Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Two by diamond_rox
Carrie woke up with her head throbbing in pain. She felt
like it was inflated, and it was still inflating. She got dizzily up and discovered
a small Yurble next to her. It took her a while to remember what had happened,
but she couldn't remember much about after the Rainbow Swirly Thingy broke. Trev
also recovered, and snarled at Carrie.
"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down! We're both stuck
in a mess and we're not going to clear it up if we don't work together." Carrie
offered her paw. Trev shook it hesitantly.
"So, where are we," snapped Trev at Carrie, not
convinced that you were meant to be nice to the person you were trying to rob.
"You think I know?" Carrie yelled at Trev, towering
over him. Trev held his head high and looked straight back at Carrie, who was
two times as tall as the brave little Yurble. This guy's pretty bold, thought
Carrie. Trev was thinking the same thing about Carrie.
Both their thoughts were pierced by a scream;
their heads whirled around to the direction it came from. For the first time,
they noticed their surroundings. They were on the top of a hill, and behind
them was a forest. In every other direction, was in fact, also the same forest.
The duo both sprinted towards the sound, both trying to outrun each other, and
they reached the edge of the forest at the same time. Glancing at each other,
they went in. By the time they got to a clearing where the scream had probably
come from, it was empty, except for a pile of ashes surrounded by a circle of
rocks-the remnants of a fire. Trev ran to the other end of the clearing.
"Carrie! Over here! Tracks!" Trev called, beckoning
the Shoyru and gesturing at the tracks. They ran right through the clearing,
printed into the wet grass, and appeared to belong to around four Unis, but
they didn't know which way to follow.
"Wait," said Carrie, "Uni tracks are pretty easy
to follow; see how there's a "U" shape here? That's like a Uni shoe, if you
change it into a "V", then it points the way we want to go!" Trev smiled at
Carrie, he couldn't help it. For a rich spoilt brat, maybe she wasn't so spoilt,
after all, and she certainly wasn't a brat.
Carrie started following the "U" prints when
Trev stopped her. "If we want to know the whole story, I figure we should back-track
the prints first, to know what's going on," Carrie nodded to this suggestion
and they turned around.
They followed the tracks for what seemed 3 hours
and still nothing. Just tracks…endless tracks…Just as Trev was about to make
this remark to Carrie, the trees grew more dispersed and more light was shining
through the ceiling of leaves. They were almost there.
"Please, darling, don't cry," A Zafara patted
her son. Their daughter had just been kidnapped and the people who tried to
stop them were killed. All the brave ones, gone. Their little peaceful village
had been assaulted and torn down to rubble in less than an hour, it had been
simple. Show up, grab hostage, kill rebels, run away.
"I'm going outside," the son muttered, and without
a second glance he went outside. He sat down on a stump where his sister had
been playing not too long ago, but it seemed like a year ago. He let tears run
down his face and cried out in anguish. Breaking into even more tears, the little
people left in the village who were also mourning about dead friends shook their
heads at the baby zafara in sympathy and turned back to what they were doing.
No one noticed two strange looking Neopets walking
into their village. "Hey son, what's wrong?" Carrie asked the baby zafara, who
was still wailing.
The zafara looked up at her with big glassy eyes
and snapped, "Like you care," and went back to bawling.
"Oooo bein' smart eh?" Trev remarked.
The baby zafara looked up. "No, actually, I'm
15 years old. It's just that the Boochi came along, I think two years ago, and
zapped me. I hate my look, everyone who doesn't know me says to my mum, 'Awww
he's so cute!'" The zafara hunched his shoulders into a hump and turned into
a sulking baby.
"So, what's your name?" Carrie asked the 15 year
old baby.
"Methuselah. My mum read it in a book somewhere
and liked it. I hate it. Call me Matt."
"Why were you crying?" Trev asked, and noticing
a cottage with a bawling family inside it, added,"And everyone else as well?"
Matt took a deep breath. "Well, this morning,
my sister was outside when five riders came and took her. People tried to stop
them, but they were all killed." He shivered. "Luckily for you, the bits left
were cleared up before you came. They were an awful sight!"
Trev scratched his head. "But…what would they
want with your sister?"
"I have no idea." Said Matt flatly, as if he
had recited that answer many times before.
Carrie decided to get to the point. "Well actually,
we heard a scream in the forest and decided to follow it, we found a clearing
and the remnants of a camp, maybe we're on the trail of your sister?"
Matt's eyed lit up with hope, "You really mean
it? Two other people have said that to me today," he admitted.
"Of course we're not lying! If you come with
us, we'll show you." Trev insisted.
"Fine, but if I don't tell my mum first she'll
throw a fit and think that I've been kidnapped too! How long is the walk from
there to here?"
