Princess of Erodaire III: Part Three by christinetran
The moment my eyes fluttered open, I didn't feel the repetitive
bump bump of the wheels as they slowly slid over the rocky road. I couldn't
feel the warm sunshine on my face, and I wasn't laying on the purple, velvet seats
that were in the carriage. Instead, I was laying on a Royal Oak Bed, a few pretty
pink pillows surrounded me, and a comforting blanket was draped upon my body.
My eyes fluttered once more before I sat up and stretched; I was in a strange
room. I glanced around; all of my satchel bags were piled upon the floor, and
the entire room was empty except for three doors located in the center of the
other three walls. The wood was filled with knots and had a few scratches on it,
much to my dismay. There weren't any windows in here either. It was a dismal place.
I stretched once again and slid off the bed
and onto the cold, wooden floor. It took me a few seconds to be able to stand
straight, since my legs felt weak; I must've slept for a long time. When my
legs finally awoke themselves, I crossed the room and opened the door opposite
my bed.
"Ooph," I said angrily as I shielded my eyes
from the bright moonlight. I blinked a few times before I was able to see clearly
again; before me I saw a large, square window bordered in pastel green curtains
that hung to the floor. Kreludor seemed as if it were hanging right outside
my window since it looked so incredibly bright and large; I looked into the
distance, but all I could see was miles and miles of green grass, rolling in
the wind. I withdrew my eyes away from the window and looked around the room
I was in now. It was long and narrow; it was as wide as the width of the room
before, and it had no doors...only one, large window. Sighing, I glanced out
the window once more, staring absently at the endless land. It didn't take long
for me to realize where I was.
I was finally in the Endless Plains, the place
where the Summer Castle is located.
With even slower steps, I turned around and
walked back into my room, carefully walking over and around the many bags that
were littered upon the floor. I felt uneasy for some odd reason, and also as
if I didn't belong here...that was no surprise, though. Just as I was about
to jump into my bed, I tripped over one of my smaller bags and landed face first
upon the hard floor.
"Oh, as if life couldn't be any more unfair,"
I muttered angrily to myself as I brushed some dust off my face. With shaking
hands, I pushed myself up into a sitting position and rested my head on my bed's
soft mattress. Luck definitely wasn't with me today.
As I sat there, my mind started to wander like
it always did. Faint images of my mother flashed in my mind, her soft eyes,
her warm smile, her soothing voice. I always had faint dreams of me as a baby,
laying in her arms and looking up at her serene face as she sung me a lullaby.
When I was with her, it was almost like we were the only ones in Neopia...she
made me feel like I was one of a kind. She was a great mother.
"Then why did she leave..." I whispered to myself,
keeping the tears the threatened to spill intact. Instinctively, my hand flew
to my neck in search of the silver chain that I expected to be there; I was
disappointed when I discovered that it wasn't, and reluctantly placed my hand
back down on the floor quickly.
My ears perked up when I heard that hollow sound.
I quickly tapped the floor once more. Thump The empty sound resonated
in my ears; there was a space underneath the floor of my room. My hands started
moving along the floor, trying to find some sort of latch or knob that will
reveal this hidden place, but I couldn't find anything. Whatever was beneath
my floor was unreachable. I groaned in frustration as I realized this uncomforting
fact and pounded my fist angrily upon the floor. The hollow thump sound
filled the room once more, almost as if it was taunting me at the fact that
I couldn't discover it's hidden secrets. Determination filled my mind in an
instant. I needed to know what was underneath my floor.
I once again pounded my fist upon the floor,
harder this time, but the only reaction was a louder thump noise. Frustrated
once again, I pounded both my fists even harder upon the smooth, wooden floor.
