The Shoyru Tamer: Part Four by dragoncatcher_sammy
"Well, that was smart," Duel said bitterly to Angel. "Go
see the Snowager. Nice going." Angel shot a look at her and folded her arms.
"Hey, if you hadn't changed the subject, we wouldn't
have gotten stuck in our room for the rest of the night!"
Curse looked up from his blueprints. "Will you
stop fighting, you two? I'm trying to concentrate here!" Duel walked over to
"What's your evil plan this time?" Duel
asked, half-sighing. Curse cleared his throat in a sophisticated manner; Duel
and Angel rolled their eyes.
"Well, after investigating the equipment out
in the training field, I've figured out a way to combine them into a doomsday
machine that could destroy all of Neopia." Angel awkwardly stared at Curse,
her mouth hanging open.
Duel examined the blueprints. She pointed out
to one thing. "It was a Maractite Battle Duck, not a Super Attack Pea," she
"Really?" Curse asked. He read over his blueprints.
"Well, I suppose the Maractite Battle Duck could have more power than the Super
Attack Pea." Curse smiled. "Thank you, my Queen!"
"My what?" Angel asked in disbelief.
"He thinks I'm his queen just because I found
him in the Lost Desert." Duel sighed. Angel couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh shush."
A scream was heard from outside the door. Duel and Angel ran over and flung
the door open just in time to see three Shoyrus running down the hall, yelling
and screaming. Duel immediately recognized Auo, but she could figure out the
other two.
"Good gravy!" one of the Shoyrus yelled, running
down the hall.
"That isn't right!" the other shrieked, running
behind the first one.
"Brain bleach! Need brain bleach!" Auo screeched.
Duel looked down the hall and couldn't help but yell out in fear. Some Shoyru
had turned himself Mutant.
"Stop, don't run!" he yelled after Auo and the
others. "I can change myself back! I promise!"
"Something tells me someone shouldn't
have played with a portable Lab Ray," Angel muttered.
"There's a portable Lab Ray?" Duel asked.
"There is now." The Shoyru looked over at Angel
and Duel.
"Guys?" he asked. Duel looked at the Shoyru.
"Wait, Nik?" she asked, quiet confused. The Shoyru
nodded. "Nik, what happened to you?"
Nik sighed. "Auo, the others, and I were trying
out a potion to turn meat into vegetables. I got too close and I accidentally
bumped into Auo, who was holding the potion. The potion spilled on me, and I
turned into this hideous monster."
Angel raised one of her eyebrows. "By any chance,
were you using a Shoyru Transmogrification Potion?" Nik said nothing. "I thought
so. How'd you get it, anyway?"
"Auo bought it the other day. It was supposed
to be a prank for his brother, Pantherz, but his owner already shipped him off
to here."
"Kinda risky, wasn't it?" Angel asked with a
smirk on her face.
"I guess so…" Nik looked at the ground in a guilty
"Here, come on inside. I think I've got something
to change you back." Angel walked back into the room with Nik tailing her. Duel
was the last to enter the room. She saw Nik sitting shamefully on his bed, and
Angel was rummaging through her suitcase. Curse was examining Nik closely, and
muttering things like "such a good test subject," and "I wonder who he works
for," until Duel finally got fed up and kicked Curse to get him to stop.
"Aha!" Angel exclaimed from her suitcase. "Got
"Got what?" Nik, Duel, and Curse asked in unison.
Angel stood up and held a Shoyru Morphing Potion in her hands. Curse's jaw dropped
and his eyes gleamed with excitement.
"Oh no you don't," Duel said bitterly. She knew
what was coming next, so she bent down and scooped Curse up off the floor. "This
potion's for Nik. Right?"
"Right," Angel said. "Unfortunately, it's only
a Yellow Shoyru Morphing Potion. You can't change back to Island."
"Well, it's better than Mutant," Nik said. He
got up and snatched the potion from Angel's hands and chugged the whole thing
down his throat. Almost instantly, a yellow spark of magic flew around Nik's
mutant-like body, and he started changing from Mutant to Yellow.
Nik looked down at his newly yellow body. "It's
okay. I'll see if my dad can buy me a new Island Paint Brush."
"Well, good luck with that," Duel said. Angel
glanced over to Duel.
"Are…are you okay?" she said hoarsely.
"Yeah, I feel fine."
"Your eyes…" Nik looked over at Duel, and his
jaw dropped like a weight.
