Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 128,277,782 Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8
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The Neo397s

by isaiahdjkim

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Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Kadoaties
Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Kadoatie's mind? Are they really plotting against all of the other petpets to be the cutest in all of Neopia? Do they seriously need to be fed every thirty minutes or so? Oh, and the most important question of them all...

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An Unlikely Bond
An undersized green baby Ixi was weeping, salty tears pooling around her glossy ebony hooves. Not because she was saddened, but because it was vital to get herself damp...

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How to Be a Fire Faerie: Part Four
I held out my hands, trying not to look at the sea of faerie faces in front of me, all eyes looking expectantly at me. I felt for my magic, and pushed it out of my hands - but nothing happened...

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Rising Shadow: Part One
Sally was just leaving the last of the saplings at the forest's edge behind her when a rustle of leaves caught her ears...

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