The Five Sacred Stones of Geraptiku: Part One by dan4884
Part One: The Sight Stone
Deep in the jungles of Mystery Island is a deserted village
named Geraptiku. It was destroyed centuries ago by an unknown force. The ruins
still lie on the northern shores of the island. They were hidden until very
recently, when a team of intrepid explorers rediscovered the crumbled buildings
and abandoned homes. Shadowing the dilapidated buildings was a sprawling tomb
filled with booby traps and a rumored treasure.
What stumped the archaeologists, however, was
what happened to the citizens of Geraptiku. They couldn't tell if they deserted
the town, or if something killed them off. They found many remnants broken and
shattered, which led the scientists to believe there was a struggle. But they
couldn't figure out why they were attacked or by whom, for it seemed like the
people of Geraptiku were peaceful before this struggle. There simply wasn't
enough evidence to show what happened. So the archaeologists gave up and left.
The town still stands deserted today, the mystery of what happened all those
years ago still left unsolved.
That was the mystery of Geraptiku. I was the
one who solved it.
Bitter cold waves washed over my body, waking
me from my afternoon nap on the beach. I coughed as the water filled my mouth,
and I sat up quickly. The water rolled back into the sea, now flecked with white.
My fur was drenched, leaving me shivering. I leaped up and scampered back into
the jungle, hopping over the sharp shell pieces half-buried in the dark brown
As I traipsed through the thick jungle, I tried
to shake off as much as water as I could from my rosy red Gelert body. Despite
what I did to dry off, I was still freezing down to the bone, which just goes
to show that life on Mystery Island doesn't always leave you warm.
To be honest, my life here was amazing. I would
never leave it for as long as I live. It'd be like leaving my soul. I never
had to worry about anything here. I had a small shack, but truthfully that was
all I needed. When I wanted food, the strange berries that populated the island
were always just outside my window, and I could take as many as I want. And
best of all, I never had to work.
Most of my days were spent on my own private
beach. No one had ever ventured through the dense jungle on the side of the
island I lived on, and therefore the beaches were bare. In fact, almost all
of my life was spent alone. Although many people can't live alone for whatever
reason, I thrived in the solitary way of life. I'm a very introverted person,
I guess.
The only thing that bothered me was this sense
that I got from time to time. Every so often, a feeling would well up in the
pit of my heart, telling me to go out and do something out of the ordinary.
I felt I had to do something to make my mark on the world. Living alone on a
beach was all well and good, but now and then, this emotion would scream at
me from the inside. Usually, I'd just suppress it, but it still comes back occasionally.
I made my way to my small but ample shack and
entered through a sliding screen door with a long rip down the length of it.
I grabbed a light red towel that was hanging from a clothesline draped across
the two-room hut and dried my matted fur as much as I could. I instantly felt
warmer now that I was dry. I went outside and picked a basketful of assorted
berries. I grabbed a lot of Starberries, as I was especially partial to their
taste. I ate on a hammock outside my hut, as usual, watching the sunset and
the stars rise overhead. I fell asleep; all the while thinking life was wonderful.
I awoke the next morning refreshed and energized
for another day of relaxation and all around laziness. I replaced the fruit
basket in my hut and walked through the jungle, still deciding what to spend
my day doing. I settled on taking a small day trip to Geraptiku to check out
the Deserted Tomb.
Every so often I would venture into the more
civilized part of Mystery Island. I didn't make a habit of it, though, because
the idea of large cities made me sick. Even the small arrangement of huts that
housed the Tombola and tourist shops was too large for me. I did go to Geraptiku
more often, however, as it was deserted. I liked to explore the Deserted Tomb
and see what came of it.
So that's what I decided to do today. I grabbed
a small pack and hiked through the rain forest towards the city on the northwestern
part of the island. The walk was easy, as it was flat terrain with a lot of
moisture. And I was used to it, of course. I arrived in the dank, gloomy town
after a few hours, and immediately entered the empty tomb.
After a few years of living here, I had a general
idea where not to go, and avoided all the booby traps I had committed to memory.
However, the tomb was so intricate and dark that I promptly got lost after losing
the light source from the entrance, just a few minutes after entering. I slid
my paw across the walls as I searched for anything that might be of interest.
Every so often, the wall would disappear, indicating a doorway, and my hand
would involuntarily fall forward, causing me to stumble a bit.
I continued this slow search process until I
saw something I'd never seen so far into the labyrinth: light. There was a light
source flowing out of a room up ahead. Intrigued, I walked forward to examine.
I entered the room slowly to find a small piece of the ceiling had collapsed
and fallen through, leaving a bright light shining into the room. It took a
few moments for my eyes to adjust, but when they did, I found a small pedestal
in the center of the room. Lying on the platform was a small, almond-shaped
I picked it up and examined it closely. There
were engravings all along it, and they seemed to say something, but what I had
no idea. There was a different colored circle on one side of the almond shape,
and when I looked closer, I realized the whole stone looked like an eye.
And as soon as I discovered that, the circle
in the center of the eye burst into light, as if it knew what I was thinking.
Shocked, I dropped it onto the podium. The light coming from the stone was changing
colors, and as I looked around, I noticed that the light was shining onto the
wall. I watched it, and suddenly I saw a scene in the light. The stone was trying
to show me something!
The image became clearer, and I realized it was
showing me Geraptiku. But there was something different about it. I noticed
after a moment that people were living there! This was the Geraptiku of centuries
After another moment of transfixed watching,
I saw that there was something wrong in the scene. The town was on fire, and
people were screaming as loud as they could, but I didn't hear anything. I couldn't
believe what I was seeing. The village was being destroyed before my eyes, and
I couldn't do a thing to help. It brought tears to my eyes, which surprised
me. I'd never been so emotional before. I continued watching the scene, becoming
profoundly saddened by what I was watching.
And then, something happened which interrupted
the scene on the wall. The colors streaming in from the hole in the ceiling
changed, and I heard a scream from outside. Simultaneously, the stone's scene
flickered a bit, and suddenly it shut off completely. The stone was just a stone
again, nothing more. I glanced up, and heard more screams and then an explosion,
which shook the tomb. Something was happening outside. I grabbed the eye stone
just in case I might need it later, and hurried to find the way out.
I noticed in the process of finding the way
out of the labyrinth that something was different. It was lighter inside the
tomb, and there was much less ivy growing along the walls. There were hardly
any cracks in the ground, and places that had caved in before now stood solid.
Something was amiss. After a short while of searching, I found the exit. It
wasn't too difficult, as I listened for the screams and followed them. What
I saw when I exited the building shocked me.
The scene I had watched on the wall in the tomb
was now playing out in front of my eyes, destruction and all.
To be continued...