Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 118,827,471 Issue: 239 | 12th day of Hunting, Y8
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All in a Neopian Day

by confuzerated

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Disastrous Dubloons
High scores can hurt...

by ethan_redshaw


Lesson 271: Take Your Pet to the Groomers
Time for your haircut!

by _mauwie_


Insanity Sparx
*growl... spin... bite!*

Also by kioasakka

by flamefox12


The Dummy's Guide to Extreme Herder
Samrin is a Kacheek who has an outrageous number of petpets, and doesn't seem to mind them running around like idiots until, of course, the big bad Lupe, Balthazar, comes trudging in looking for lunch...

by xd0rkyaznpridex

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