"'Bout two hours," Carrie and Trev said in unison.
Matt gave a low whistle. "Blimey, that's ages!
I don't think my mum will let me, but then again, she might."
"Here it is," gestured Trev at the clearing.
"The tracks are still visible…and look like they've been stomped heavily into
the ground by some heavy Uni. Or maybe the rider was heavy. Who knows?"
"Gee, I really want to go home now that I'm here.
I still don't really get why I came out here in the first place, it's not like
I'm going to save her or something. Oh well, you can come with me, I'll see
to it that you can stay for a while," and with that, Matt turned and walked
back to the village. Carrie and Trev followed reluctantly, they would be stuck
again and wouldn't be able to get back home…their thoughts were quickly extinguished
as a thickly woven net was thrown over them and they were dragged off, being
bumped again and again along the ground until they fell unconscious.
Trev groaned and got up rubbing his head. Honestly,
he thought, I'm going through just too much today. Carrie and Matt were also
getting up next to him, thinking the same thing. Looking around, they saw that
they were in some kind of a glass cylinder. What?? Trev looked again. Yes, definitely
glass, shaped in a cylinder…trembling, he looked up. A lid?!?
"Um…guys?" Trev said uneasily. "I think we're
in a jar!"
A large overgrown Lupe in frayed shorts and a
morning hairdo stepped into view.
"BALTHAZAR!" gasped Carrie, and collapsed as
her knees gave away.
Matt raised an eyebrow. "Who's Balthazar? And
why are we in a jar?"
"Balthazar is a Lupe who has a grudge against
faeries, and catches them and enchants them to fit inside a jar. Then he does
whatever he wishes to them, normally it's just to let them fade away in his
cupboard until they lose all their magic- then they become grey faeries," recited
Trev, nearly coughing up a whole Neopedia.
As Balthazar kept grinning stupidly at them through
the jar, Carrie asked Trev, "How do you know so much about him?"
"Oh, I've robbed him once," Trev said as-a -matter-of-factly.
Carrie gasped at her, but Matt continued to look puzzled.
"What the heck are you two talking about? I've
heard of something like this," looking at Trev, he added, "But the rumors I've
heard are that he catches any living thing except for faeries, mostly petpets."
Trev and Carrie exchanged glances. What was going
on? Everyone from Neopia to Kreludor knew that Balthazar despised faeries: it
was a fact of life…unless…they were in a different world. This thought flashed
through both of their minds, and Carrie felt a bitter taste in her mouth. They
turned back to Balthazar.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT??" hollered Carrie to the air
holes in the lid. Balthazar smiled through the glass. Trev covered his ears
in time; but Matt, being a bit slow, winced and squinted his eyes shut.
"Nothing, nothing at all!" he laughed. The three
in the jar did not like the sound of it, however.
Matt, his spit flying and getting the walls of the jar wet.
Pausing in mid-laugh, Balthazar tilted his head
in question at the inhabitants of the jar. "What sister? I only caught you three
today, faeries have been patrolling everywhere, I don't dare step out! I caught
only less than 5 faeries in all my history-I bet that if the faeries got a hold
of me they'd kill me!"
Carrie and Trev both gasped. Something was desperately
wrong. Balthazar? SCARED of faeries? No way!
"Why are they patrolling the forest?" asked Trev,
taking an opportunity to work out what had happened since the fight in Carrie's
Balthazar sighed, "Something went wrong in Faerieland,
I hear. I'm not sure what, but it's got all the faeries uptight and worrying,
they're patrolling for rebels or something, I'm not sure-"
"What?! My sister's not a rebel!" Matt's eyes
were wide in shock.
"Oh, so do you think they took your sister? Well
you never know, but most likely it'll be them. What's she done that would be
disturbing?" asked Balthazar.
"Well, she was always a restless one," Matt smiled
as he recalled, "A few months ago, she suddenly got really interested in fighting
and battling-I know I know, that's something I should have taken up, defending
my village and such. Well, recently my sister was out most of the time buying
weapons, she's collecting as many as she can, but our family is so poor that
we can't support her much, she's done most of the work herself. Well, she had
all the Faerie Amulets, Illusen's Staff, an Air Faerie Crown, an Air Faerie
"Wow, she has a lot of faerie stuff doesn't she?"
observed Trev.
"Yup, she's a great fan, my sis, treats then
like gods!" Matt proudly announced.
"Maybe someone doesn't want her thinking that?"
Balthazar remarked, "Anyways, I'm not meant to be talking to my captives, I
guess I should put you on my shelf until you go grey-bye bye!" and with that,
Balthazar shoved the jar violently into a cupboard and slammed it shut.
To be continued...