Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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What Grey Lupes Need

by cazzyae

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A Bad Dream
"Ha. No matter how hard every pirate acts, they are a total softie about makeup."

by anna_invincible


Unquenchable: Part Four
With a shock, he realized that every face was turned toward him. And unless there was something he didn’t see, they didn’t look terribly kind anymore...

by haannsolo


Tropical Tragedy: Search for the Jungly Jem: Part Two
As we approached the bamboo door, it sprung open magically. To me, it was scary. Doors aren’t supposed to shoot open without anyone pushing it...

by cheopspyramid


Completely Silly and Insane
Poor, poor Oldek.

by magickrystal32

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