Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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Lost Integrity

by _demon_master

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Kawaii - Dice-a-roo 2
Must resist!

by crow213


Tales of a Petpet Campfire
"Welcome," a bright yellow Petpet said as he noticed the Faellie. "I'm Flo the Flowper! Is this your first time coming to the Petpet Retreat?"

by micrody


A Manly Man’s Guide to Neopian Femininity
Believe or not, Neopia is overrun mainly by femininity, which makes it increasingly difficult for a mega manly man pet to survive.

by o_apollo_o


MSPP Troubles
The day someone donated the MSPP trading card to the money tree...

by rng5

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