around. "Where are we?" I asked.
"The dock of Neopia Central. The Faerieland Uni
Express is right over there," he said, pointing a hoof towards his left.
I looked to where he was pointing. My eyes landed on a sign that said: The Faerieland
Uni Express. Some Unis were just landing on the ground.
I paid the Peophin then quickly got out of the
boat and ran to the Unis before they started back up to Faerieland again. I
heard the Peophin start driving the boat back to Mystery Island. I cut through
the crowd of people and pets standing and waiting to ride up to Faerieland.
There were a few Unis left that were waiting
for passengers. The small, two person carriages behind them were empty. The
other Unis were already heading off for Faerieland. I ran over to one of them
before anyone else did.
"I need to get to Faerieland, please," I said
to the Uni. He asked me for my neopoints and I gave him the right amount. He
motioned towards the door of the carriage and I hopped inside.
I closed the door and it locked automatically.
The carriage was shaped small and oval. I poked my head out the window, for
there was no glass there, and looked around at all the people watching the Unis.
I watched as the Uni crouched and then jumped
in the air. He started flapping his wings, and soon we were in the air. I had
never been off the ground before and to me, flying was the most amazing thing
in the world! I wished I had gone to Faerieland before just so I could experience
the flight.
My eyes widened as I started seeing clouds out
the window. Then I started to fly above them. The Uni flew higher and higher
until I saw a huge cloud lowering down from above me. I gasped in excitement
as I realized what it was. Faerieland.
To be continued...