The Soul of Maraqua: Part Two by grapesourhorse
Cyn and Atom was weighed down with the weight of Fardeep
and Naracissus. The small White Peophin was small and still, and as light as a
feather. Even the strong Fardeep's muscles had been frozen with exhaustion and
"Where will we take them?" Atom fretted. "We
can't take them to the hospital-it sounded like someone was looking for them.
And this little one will not let go of that box."
Cyn shook his head practically. "They must come
from a very long time ago," he suggested, "preserved by stone. The little one
and this one here will have an interesting explanation for us. And besides,
what is the Heart of Maraqua? The Soul? The Body? The Depths? We do not know
what these are, and you are the smartest in all of Maraqua, Atom."
Atom blushed but no one saw in the gloomy darkness.
"We must take them to my house. I have a very large first aid kit. And you know
how many bedrooms I have."
Cyn nodded. "All right. Let's get them there."
It was awkward traveling through the busy city
of Maraqua. Many of the citizens whispered about the Eyrie and the Uni carrying
two unconscious Peophins on their backs. It was a great relief when they reached
the shelter of Atomasphere's magnificent underwater home.
"Put the little one here, and put Fardeep here,"
Atom instructed, gesturing towards her largest Guest Room. Two beds on opposite
sides were there, blankets at the ready for guests.
"Stop calling her that," said Cyn crossly. "Her
name is Naracissus and Aresto said that she was very important. Or that box
is. Whatever."
Atom lay down the delicate Peophin under the
covers and sighed. She had still not released the box. Atom wondered what would
happen if she tried to remove the box from Narcissus's hooves, but decided against
it. She tucked the covers up to the White Peophin's chin and tucked it in.
"Sleep well, rest up, and when you awake, have
a good explanation for us," she murmured softly.
When Fardeep awoke, he was surprised that he
felt good. Not good, in fact-great. Better than he had felt in a long time.
Then, he blinked. He was in a beautiful room, in a comfortable bed. But where
was he?
"Mirilin!" he bellowed, after looking around
the room and seeing no one. He ruefully realized that his call had awakened
The small Peophin rolled over and yawned. "Fardeep?"
she asked nervously.
The brown Peophin swam strongly over to her
and looked at her gently, his expression gentle yet sorrowful, his muscles bunching
and rippling powerfully. "Don't worry, Naracissus," he whispered softly.
The little Peophin's eyes filled with tears.
"Where's Mommy?" she asked.
Fardeep's breath caught. "You don't know where
she is?" he breathed softly.
"No," said the Peophin tremulously, "Mommy told
me to keep the box. So I did. But where's Mommy?" Naracissus started to cry.
The crying roused Atom and Cyn, and they hurried
into the room, gasping. "You awoke," she gasped.
Fardeep frowned, narrowing his solemn eyes.
"Were you our rescuers? Do you know where Narcissus's mother is?"
Atom and Cyn exchanged wide-eyed glances. "Aresto?"
she asked. "Or Mirilin?"
"Mirilin," answered the Peophin, holding his
"Aresto, the multicolored rainbow one, told
us that the Fate of Maraqua depended on HER, the representative of the Soul
of Maraqua," Atom said, jabbing her head crossly at the little Peophin, cowering
behind Fardeep. "We had no idea that Mirilin was Narcissus's mother. If we had
known, we had have brought-"
"She's not here?" the white Peophin asked, her
voice trembling.
"Ahhh," stammered Cyn, "she is. But she isn't.
I mean, she's here, but you can't see her right-"
Atom jabbed her friend with her tail and fibbed
cheerfully, "Little One, Naracissus, you're mother is at the grocery store,
buying ingredients for your favorite soup. She'll be right here soon, but we
need to ask you what happened. How you got in that stone state. And what that
box means for Maraqua."
Fardeep shook his head. "That is for me to explain.
Not Naracissus."
Atom and Cyn shrugged. They did not care who
told the story, only that it was told.
Fardeep sighed and took a deep breath before
saying, "Very well. If you two want to hear, you shall be told."
Fardeep of the Depths paced the room nervously.
He could not believe it-no, he would not believe it.
King Kelpbeard was dead. King Kelpbeard, so
merry and jolly, would never be laughing at the great banquet again. Now, Aegean,
his graceful Peophin friend, would rule over Maraqua. Aegean, so quiet and studious,
such a rule abider, was about to be crowned Queen. Aegean, her fiery red Peophin
coat burning like a sunset, her mane rippling like a bright ray from the sun
up above. The three parts of Maraqua, the Depths, the Heart, and the Body...
Aegean, his best friend... of course, she wasn't his best friend anymore.
Aegean and Fardeep had grown up and grown apart.
Fardeep, so whippet quick, so strong, always planning mortally dangerous adventurous
such as crashing through whirlpools and awakening the giant Slugawoo, whereas
Aegean was quiet and gentle, like a fragile seashell and a sister, always ready
to chastise her daredevil friend.
Of course, it was this that was their undoing.
Fardeep had managed to convince Aegean to come with him to the very tops of
Maraqua, where the ocean met the land up above, the land that Fardeep had so
longingly wanted to visit.
