Hopeless by fip
She was perfect in every way.
Her hair, long and auburn, gently framed her
clear, pale face. She had deep blue eyes, a lightly freckled nose and rose coloured
lips that were always smiling.
Her wings, delicate yet strong at once, backgrounded
her body. A tall, slender body, which usually sported a delicate pale blue dress
that just barely scraped her knees.
She was perfect.
I should have hated her, but I couldn't. She
was too nice to be hated.
And she was my best friend.
"Hi there!" she said to me cheerfully, flashing
me a dazzling smile. I could barely count how many straight, white teeth she
"Oh... hey, Feona," I said casually, stuffing
my diary into my slightly tattered, second-hand Faerie Back Pack. As much as
it would have flattered her to see what I wrote about her, that wasn't quite
a hope of mine.
"Listen, do you still need my Science notebook?"
she asked, shifting to lean on one foot. "You told me earlier that you needed
it, I don't know if you still do..."
"Oh..." I said stupidly, staring for a moment
at my friend's curious blue eyes before snapping out of my trance. "Oh, yeah...
I need to copy to my notebook some stuff I missed yesterday,"
The Faerie smiled again, and just then I noticed
she was holding her notebook the whole time. "Here you go."
I took the notebook with a mumble of "Thanks,"
and was immediately filled with jealousy. Her notebook, unlike mine, was perfect
looking - just like her. I recognized the wings and cloudy background - it was
an Angelic Notebook. In perfect condition, I should add. I tried desperately
to push away from my mind the image of my Tatty and Red Notebooks.
"Anyway, I have to go now," she said brightly.
"I have Flute practice with Jelavo."
"The Jelavo?" I blurted out before I could
stop myself, barely containing my awe. Jelavo was a well known musician that
often performed all around Neopia... and Feona was taught by him. Well...
she wouldn't be perfect otherwise, I guess, I thought bitterly.
Feona nodded, and sending me a last bright smile,
she waved and flew off. I couldn't help staring after her, watching how her
hair didn't even ruffle in the wind, and her dress didn't have even the least
stain of dirt. I looked down at my outfit - a purple T-Shirt with a big flower
and a long pink skirt - and felt silly. My clothes were like garbage next to
Feona's. She was so perfect that it was hard to believe that not only were the
two of us Faeries... we were also best friends.
"Hey, you there... ugly!" I heard a leering call.
I spun around, and was alarmed to see the Sweet Six standing in front of me,
blocking my way past them (and turning my back on them wasn't even an option
if I wanted to keep on leading my life).
Let me explain. The Sweet Six, which by the way,
aren't quite as sweet as their name, are the clique of the 'popular girls' in
our school (The Private Faerie Institution). They seemed pretty and nice at
a first glance, but once you got to know them, you'd discover they are cruel
and quite ugly on the inside. They gossiped, lied, spread rumours and mainly
insulted anything not as popular as them. In this case... it was me.
"W-what?" I stammered, trying to sound brave.
I prayed my knobby knees weren't shaking.
"Stay away from Feona," one of them - I think
it was their 'co-leader' - said nastily.
Feona? I wondered. Why Feona?
"And if- if I don't?" I stammered nervously.
"If you don't..." one of the Sweet Six started
in a threatening tone.
I knew she didn't have to finish the sentence.
I also knew I should have nodded obediently and ran away, but I couldn't allow
myself to be humiliated by them. Again.
"S-says who?" I stuttered.
"Do you really want to know?" Kyra, the leader
of the Sweet Six, sneered. She turned around, and the rest of the Faeries trailed
after her, not before sending me a dirty look.
"Maybe they're right," I murmured to myself miserably.
"Maybe I don't even deserve to have friends as perfect as Feona. I'm just a
lowly Faerie, not even a specific Faerie - just a Faerie. Feona, on the other
hand, is a perfect Earth Faerie. Everyone loves her because she's so great on
the outside and the inside. But me--"
"What on Neopia are you mumbling on about, dear?"
I nearly jumped a mile in the air. I barely stopped
myself from doing that, but the squeak that came out of my mouth wasn't in my
"Mother! What are you DOING here?"
The elder Faerie smiled, just barely. The same
polite smile she gave all of her acquaintances, fellow Faeries. The same smile.
