The Discovery of Altador by marianne364
The sun was setting in the distance in this ancient new
world. The dim light it left behind reflected on the marble steps. The winds blew
mightily against me as I climbed the steps to the Altadorian Archives. I entered
a dimly lit room, and I was immediately greeted by an old Archivist named Finneus.
With a concerned look, he mindlessly told me to take a seat. As a mature neopet,
I was permitted to study with him every once in a while. I was known as his apprentice,
his student.
I did as I was told, and sat down. The room was
a mess. Piles of notes, books, and instruments of all types were scattered on
the floor, shelves, and tables. Finneus looked around, as if something were
bothering him. He finally decided to sit down, but did not dare look at me.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked politely.
He jumped at the sound of my voice, as if he
did not know I was there. Looking slightly reassured, he calmed down, but still
looked concerned.
"Oh, do not worry about that. It does not concern
you, and there is nothing you can do about it," he answered.
Finneus had awakened my curiosity, and I definitely
wanted to know more. What could be bothering an archivist like him? It had to
be serious. As I was dreaming of all the possibilities, he pushed over a map
of Altador on my side of the table. He muttered something about finding a distance,
but he seemed so concerned that he could not concentrate.
"Master Finneus, what is wrong? What has upset
you so much that you can not concentrate on Altador's geography?" I asked.
This time, he looked straight at me as I asked
the question. The archivist took a deep breath before answering my question.
"Dear child, you ask such a simple question for
such a complicated answer. But I will tell it to you. As I was studying last
night, something caught my attention. It was a sign, dear child, a sign. And
do you know what it meant?" he said.
"No, I cannot say I do," I answered.
"Our land will be discovered soon. I do not know
by whom or exactly when. We will be hidden no longer," he declared.
I was in shock. I did not know what to say. As
a reply, I simply told Finneus that he was not in a good state for teaching,
and that I was leaving. He walked me to the door, and I descended the marble
steps a lot more quickly then I had ascended them a few minutes earlier.
As I was walking the distance between the Altadorian
Archives and my home, I caught a light at the top of a cliff. More alert than
ever, I dropped my belongings on the ground and ran towards the cliff. The wind
blew against my face as I ran as fast as I could out of the city and through
the green fields of Altador. I was almost out of breath when I reached the cliff.
Trying to ignore my fear of heights, I stuck my paws in the dirt walls. It sure
was high. I started to feel slightly dizzy, but I went on. I tried to think
of other things as I climbed, but what was really on my mind was what Finneus
had said.
I finally reached the top of the cliff, and beautiful
scenery was unveiled before me. The last light the sun cast was shining upon
the sea as it slowly disappeared. Stars were visible in the dark blue sky, and
the moon was pale in the distance. It slowly grew darker as time went by and
I could not help but feel that I had to stop and watch. The lights in the city
flickered on and off in different buildings. It was a spectacular sight.
I would have stayed
there forever if something had not reminded me why I had come. I heard a sound
coming from behind. I turned around to see two dark figures not too far away
from me. Paralyzed by fear, but motivated by curiosity, I took a few steps towards
"Who are you?" the voices cried in perfect harmony.
The two dark figures had just lit a lantern,
and their faces were now visible. They were two young neopets, but they seemed
different than the ones here. They did not look wise and in fact, they looked
quite foolish. They had strange clothes that no one here would ever wear, or
even think of wearing.
"It is not important who I am. But I am wondering,
who are you? And how did you get here? You do not look like you come from this
region; do you come from beyond the sea?" I answered.
A look of hesitation came upon their faces. As
young neopets, they had probably been told many times not to talk to strangers.
"Well, I am not sure exactly where we are. I
have never heard of a world like this one. But I can tell you that we come from
Faerieland. We had managed to get in Queen Fyora's castle and we came upon a
portal. Back then, we did not know that it was a portal, but it is obvious now
that we are here," answered the one on my right.
This must have been the discovery that Finneus
was talking about. Two neopets, coming from an other world and landing in ours.
Those were the two neopets that had discovered Altador. Though I told myself
that they were quite harmless, I could not bring myself to believe it. I should
always be on my guard, but being friendly could not hurt.
"If you want, I will give you food and shelter
for the night. But first, we must make sure that there is a portal on this side
so that you can both go back home." I said.
I followed the two neopets until we reached a
very illuminated spot. They told me that this was where they had landed, and
we concluded that the portal must work on both sides.
I told them to follow me to my home. We climbed
down the cliff with difficulty, but with each step, I felt slightly better.
We walked through the green fields without being bothered. When we arrived at
the city gates, a crowd of Neopians came over to see us. They all asked me who
those neopets were. They figured that they were not from here, so the two neopets
and I ran all the way to my home and barricaded ourselves in there.
I invited them to sit down at the dinner table
while I prepared some Altadorian olive salad and Altadorian bread and served
some nectar of the heroes. The two of them enjoyed the food. Between each bite,
they asked me a question about Altador and our traditions. By the end of the
meal, they knew almost everything there was to know about Altador.
I gave them both a room to sleep in, and we all
went to bed late, after a long evening discussion.
The next morning, I woke up to some laughing
a giggling. The two neopets were already up and awake. They did not hesitate
on the noise.
"Good morning," they said to me as I arrived
in the dining room.
"Good morning," I replied, half asleep.
I took out some ionic bread and Altadorian sun
cheese for breakfast. They were delighted with the food, and even asked for
second helpings. Pleased that they liked our food, I could not help wondering
what it was like in their world. I was about to ask them to tell me about it
when I heard a knock on the door.
I opened the door and found an excited Finneus
staring back at me.
"Is it true? Is it true that you have two neopets
from another world in your home?" he asked eagerly.
"Yes, it is," I replied.
Finneus ran in to my home and found himself staring
at the two neopets, like they were some kind of newly discovered specimen.
"We need to get them back, now! Show me the portal!"
he said as he grabbed the two neopets and pulled them away from their plates
of bread and cheese.
Suddenly feeling that I had made a serious mistake
by letting them stay in Altador and telling them all about this ancient world,
I started running towards the cliff.
I had to climb it once more, but this time, I
felt more secure. We walked all the way to the light, which did not seem as
strong during the day.
"Thank you for everything. We will never forget
you," the two neopets said as they waved goodbye and stepped in to the portal.
I felt tears running down my cheeks. Finneus
put his wing on my shoulder.
"There, there. It is better off this way," he
said as we walked back towards the cliff.
The End