This time, there was a slight improvement. I heard a small crack, and I bent
down to inspect the floor. My eyes flickered around the golden yet dark wood
until they finally rested on a small crack upon the floor. I brought my hands
up once more and pounded them down even harder onto the floor. The crack became
For a few minutes I continued pounding on the
floor until I was finally able to stick my hand through the crack. At first,
the only thing I felt was stone...stone that was as cold as ice. My hand touched
a few cobwebs of Spyders here and there, and I could feel the dirt and dust
build up on my arm. Finally, my hand landed on something that felt smooth and
leathery. It was a rectangular shape, and I could feel little bumps on it's
front. I quickly grabbed the object and pull it through the wide crack. It was
a book.
"How did this get down here..." I whispered
to myself and brushed off the many years of dust that layered it's surface.
It was colored a dark red with a black binding, and the bumps along it's surface
created strange figures on the cover. I traced the bumps slowly with my finger
and tried to recall any language upon Neopia that followed this foreign script,
but I came up with nothing. Carefully, I lifted the cover slowly to the first
page, and another dust covered page met my eyes.
With a flick of my wrist, I cleared off most
of the dust and was able to see golden-colored words printed both neatly and
straight in the middle of the page. "Property of Rune: Caretaker of the Erodairian
Children of Royalty," I whispered as I read the words slowly. "Rune? I've never
heard of him before..." I said to myself before I carefully turned the page
once more. "I'm pretty sure he won't mind me intruding in his journal..."
Brushing the dirt off the next page once more,
I was able to see Rune's small, neat handwriting printed all over the page in
a golden colored ink. I turned to the next few pages as well, and they all resembled
the beginning. I bit my lip and flipped back to the first page after examining
the other's and read, "Month of Eating. The 14th Day...
The King and Queen of Erodaire are quite
happy today, for they have an egg. An egg! My dear, finally after many months
of a heir-less kingdom, now Erodaire has a heir! Of course, the egg is the nephew
of the Queens, but the Royal Blood still runs thick and strong in the dear boy.
I cannot wait until his hatching, and then I shall have a little Prince to teach
about the manners of royalty, and give him an education worthy of the Mighty
Faerie's Above. Doctor Naelone informed the King and Queen that the egg shall
hatch in a few months, most likely during the middays of Collecting. That is
five months away, and I do believe that I shall not be able to dawdle about
the castle with nothing to do for that long. I do declare, if I weren't the
King and the King's Grandfather's caretaker back in the olden days, I would
be immediately thrown out the castle. Now that would be a dear tragedy, would
it not?
I stopped reading after the first paragraph,
mostly because I was confused by the beginning. I had no idea which generation
of King and Queens this certain caretaker was speaking of, and I dearly hoped
that he wasn't talking about my father. It would pain me to know that I'm not
related to my father, and that all these past years were a mere lie. Sighing,
I glanced down at the page once more and continued to read the journal entries...
Now, I shall quit talking about the good things of life, for life isn't all
good. War rests upon the eaves of Erodaire currently. The enemy kingdom, the kingdom
of Lorezai, has already sent his troops a few miles north of the main gate of
Erodaire. I wish to fight them already, for their presence has already brought
much stress and weight upon the King's shoulders. I am still able to wield a sword,
and although most say that I speak with the words of an old one, I am still quite
young at heart and form. I feel in my bones that Lorezai's attack shall come soon;
the generals of Erodaire's army had already rallied their soldiers to the weakest
points of Erodaire, and so-and-so soldiers are already stationed at the four towers.
Weeks before, I begged the King to let me follow in the general's steps and help
defend the kingdom as well, but he quickly said no. Even if I am a few dozens
age older than his Majesty, I am still able to fight better than he does; I hope
that in the future, Neopians shall judge people by their skill instead of by their
The Serving Shoyrus are coming now...I must
blow out my candle now so that they shall not complain about my lack of sleep.
Ending of the Entry of the 14th Day of the Month
of Eating.
Darn it all, before I end this entry, I have
forgotten to place the most important detail of today's day. The King and Queen
had allowed me the honor of naming the nameless egg, the future king of Erodaire.
I have a few names in mind, but I have already decided on one that sounds both
kingly and kind. It's the perfect name for the King of Erodaire.
I had decided on his name to be Prince Alastare...
To be continued...