Past Reflections: Part Two by smurfafied1800
Black Star
I couldn't even react to the arrow speeding toward me.
Before I knew what was happening, the feathers on the end were cutting across
the edge of my cheek, leaving a small cut, and thudding into the bark behind
us. I looked to see where it had landed, but I felt myself being thrown around
and turned over.
"Whoa!" I cried out as myself and Hiterkuna
fell to the ground, a small net trapping us.
The white Shoyru strode up to us, the sneer
vivid on his face. "Well, well, we've got ourselves a couple of Defenders of
"Hey," Hiterkuna began, "we're not--"
She was cut off as the Gelert who had sniffed
us out smacked her across the face brutally with one paw. Hiterkuna thudded
into the tree behind her, slumping down, and I felt rage for what they had done
to my little sister. "Why, you--" I began, throwing myself at the Gelert. The
doglike pet snarled at me, and I probably would've made contact with him, but
the white Shoyru interrupted me. I felt a foot collide with my side and I fell
to the ground, panting.
"Did Judge Hog send you?" the Shoyru asked coolly,
his blade under my chin. He thought we worked with the Defenders of Neopia?
I shook my head groggily, coughing. "N-no..."
"Then how'd you get through our shields?" he
asked coldly, his blade feeling more forceful each second. I blinked, my eyes
flicking over to the unconscious Hiterkuna and feeling worried. "Uh... what...
"Don't play dumb with me," the Shoyru hissed.
"We had shields placed all around this island. You shouldn't have even gotten
through, let alone not know how you did so."
"I don't understand..." I said dumbly. "We didn't
run into any shields..." The white Shoyru had obviously heard enough "lying."
I felt his foot collide harshly with my head and I fell to the ground again.
A Lupe trotted over to Hiterkuna's still form
and said, "I'll take this one to our HQ, boss." The Shoyru nodded. I was about
to launch myself at the Lupe, but the Shoyru kicked me squarely in the stomach
and I doubled over, panting.
"Consider this a compliment, kid," he hissed
in my ear. "I admire you. Half the fools we capture whine and groan. But..."
he said, sneering, "I wouldn't let it get to your head. All brave fools die
in the future." I was about to argue, but I felt the back of my head explode
with pain, and I was shrouded in darkness.
"Where do you think they went?" Yubioke asked
Mesbeto as she looked lazily out the window. The Acara shrugged. "Dude, when
you don't have wings, you don't know where the winged people go, 'kay?"
"That's why when I'm painted something nice,
something with wings..." Yubioke muttered. "I'll tail that idiot Kyradose wherever
he goes."
Mesbeto sneered. "Paint yourself faerie."
"Oh, shut up," Yubioke snapped, her already
slitted eyes narrowing in a glare. By "nice" she had meant something remotely
evil looking. She loathed faeries above all else, and didn't bother to use Fyora's
name bluntly once or twice. She really could care less. "Pigs will fly before
Smurf can afford one..."
"Not many good colours for an Aisha, anyways,"
Mesbeto muttered.
Yubioke sighed dully and leaned on the window
sill, her eyes drearily scanning the cloudless sky. She hated cloudless skies.
Too happy. And, much to her dismay, she found herself worrying about her brother
and sister. Trouble followed Kyradose wherever he went. Hiterkuna was far too
innocent to face fighting, and this was coming from the mind of the Aisha who
had nagged her just hours ago about not being tough enough.
"I'm bored," she finally concluded, laying her
head down on the table. "And hungry. Can we order pizza?"
Mesbeto answered, "None of those sick anchovies
you dudettes like." Yubioke suppressed a growl. In truth, she was trying to
cover up for her worries with anchovy pizza. She'd just eaten a double cheeseburger
and wasn't hungry in the least. Finally, cursing, she grabbed her meager bag
of Neopoints. "I'm going to go look for them. I've gotta find those idiots."
She grabbed her overcoat and stomped out the door. Mesbeto waited for a moment,
then followed. No use staying in a house that was empty.
"Dudette, like, wait up!" Mesbeto cried after
Yubioke. The Aisha continued her stomp, only speeding up to bait her little
"Where do you think they'd go?" Yubioke asked
Mesbeto. She didn't even waste her time to look at him.
Mesbeto shrugged again and suggested, "The beach?"