There, he brought a very reluctant Queen to
the dangerous shores of Meridell, and Aegean's new Prime Minister and Advisor
had been waiting for them and had shielded Aegean from the "dangerous" Fardeep,
accused Fardeep of treachery, and chased him out of the Depths of Maraqua. There,
he fled to the Heart of Maraqua, where he stumbled wearily upon a silver Peophin
who introduced herself as Mirilin-who brought him home to her father and let
him stay with them for a while.
There, Fardeep stayed, until he was fully-grown
and impressively strong and skilled. Then, Naracissus had been born to Mirilin,
and only a few years after that had Aegean called on Fardeep. He may have been
banished from the Depths of Maraqua, but Depth blood coursed strongly through
his veins-nothing could deny him his birthright. Mirilin had also been called
upon, for she was one of the few Heart of Maraqua residents whose blood ran
only with Heart blood, not mixed with any other. It was dangerous times and
Mirilin had insisted on taking Naracissus with her, and Fardeep had not protested
There, Fardeep was reunited by Aegean, but she
was so worn and tired, so weary-and Aresto, representative of the Body of Maraqua.
Aegean explained that Maraqua was falling apart. For all these years, it had
just existed. It had no soul. But more than a thousand years ago, a certain
Faerie named Fyora presented the ancient forefathers of Maraqua with a box and
prophesied: "When all seems lost and friend is fighting friend, assemble a group
of five from every three and divine a soul."
Aegean took this to mean that a group of five
nobles from every three parts of Maraqua must be gathered to determine the soul.
Fardeep was placed with a group of four other
nobles from the Depths of Maraqua whose veins ran thick with Depth Blood, but
the box shone for him only. The same happened with Mirilin, and Aresto was already
chosen to represent the Body of Maraqua.
The others were dismissed and Aegean gathered
Aresto, Fardeep, and Mirilin for a meeting. The little Peophin Naracissus made
her way to the wooden box, but the others paid no notice until the box erupted
in a bright light, flashing here and there, illuminating the tiny white Peophin.
Aegean declared that the little Naracissus was
to represent the Soul of Maraqua, and no one could argue with her because they
knew she was speaking the truth. A great responsibility had been bestowed upon
this little Peophin...
back to the present
"Do you understand now?" asked Fardeep quietly.
Atom frowned and shook her head. "That explains
only a mere fragment... what is the Soul of Maraqua? And all the other parts
that were named? And how did you end up in your stone state? What were you doing?"
Fardeep shook his head as well. "That I cannot
tell you," he said.
Cyn objected. "But it's too confusing-"
"Let me explain about our thousand year slumber,
then," said Fardeep quietly. "We were in the room, battling, arrows flying in
the air. I knew we were hopelessly outnumbered. Already, Aresto had fallen trying
to save Mirilin, and Naracissus could not fight out of fear. So I cast a spell
over us all to keep us in eternal and safe slumber until it was safe for us
to return."
"So you turning back to life from stone had
nothing to do with Atomasphere touching that box?" Cyn asked curiously.
Fardeep shook his head. "Nothing whatsoever.
But it is imperative that we find Aresto and Mirilin again. The Heart, the Soul,
the Body, the Depths; together, they can bring an enchantment that can save
Cyn rolled his eyes and shook the Peophin by
his shoulders. "Maraqua doesn't need saving anymore! This is the 21st century!
The need to save Maraqua has passed by a thousand years!"
Naracissus looked shock. "A thousand years?"
she asked tremulously. "But... Aegean must be... "
Cyn quickly interrupted. "Anyways... Maraqua
doesn't need saving anymore."
Fardeep frowned, his serious eyes even a deeper
color. "That's not it. All we know is that we must meet Aegean at the Marapool
and break open the casket."
This time, even Atom was exasperated. "Fardeep,
WAKE UP. Maraqua doesn't need saving anymore. Aegean must have died a long time
Fardeep shook his head. "We have said too much
already. We do not need you anymore, but we thank you for your assistance. We
shall find Mirilin and Aresto ourselves, and we shall break the casket like
it said in the ancient readings. Aegean is not dead; merely preserved in the
Cyn frowned. "No way. You need our help. You're
still injured after getting shot by an arrow, and Naracissus cannot possibly
make the long journey without help, and you can't give it to her. Besides, Mirilin
and Aresto might have obtained injuries. We need to come."
It looked as if Fardeep's common sense and pride
were battling against each other, but he finally admitted, "We are in your debt."
After a minute or so of silence, Fardeep said,
"Naracissus, you need to stay here with Cyn."
"WHAT?" exploded Cyn angrily.
"WHY?" wailed Naracissus.
Cyn and Atom exchanged amused glances. "Because,"
he said in his deep and serious voice, "Naracissus is too young to see what
might be waiting for us at the cove."
Cyn's expression turned grave and understanding,
and he nodded. If something had happened to Aresto or Mirilin, or if they were
not there...
"Naracissus, come with me," the Eyrie said with
forced cheerfulness. "Let me show you something from the land up above that
I found while searching the sunken ships." The Peophin perked up considerably
and trailed after the Eyrie like a puppy chasing after its owner.
"Shall we go?" asked Atomasphere uncomfortably.
The Peophin nodded. "Of course."
To be continued...