The Tooth Faerie by dya_katt108
Not all stories end happily, you know. Whenever someone
starts reading a story they just know that no matter what, the end will be filled
with cheerfulness, smiles, and everyone's lives being OK. Well in the real Neopia,
things aren't all like that. Some are, but not all.
I'm not too sure about me; I'm just a small blue
Shoyru. I'm not too old, but I know a thing or two about myself and others.
Mostly myself.
At many times, I feel like my life is filled
with meaningless thoughts and happenings. People laugh and think I'm funny;
I don't try to be. Mom tells me it's because I'm still so young and some of
my opinions sound laugh-worthy to others. I think it's mean.
Anyhow, I have a pretty good family; they love
me and I love them. Sometimes. As long as Mom feeds me anything other than Green
Pepper Omelette or Cornupepper Jelly they're all a-ok by my book.
* * *
"Wakey, wakey, sleepy head!"
I opened my eyes a bit and saw my sister, Kara,
hovering over me. I hate morning.
"Come on, Lollie, or else we'll be late for breakfast.
I have a feeling today will be such a joyous day!" I've always wondered how
green Unis can always be so happy.
At least she had a reason for saying, "wakey
wakey." For a second there I thought she was going nuts.
I tried to follow as Kara bounced down the stairs
while humming some sort of happy-go-lucky tune I have never heard before in
all of Neopia. She was weird.
Wow, Mom woke up early today; the table was already
set and all the food was ready.
I looked at my plate... Strawberry Jelly. Yum.
Taste the pink. Not.
Oh well, might as well dig into this... Half-eaten
I quickly looked at my other sister, Kiwi, who
was sitting across from me, munching on her Minced Beef Pretzel. She's always
hungry. I think all Kougras are.
I finished saying that, I twisted my face into the mean look I'd been practicing
in the mirror. I think I did it wrong, because Kiwi looked at me awkwardly.
Or maybe that was her mean look. She wasn't very good at it.
"I didn't eat any of your jelly, Lollie." Likely
"That's what they all say." I jumped off my chair
and walked away from the table. I wondered where Mom was.
"Hey, Kara?"
"Where's Mom?"
"Sheumm-offuhm-pfftt-mmmf," was that only sound
that came out of Kara's food-filled mouth, along with some unappetizing looking
Omelette bits.
"Never mind."
* * *
It was chilly outside today and the Neopia Central
streets were very busy. I was on my way to Mom's Faerie Gallery, I decided to
go there shortly after Kara's food-spitting.
Even if Mom wasn't there, I could always find
something to do at the Gallery. Whether it was wondering why we only have about
30,000 Neopoints in our bank account but a gallery filled with Faerie Food worth
millions, reading the Faerie books, or goofing around with the many petpets
set on display; it was always worth the visit.
I slowly entered the gallery.
I guess Mom wasn't here; all I could hear was
the happy chattering of the petpets.
Ah well, as long as I'm here, why waste a
visit? I locked up the gallery to make sure no one disturbed me and I started
looking for anything new my mom could have bought. There's always SOMETHING.
No matter how small or meaningless.
I carefully scanned the shelves. Nothing. I'd
seen everything before. Well, that was a waste of time. I should just head
I unlocked the door and walked out into the cold
once again.
* * *
I felt my heart jump up as I turned around. Something
had fallen off the shelf. Without hesitating, I turned around and went to pick
it up.
How could I have missed seeing this?
It turned out to be a book. And a very pretty
and shiny one at that. A lock was keeping it closed, but anyone could have noticed
the tooth cover-illustration underneath the title, "Tooth Faerie Book".
I held it in my hand gently, as if worried it
was made of thin glass and it might shatter if I grasped it too tightly. Even
if the huge lock was quite clearly noticeable, it might still open. Worth a
All I had to do was think about wanting to read
it and it flew open. Like magic, I guess.
Slowly, I started reading, just as the rain began
to pour down outside:
"Once upon a time; high, high up on the Faerieland
cloud, lay a little blue-haired Faerie. She was a sad little faerie, she was.