"No, not where you'd go. Where Kyradose and
Hiterkuna would go, dork," Yubioke said, but she couldn't keep the small hint
of amusement from her voice.
Mesbeto tried again. "Um... I dunno..."
Yubioke sighed. It had been bad enough when
they were kids. But now she wanted nothing less than some silly little wild-goose-chase
for her brother and sister.
"Brother... please wake up... You're not
dead... right...? Please... come back to us..."
Hiterkuna's eyes snapped open. A voice in her
head... it had been that girl... The young Zafara felt happiness when she heard
the maiden's voice, but also misery, and maybe a little jealousy. The maiden
was something she had simply thought of as fairy-tales, but the more she heard,
the more she believed. She and her siblings had lived somewhat peacefully in
their ancient village when they found their brother, a Draik they named MirrorEyes
because of his silver eyes.
But, as soon as they took their new brother
in, strange things began happening. Whenever he became sad or angry, the landscape
changed according to his mood. He wasn't a very normal child, either. He spoke
in riddles and he spoke of his other half, an evil pet that would one day be
the death of him. Though his brother and sisters were worried about the oddities
of MirrorEyes, they accepted and loved him. In return, he loved them back.
But the child's prophecies came true. When he
was a grown warrior, undefeated by many, wielding a great sword called the LifeBringer,
the village he lived in was massacred. In an attempt to rescue his brother and
sisters, he was killed by his other half, the Zafara called Tyne Bloodyeyes.
She died in the process, and the balance went unchanged.
So... strange. It hardly appealed as a realistic
story in Hiterkuna's eyes. If she had not heard the voice in her head, she would
think of it as silly.
Then she had seen pictures in her mind. Pictures
of a land not unlike Meridell, but obviously different. It seemed perfectly
peaceful at times, but the maiden's voice told her that peace was indeed not
the case. Constant wars were tormenting the innocent, while tyrants ruled the
land and lived the easy life. Hiterkuna had only seen a few pictures of the
maiden herself, and she was beautiful. She had creamy white skin, like Hiterkuna
did, and angelic wings. However, she seemed far more mature, with a pair of
violet eyes to finish her off. It made Hiterkuna sad in a way, and she hoped,
as a child, that she would one day look like her. She was her idol, the pet
she thought about all the time, respecting and envying her all at once.
The silver Shoyru next to her shifted, waking
up. Hiterkuna reached a paw over to her brother's shoulder and shook him gently
to wake him.
I blinked, feeling Hiterkuna's paw on my shoulder.
"Nnn... Hiterkuna? What are we...?" Then I remembered. I tried to stand, cursing
our bad luck, and I kicked the wall angrily. "This is so stupid!" I shouted.
"We can't stay out of trouble, can we?" Hiterkuna said nothing as I rubbed the
back of my head, gritting my teeth in pain.
First the snake-ordeal. That had been over a
year ago, but I couldn't shake the bad luck that was beginning to haunt me again.
I hated it, actually. The thought of being a big hero had piqued my interest
when I had been younger, but now it was just a pain. I seriously just wanted
to go home... what was so hard to see about that?
We sat in the cement prison for seemingly hours.
I tried to find some way to escape, any at all, but after a few tries I gave
up and instead I tried to find ways to amuse myself. I kicked the wall until
my footpaw hurt. I swatted flies for seemingly hours, while Hiterkuna watched
me with a bland expression. Oh well. If I was her, I'd be questioning my brother's
sanity, too.
"What do you make of them?"
I looked in the direction of the voice, and
the owner was on the other side of the iron bars. Two pets, a fat Korbat and
a Wocky, stared at us through the bars. Their expression was almost of respect
and awe.
"D'you really believe that fool's tale that
they're Defenders...?"
"Nah, they're too weak. I mean, lookit their
stats; that boy's not even amazing in anything yet..." I felt a slight twinge
of annoyance. Ouch.
"And the girl, she's not very old..."
Their voices dimmed to whispers and I strained
my ears to pick up any information they would offer. I wasn't very strong or
smart, but I could deliver whatever message I could to the real authorities...
once we escaped, that is. A sinking feeling set in my stomach. If we get
out at all. As if reading my thoughts, Hiterkuna hugged her knees to her
chest and lowered her head. I really hoped she wasn't crying, because whenever
she was, I was the one feeling guilty. Concentrating on listening into the conversation
and trying to put Hiterkuna's misery from my mind, I picked up a few words:
"What if it's like the boss said?"