"I'm not here for you," she said calmly. "I just
stopped by to say hello. I was actually on my way to-"
"Let me guess... the secret place you are at
whenever you're not home, which is all the time?" I filled in, rolling my eyes.
Mother's silver eyes narrowed, and she said firmly,
"You are not being respectful, and I will not allow you to act with such disrespect,"
I opened my mouth to retort, then clamped it
shut. No point to make my bad day even worse. I spun around and walked away.
I didn't even have to turn around to know she
wasn't waiting for me. Calling for me.
I sat in my purple room (a color I had picked
when I was much younger), holding my Huggy Bear and silently weeping.
"Why does it have to be like this, Tebs?" I whispered
to the inanimate object. As emotionless it was, I was most attached to it out
of everyone. "Why? How is Feona so perfect, and Mother so famous, and the Sweet
Six so fearfully respected, and just I'm so... so... such a nothing!"
Tebs nodded understandingly. Or so I felt, at
least. I suppose I felt so alone that even stuffed bears seemed to care
about me more than friends or family.
Of course, Feona was caring, and that
was the whole problem. She was so perfect, so understanding... yet she knew
nothing about me really.
I was just a nothing.
I flinched at hearing the cheerful call. I slowly
and dreadfully turned around.
"Hey, Feona," I said quietly. "Well, listen,
I really have to go... so I'll see you later, and, umm..."
"Hey, hey!" she laughed. "What's the hurry? School
hasn't even started yet!"
"Um... it's just, uhh... I- I really..." I looked
around, hoping for an excuse. I couldn't tell her about my little 'chat' with
the Sweet Six, of course. "I just remembered I have to take a book from the
school library. See you later..."
I didn't go to the school library, of course.
I ignored Feona's call, and ran off. I just went to the bathroom, locked myself
in a cubicle and waited. Waited and waited, until the bell finally rung.
I then exited the bathroom after a quick glance
in the mirror (and then a grimace at the reflection), trying to look normal
and hoping that I wouldn't meet the Sweet Six or Feona on the way. I had a bad
feeling that the Sweet Six had seen me in the morning with Fe--
"Hey, jerk,"
My froze in spot, and my heart sunk to my feet.
I recognized that voice.
"H-hi, Ky- Kyra..." I stammered, slowly backing
"Aw, isn't it cute?" Kyra sneered. "The poor
little Faerie is afraid of us... where are you going, ugly?"
I slowly let the insults, one after another,
sink in, as the other Sweet Six snickered. And no one around did anything. No
"We're watching you, you know," Kyra said, more
seriously now. She narrowed her eyes. "We saw you this morning with Feona. Don't
you remember--"
"Why do you care about her, anyway?" I blurted
out before I could stop myself. I blushed furiously, expecting the Sweet Six
to get angry.
"We have our reasons," one of the other Faeries
said haughtily. "Just stay away from her."
I turn around and ran.
"I need to speak with you,"
I looked up in surprise. It was Dr. Elken, the
Mathematics teacher. His blue Gelert face was usually wrinkled, either from
a wide smile on his face or because of being deep in concentration in an equation.
That was what made his classes my favorite, that and the fact I was a genius
at Mathematics.
This time, however, Dr. Elken wasn't smiling -
his face was quite serious. I was immediately worried.
"Why? What happened?"
The Gelert sighed, and handed me a paper gravely.
I recognized it as the Mathematics exam we had last week. My Mathematics
"What's wrong with it?" I asked confusedly. A
moment later, though, I realized - and I gasped.
"A D minus?" I yelped. "What- but -- how
can it be?"
"I'm sorry, but your exam was unsatisfactory,"
he said sadly, turned around and left.
Holding the failing exam to my chest, I leaned
against the wall and collapsed on the ground.
I couldn't take it anymore.
That very same Faerie, the Faerie that never
seemed perfect enough to her mother, felt useless next her best friend and felt
like a failure, grew up into Neopia's most known Faerie ever. The most respected
Faerie that Faerieland ever knew, the very Faerie that Neopians today all over
Neopia admire and worship.
That very same Faerie is now the Queen of
Faerieland, the Faerie Queen... Fyora.
The End