Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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Don't Even Ask - The Painter

by sarahreye

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Strategic Shapeshifting
A Brute Force strategy solves the problem in the most direct or obvious way. Thus, you may end up doing more work than while using any other strategy. On the other hand, this strategy is much easier to implement because of its simplicity.

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The Replacement Courtier: Part Two
She gave a noncommittal smile at that, but tossed him the shirt. "So snippy, Alexien," she sighed dramatically. "You should go take a nap or something. When did you get back?"

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Humorously Deformed
Creating a Neopet isn't as easy as it sounds...

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