"That the kid's him...? No way. He'd be
a Draik, wouldn't 'e? And wouldn't 'e be silver?" The Wocky who had just spoken
turned and looked at me, as if to prove his point, but when he saw my silver
scales he stumbled over his words. "W-well... he ain't a Draik..." The Korbat
snorted. I had to force myself not to sneer, either.
"Hey," I said in a calm tone, to attract their
attention but not to give away my feelings of loathing towards them. "D'you
know why we're here?"
The Korbat walked up to the bars, gripping a
knife from his belt and knocking it across the iron, creating a loud ringing.
Hiterkuna jolted but didn't look up.
"You little pesticides broke through the barrier,"
the Wocky sneered. "That barrier was to make sure nothing got through...
not even with the greatest technology. Why did a couple 'o scum-filled brats
like you get in?"
"Yeah, yeah," I said, nonchalantly waving a
paw and using the other to gently point his dagger in a different direction.
"I mean, what's so important about this place that they need a barrier?" The
Korbat looked at the Wocky, as if to ask if he should give away this information,
and the other pet shrugged.
"The boss and his men are researching an ancient
warrior or whatchamacallit... 'E thinks you got through the barrier because
you 'ave something to do with that warrior guy, that's what 'e thinks." I felt
my heart skip a beat. How had I slashed that snake open last year? I couldn't
have done that by myself. I had heard voices in my head, voices that did not
belong to the consciousness of my mind, but to another pet entirely. He had
only spoken to me briefly, in short sentences, but I could remember very clearly.
You've done well so far... I am MirrorEyes...
"What do they plan on doing with us, then?"
I asked.
The Wocky shrugged. "The boss said somethin'
about running through some tests... if you're not the match-up we're looking
for..." He sneered. "Let's just say you were better off not flying around this
island at all."
Hiterkuna started sobbing at these words. Concerned
about my sister, I turned and placed a comforting paw on her shoulder. "Don't
worry," I said gently. "It'll be all right, okay? I'll make sure of it."
"Huh," the Wocky jeered. "You'd better comfort
yer sister - tests'll be starting soon."
Only moments after the guards had left, Hiterkuna
whispered, "I don't want to be experimented on, Kyradose. I'm scared... she's
scared, too..."
I could find no reply that I found suitable
for my sister. I seriously didn't know what "being experimented on" meant. What
were they going to do? The one question I desperately wanted to ask was who
the girl was, and if she had any relation to the voice in my own head. But I
held back because I knew Hiterkuna would prefer me not asking such things.
A few minutes later, we heard talking coming
down the hall. I didn't even bother to look, knowing that this time it was their
leader. The white Shoyru opened the door and I tried vainly to escape through
the opening, but he knocked me down again. "Fool," he mumbled, grabbing me and
shoving me over to another guard. "Take this one to M-Lab. Run him through all
the experiments. If he starts fading on us, then keep using him." A sneer passed
over his face. "Even half dead he can still be used."
Then he grabbed Hiterkuna by the wrist. The
little girl struggled against his hold, demanding to be released. The others
laughed and the white Shoyru silenced them with a look. He then began walking
back the way he had come, the scruff on Hiterkuna's head twisted forcefully
in his paw and the girl trailing behind him. "I'll escort the girl to the H-Lab."
He glanced down at her, the sneer returning. "I get the idea Hisika doesn't
want you going in there, does she?"
Hiterkuna said nothing, but tears were forming
in her eyes. "Let me go!" she screamed, kicking him in the stomach and trying
to run. He attacked her in a rage and knocked her brutally to the ground with
a forceful paw. He grabbed her by the wrist again. "Make it easy for you and
your brother and come along," he said, his voice a deadly quiet hiss.
"Wait," I begged. "She's not part of this...
please, let her go..."
"Oh, she's part of this, kid," the Shoyru said.
"Your whole family is."
Then the door slammed behind him and Hiterkuna's
screams were hushed. I felt my heart slamming against my chest. My whole family?
He had said a name... Hisika... I didn't know her. Was that the girl in Hiterkuna's
The guards dragged me to the lab. I would've
put up a fight, or at least made a nasty remark, but my brain was numb and my
legs refused to obey me. I was scared for my family.
I'll get them... a voice hissed inside
my head.
To be continued...