Glorious Guilds by lihiaxox
Guilds, guilds, oh glorious guilds! There are so many different kinds of guilds,
so how do you choose which one to join? Well, you want a guild that will describe
you! Your personality, things you're interested in, or maybe just a place to talk
to your friends! If you don't like a guild, try something new! Every guild is
different, so find one that's right for you! Maybe you would like an active guild
where you can talk to your friends every day, all day. Or maybe you would like
a smaller, not as active guild where people come on once or twice a week to talk,
but it's always a blast! No matter what kind of guild you are in, you can always
trust that there will always be something fun for you to do, and someone who you
can talk to once in a while.
If you are going to own a guild, make sure you can handle it. Owning a guild
is a lot of work. You have to handle all the problems and arguments between
members, and it will be up to you to keep the guild up to date. For example,
if you own a guild about the Altador Cup, make sure to update it with who won
the rounds, which team got the highest score, and so on! People love a guild
that's active and up to date! If the guild gets too much to handle, you can
quit leadership and become a regular member, or assign a co-owner who can help
you with everything. Just make sure it's someone you can trust. Advertise for
your guild, but don't spam the boards. If you tell the same person over and
over again to join your guild, the person probably won't join.
If you own a guild, you might get tired of having the same guild, so you would
want to redecorate, or make a whole new guild but have the same members. Before
you decide to do this, you should know that not everyone is going to want to
join the new guild. They may want to stay with the original guild. Maybe this
isn't the first time you've made a new guild and there tired of moving, or maybe
they just like the original guild. You can't force them to join the guild, and
if you make a new guild you might lose half your members, maybe not. Before
you make any huge decisions, talk it over with your guild.
A lot of guilds have guild bashes, or little guild "get-togethers." If you
are going to do this, it's best to do it in your guild and not on the public
boards. It lets everyone see your guild conversations, which is ok but sometimes
they use those conversations against you. Of course, there will always be those
few people who want to ruin the fun, which is another reason to keep the guild
fun in the guild. If you have to have the bashes or get-togethers, you cannot
give out giveaways. It's still against the rules.
There are many reasons why you should join a guild. You can have tons of fun
with games and activities. You can see what other people think about things
on Neopets, like what other people think is the funnest thing about a guild!
For me and lots of others, the funnest thing is meeting people from all over
Neopia! If you're looking for something to do on Neopets, you could always join
a guild! An active one is even better! It gives you something to do every day!
Ok... so you can't give out prizes. Bummer, huh? WRONG! You could always make
an award! Maybe make a banner and use it as an award. That way, your winning
members can show all of Neopia that they are good at Guess The Neopet!
A lot of people think that numbers are important in a guild. Well, it's not
really. Small guilds are fun because you get to know everyone better. Big guilds
are fun too because you get to know more people. You can have a great guild
with 4 members, or 400 members! It doesn't really matter how many members you
have. If you have fun in your guild, stay there! If you don't feel right in
it, it's ok to quit and try something new. Not every guild will be right for
you, and no guild is perfect.
A really good guild is sometimes hard to find. Some things to look for in
a good guild is:
1. An active leader. If the leader isn't active, the members probably aren't
2. Lots of posts. The number of posts will tell you if the members talk to
each other a lot.
3. No fights. If the members get along together, you will probably have more
These are things most people look for in a guild. You don't have to look for
these things. If you want a quiet, inactive guild, that's ok. Some people don't
come on a lot and would feel uncomfortable in a very active guild. If you are
having trouble fitting in to your new guild, give it time. It might take a while
to get used to the new surroundings. You might want to get to know the leader
of the guild, and the members. If they welcome you with open arms (or paws),
it's probably a very friendly guild. But if nobody's on when you join, and nobody
says anything for a day or so, it's probably not an active guild.
You don't have to join a guild. Maybe you have to go to Neoschool and don't
have time to take the classes and go halfway across Cute City to get to your
guild. It's your choice to join one or not. But think about what you could be
missing in a guild. You could be missing a lot of fun. Or maybe you are missing
just another day of sitting around drinking Neocola waiting for someone to talk
to you. It's your choice.
Yes, it might be hard to find that great guild. But if you look around, and
try new things, you'd be surprised at how great guilds can be.