She did not know what her purpose was.
"Queen Faerie, Water Faerie, Fire Faerie, Negg
Faerie, Air Faerie, Space Faerie, Earth Faerie, Snow Faerie, Light Faerie, Soup
Faerie, Grey Faerie, Darkness Faerie, Battle Faerie..." Down a list of faeries
she went, but none of their descriptions fit her one bit. None.
There was NO way she could be Queen; she couldn't
swim; she was afraid of fire; didn't care all that much about neggs; still hadn't
learned how to fly all that well; liked stars, but not space; earth was alright
but green was not her colour; snow was too cold; didn't get what all the fuss
about the light was; wouldn't prefer having soup for lunch every day; wasn't
grey; despised evil and was scared of the dark; and she definitely could NOT
In her room she went, as she did every night,
and looked down from her window on all the little Neopets running to their cosy
Neohomes for a peaceful night's sleep. She wished she could sleep, if only the
thought of having no purpose would stop being such a burden upon her. If only.
She sat on her stool, another thing she did every
night, and she wept. She wept the whole night, her tears falling to the ground
and mixing with the early sun rays, making a rainbow. Such a beautiful thing
made up out of something so sad.
Tired of crying and of all the gloominess just
stuck to the walls of her home, she decided to visit some of Neopia; it might
get her mind off of her unfortunate state.
She liked Roo Island, always had. So that's where
she went. You could always find a happy Blumaroo who could bring a smile to
your face any day over there.
However, it was not laughter she heard or smiles
she saw when she got there; just a little Blumaroo, rolling on the floor and
crying while crowds of other pets surrounded him.
"Oh no! Poor thing!" she gasped and pushed through
the crowd to get to the sobbing Neopet.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"My tooth's falling out!" the Blumaroo cried.
As she heard that, the Faerie smiled. She had
such a pretty smile, her white teeth would make anyone wonder how she got them
to be that shiny.
"Open your mouth," she said.
The Blumaroo hesitated, but did so anyway. The
Faerie quickly noticed the loose tooth and it didn't take her any longer than
three seconds to grab it and pull it out. The Blumaroo stared.
"It'll grow back," she said. "It'll grow back
into a nice tooth, shinier and healthier than this one; perfect and ready to
use for more candy eating."
The tiny Blumaroo laughed and suddenly, an idea
popped into the faerie's head!
"Why don't you put this under your pillow before
you go to bed tonight? When you wake up tomorrow, you might find a reward in
its place for being so courageous when losing your first tooth."
The Blumaroo took the tiny tooth and hopped off.
That night, while he was asleep: the faerie went to his house, took the tooth
from under his pillow, and left 10 Neopoints together with a piece of candy
in its place.
When the Blumaroo woke up the next day, he looked
under his pillow. He gasped as happiness started to overflow him. The Blumaroo
was so happy, he told all his Neofriends about his tooth, and all of his Neofriends
told their Neofriends! On and on it when and soon enough, the whole world knew
about the Faerie, and they all started leaving their teeth under their pillows
before bed.
As for her, the Faerie went home happy that night
for the first time ever. She sat down on her stool and cried, she cried, but
this time; they were tears of joy. When the sun came out, her fallen tears made
up the most beautiful rainbow Neopia has ever seen.
This day, we all know her as The Tooth Faerie.
I closed the book and laid it down carefully,
still too deep into my own thoughts to place it back on the shelf.
The rain had stopped as I walked out the gallery
door, locking it behind me. I could still see the happy looks on the pets' faces
as they lowered their umbrellas and looked at the sky. Such a beautiful rainbow.
For the first time today I felt like smiling.
And that's exactly what I did.
Not all stories end happily, you know. Whenever
someone starts reading a story they just know that no matter what, the end will
be filled with cheerfulness, smiles, and everyone's lives being OK. Well in
the real Neopia, things aren't all like that. Some are, but not all.
Mine is.
The End