Shining in the Night by kittyat14
A white Zafara lay upon her bed with a severe case of insomnia.
She hadn't been able to sleep for the past few nights, and she wondered why. She
picked up her clock and looked at the face. "Nine minutes to 5:00 AM," she thought
as she saw the golden sky, streaked with hues of purple and pink as the sun was
beginning to rise. She shook her head and wandered over to her wooden desk, pulling
out a sketchpad. Her Air Faerie Pen flew into her hand and she began to draw Hannah
the Usul. A curve here, erase something there; the sketch was almost coming to
life. Serenity smiled at her work and quickly retrieved some colored pencils from
the closet, and then, only then, did Hannah look almost real. Her brown hair was
highlighted with streaks of imaginary sunlight, the Mermaid's Tear gleaming like
a piece of real jewelry. Serenity silently cheered for herself.
A voice came from down the hall. "Serenity!"
The white Zafara snapped back into reality. Her head turned to the clock. It
was 7:00 AM.
Serenity hurriedly threw her school supplies
in a shoulder bag, pulled on her clothes, and ran down the hall to greet her
"Hello, Serenity, I've made you breakfast and
lunch. And look, breakfast is happy to see you!" said the brown-haired teenage
girl who was sitting at a table reading a copy of The Neopian Times.
Serenity sat down at the table, staring at the
'smiling' toast. "Hi Maria. Promise you'll take good care of Sparklii?"
The faerie Feepit flapped its wings at the sound
of its name. It chirped and flew over to Serenity's plate, where it began licking
the blackberry jam smile.
"I promise." Maria put down the paper and handed
her Zafara a Hannah Lunch Box.
"Thanks, Maria." Serenity dropped the lunch in
her bag and headed outside. To her dismay, some Weewoos were pecking holes in
her bike tires.
"Oh, this is just great!" Serenity shooed the
petpets away and hunted for some spare tires in the shed. At last she found
some, but putting them on her bike took precious time. It was 8:30 by the time
she actually got on her bike.
Serenity arrived at Neoschool at 9:30, thirty
minutes past the bell. She stuffed her things in her locker and dashed for class.
When she appeared in the doorway, Ms. Nerah frowned.
"And why were you so late on the first day of
school, Miss Norlah?"
"Well, some Weewoos--"
"I don't want to hear it. Let's think of Serenity
as a perfect opposite of a model student. Late, she makes up silly excuses,
she's wearing her sweater backwards..."
Serenity blushed as she took the black turtleneck
off and turned it around. She took her seat at the back of the classroom, where
a shadow Acara looked at her with a simple smirk on her face. The Zafara tried
to pay attention to the lesson, but couldn't help staring at the beautiful amethyst-and-lime
wings of a faerie Nimmo in front of her. They were so shiny and delicate looking,
almost as if someone had iced them on a cake and then put gloss over it.
She was startled by a sudden rap on her desk.
"Serenity, there is nothing enlightening about scribbling!" Ms. Nerah snatched
the drawing of the wings off the desk and crumpled it in her large Skeith hand.
Several students snickered in amusement.
Lunch was no better. As soon as she sat down,
everyone began pelting her with assorted foods. The supervisors did nothing.
"SCRIBBLY!" a student shouted out. Serenity rushed to the girl's bathroom in
embarrassment just as people started chanting "SCRIBBLY! SCRIBBLY! SCRIBBLY!"
If she hadn't run so fast, she might have realized that the Nimmo was not chanting,
nor had she been throwing food.
The rest of the day was absolutely terrible.
The name "Scribbly" had begun to stick in her head, people threw paper at her,
and the teachers scolded her more than any of the other students.
"I'll be happy to be home," Serenity thought
as she rode her bike back to her Neohome.
Or so she thought.
When she arrived and stepped in the house, there
was no fluttering of wings. No happy chirps. No Feepit arms coming to hug her.
"Maria?" Serenity was afraid.
Maria came down the stairs, a slightly guilty
expression on her face. "How was your day?"
"Where's Sparklii?"
Maria walked over to the living room, where they
both sat down on the sofa. "Serenity... I know you said not to take Sparklii
to the Turmaculus, but I thought we could get some extra Neopoints, and there
would be no harm done..."
"No..." Serenity could feel the tears forming.
"No!" she exploded, running up to her bedroom in a fit of rage and sorrow. She
threw herself onto her bed, clutching the green covers in her snow white paws.
In an hour, the tears and anger were gone, but
sorrow remained. She tried to sketch a picture of Masila, but the lines were
too curved, too blocky, too messy. She threw down the paper in frustration and
fell back on her bed. "I can't do anything..." she whispered. "Why can't I sleep?
Why can't I draw? Why can't I please anyone? Why won't people just leave me
alone? Why am I asking so many questions?" She read countless books, but she
still couldn't banish the deep sadness and the pain inside. Hours passed, and
Serenity was lost in a world of anger, confusion, and helplessness. She went
over to her desk, staring at the drawing of Hannah. Then she noticed a note,
paperclipped to the top.
You need to start believing in yourself. You
are a talented, interesting, and kind person and you are going to have great
friends for that. What you think is not true. I understand you're having trouble
in life, but you're not alone. And that's what life is, having troubles, getting
over them, and becoming a better person because of it. I want to be a friend
to you, so I will be.
Just remember, your star's still out there in
the sky, and it knows that one day you will shine so brightly it will illuminate
the light."
Serenity thrust open the curtains, and there,
apart from all of the other stars, was a purple-pink star. It was the most bright,
and it shone with a beautiful light that Serenity had never seen before. She
clutched the note in her paws, and whispered two words.
"Thank you..."
She fell into a peaceful sleep as she climbed
into bed, memories of happy times with Sparklii in her dreams.
The faerie Nimmo crawled out from behind a bush
and saw the Zafara sleeping silently in her bed. She opened her backpack and
whispered to the Ultranovas inside, "Who next?"
The End
Author's Note: This story is dedicated to anyone who's having troubles in
life. Good luck to you. An enormous thank you to an anonymous person- you know
who you are ;) -for letting me use and modify some of the things you said. This
is my first piece in the Neopian Times, and I wish anyone else who wants to
try good luck! Bye!