Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 265 | 10th day of Storing, Y8
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by goldnangl83

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Great stories!


Rising Shadow: Part Five
"And if I choose to put myself in danger?" Darigan retorted, annoyed that a fuzzy little Kougra should think him incapable of handling the risk, as if he had never been in peril before...

by sarahleeadvent


Everyone Has a Name: Part Two
Around the next bend she came to, Demon ran headlong into something else. This time, however, it didn't hurt. It felt like softened rubber and she just bounced off. The creature resembled a green bouncy ball with an equally green tail. A long, green tail...

by dark_goddess_rising


How A Small Bruce Became The Famous Boochi
Pew, pew.

by x__orlando4eva__x


Look Where We Are
A Darigan Lupe trots down the main street of Meridell which is littered with debris and broken shards of glass. Leaves rustle as they race across the once happy lane...

by cyborg8000

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