Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 264 | 3rd day of Storing, Y8
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Tea Time - Lollypop Joy

by kleptie

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Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Four
Jenna was beginning to feel claustrophobic from being trapped in the small bubble interior for so long. And as their surroundings grew dimmer and dimmer, she grew more and more nervous. She began glancing every five minutes out the shield for a glimpse of Maraqua...

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Is It Really Worth It?
Neopians every day are spending a fortune on Paint Brushes, Petpet Paint Brushes, Morphing Potions and Transmogrification Potions to make their pets and petpets look more "beautiful"...

by aussie_girl777


The Petpet Brigade: Part One
The tale of three petpets and how they changed Neopia...

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Rising Shadow: Part Four
Miaglo froze, gaping in bewilderment, and Darigan felt a smug satisfaction at seeing his seemingly invulnerable antagonist flabbergasted. The warrior's emotions were hidden behind the visor of its helmet, but it seemed completely unfazed...

by sarahleeadvent

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