"Yeah, Duel, look in the mirror, quick!" Duel
gulped and ran over to the mirror, Curse still in her arms. She gaped at her
reflection; her eyes were turning red, and quickly.
"No…" she muttered, dropping Curse to the ground.
"No, not again." Her eyes started returning back to their normal, green color.
"Duel, what's going on?" Angel demanded.
"Nothing," Duel said coolly. "It's okay now."
She took a cloth and wiped the make up off her face. She then walked over to
the water container and poured herself a cup of water. "Man, I was thirsty,"
she muttered. After that, Duel climbed up the ladder to her bed.
"You're going to sleep?" Nik asked.
"Yeah," Duel said. "I'm a little tired from earlier.
Good night." She clambered under the sheets.
"Good night," Nik and Angel replied.
Duel groaned and rubbed her eyes awake. Her bladder
hurt and she realized she had to use the bathroom. Duel groaned again and climbed
down the bunk bed late at night. "Stupid water," she muttered to herself as
she touched the ground and walked over to the door. She opened it up and quietly
went out into the hall, tip-toeing towards the girls' bathroom.
Duel stumbled over something, and she made a
loud noise. Duel swore angrily without noticing that Mega had opened up the
door to his room. "Duel?"
Duel spun around. "Oh, it's only you," she sighed.
"You okay? Where you going?"
"Bathroom," Duel said. "And I'm fine. I just
tripped over the trash bin." She bent down and fixed the trash bin so that it
stood upright and she quickly threw all the garbage that had fallen out back
into the bin. Duel stood back up and smiled at Mega.
"Oh," Mega said. "Okay, but get back in your
room quickly. I don't want you getting caught." Mega retreated back into his
room, and Duel ran towards the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Duel walked out of the girls'
bathroom and the sound of a flushing toilet filled the hall. Duel hoped no one
would hear her as she crept down the hall back towards her room. As Duel passed
by Tamer's room, she heard voices. Angry voices. Duel looked over at the door;
it was cracked open a little bit and light was showing through it. Duel tip-toed
over to the crack and peered inside. Duel almost gasped at the sight. Tamer
was awake and yelling at someone, his helmet tight on his head. Jhudora towered
over him, growling with anger.
"For the last time, Jhudora, I said no!" Tamer
yelled. "I'm not coming back with you!"
"But you were my best apprentice," Jhudora cooed.
"You're coming back!"
"No!" Tamer roared. "I have my own business now!"
"You're going to have to make up all those neopoints
you stole from me!" Jhudora boomed. Purple clouds filled the room, just like
what happened to Ray. Jhudora grabbed Tamer's hand, but he quickly kicked Jhudora
in the stomach, making her stumble back. "You'll regret doing that," Jhudora
said darkly. She pointed her staff at Tamer and green lightning came out of
it, zapping Tamer. He screamed out in pain and was knocked into the wall. "I'll
be back for you one of these days, kid." The purple clouds covered Jhudora,
and she was gone.
"Tamer!" Duel cried. She flung the door open
and ran inside. Tamer was lying on the ground next to the wall. Duel fell to
her knees, speechless. Tamer's helmet had fallen off when he made contact with
the wall, and the helmet now lay next to him. His brown hair had fallen into
his eyes, but Duel could figure his eyes were closed.
"I…I…" Duel stammered. She quickly put her ear
to his heart. He was still alive, but unconscious.
"Tamer? Are you - Duel?" Duel spun around and
saw Mega standing in the doorway, looking astonished. "Duel, what happened to
Tamer?" Duel stood up and said nothing. "Duel! What did you do?"
"Tamer…" Duel muttered. She looked up at Mega.
"His name isn't Tamer…"
Mega blinked. "What? I know my own dad. His name
is the Shoyru Tamer."
"No, it isn't," Duel said, slightly louder. "Months
ago, Sammy's best friend, Ray, was kidnapped by Jhudora. The other night she
had a dream of what happened on that day. Just a few minutes ago, Jhudora kept
telling Tamer to come back with her."
"What are you - ?"
"Last night, Dino Master appeared at the door.
Dino Master is really Adam, another one of Sammy's friends. When Tamer took
off his helmet, Adam looked like he knew Tamer really well."
"Duel, what are you talking - ?"
"Tamer really isn't the Shoyru Tamer, Mega! His
name is - !"
"Ray." Duel and Mega looked over at Tamer. He
had woken up, and he was now staggering to his feet. "Duel's right, Mega," he
said. "My name isn't Tamer. It's Ray."
To be continued...