A Bori's Christmas by mystery_island111223
The bell rang. Apoc smiled.
The Christmas Bori jumped from his desk, grabbed
his backpack and took off. He grinned again. Christmas vacation had begun.
And in the event of this joyous occasion he
supposed he could spare a bit of festive cheer. He turned to his teacher.
"Goodbye, Mrs. Mallow, have a good holiday!"
A red Kacheek turned.
"Firstly Apoc, my name is Malon. MALON!!! And
secondly that remark will cost you two hours of detention!"
Apoc growled. Just once he tried to show some
of that festive spirit that everyone was talking about. And it blew up in his
face. So he decided to make something blow up in Mrs. Malon's face.
Before the Laugh Grenade took effect, Apoc was
halfway to the door.
By the time he got home, Apoc was in a much
worse mood, even after inhaling the laugh grenade when Mrs. Malon chucked it
right back at him. The Soup Faerie had asked him to donate some Neopoints to
the Soup Kitchen and when he said he didn't have any she called him an evil
demon and raved on about Christmas. Being called an evil demon would have been
pretty cool except that Apoc really wanted to help out. He sighed. Right now
he couldn't bear one more look at anything Christmas.
And he really wanted to be painted a different
Apoc opened the door to see his owner wearing
a Twisted Roses Santa Hat and hanging a String of Lights across the living room.
He clenched his teeth and wanted to head upstairs to his room when his owner
spotted him.
"Hey, Apoc! Did you see all the cool stuff I
got from the advent calendar?" His teenage owner MI had thrown pretty much every
advent calendar prize imaginable around the house, even in (as Apoc was disgusted
to learn) the bathroom.
"Hello. What are those boxes?"
"Those are nothing! Absolutely nothing!"
"C'mon MI, you buy me all these books, then
treat me like an idiot!"
"Well, if you must know, I'm saving up all the
advent calendar prizes for you guys at Christmas, to make it seem even more
Something in Apoc snapped.
"I hate this holiday!" he cried. "It's a cheap
case for the Toy Shop to triple its sales! And you never get me what I want
anyway! Last year I wanted a Darigan Paint Brush, but you said no! You're the
worst owner ever!"
MI stayed calm.
"Well, the fact is Bori didn't come in Darigan
at that point..."
"I don't care!" yelled Apoc. "The Christmas
spirit is presents, and you aren't fulfilling it!"
MI was still calm.
"The Christmas spirit is about helping out those
less fortunate than us."
"I'm not fortunate! I'm painted a lousy colour,
I have a cheap petpet, and my family is a bunch of freaks!"
MI smiled, but it wasn't the pleasant one he
had been giving before.
"Firstly," he began, "your lousy colour cost
me a hundred thousand Neopoints. Secondly, your cheap petpet is in the next
room and finally, your family of freaks just walked in and heard every word
you said!" He gritted his teeth.
Apoc turned around. MI was right. His brothers,
a blue Koi named Junglecat, a fire Grarrl named ApocClone and a yellow Tonu
named Min had all walked in. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cheeky, his
snow Kookith, whimpering.
Apoc tried to keep cool. He had a great comeback
ready when something else came out.
"You guys are all jerks!" Apoc ran out into
the snow and promptly impaled himself in a snowbank.
Apoc whimpered a bit and headed out of Neopia
Central. He walked and he walked until he found himself in the Haunted Woods.
He shivered a bit, not only from the cold, but the sudden feeling that he was
being watched.
"H-hello?" Apoc tried to sound brave, but could
Suddenly up from the ground burst the Esophagor.
He whipped over to Apoc and grinned. Time for a before-Christmas banquet.
Apoc fiddled for his Improved Lightning Beam
and was just about to get it when the Esophagor screamed. Apoc looked up and
found out why. A blue Zafara, green Hissi and blue Xweetok had attacked the
Esophagor. And they were losing, probably due to the fact that they were sharing
a Wet Snowball between the three of them.
Apoc thought fast. Then he remembered he still
had some Laugh Grenades left. He yelled "RUN!!!" and chucked the grenade.
The three pets heard him just in time, and jumped
off the flailing Esophagor, who looked just in time to be hit full force with
the Laugh Grenade.
Amidst the Esophagor's hideous laugh, the Zafara
motioned Apoc to follow them and Apoc, who had nowhere else to be in particular,
When they were a good distance away from the
Esophagor, who was now making a strange tittering noise, Apoc stopped to catch
his breath and turned to the Zafara and his companions.
"Time out here!" Apoc panted. "Who are you?
And why did you save me?"
"What other choice did we have?" the Zafara
asked. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to have a Wet Snowball, would you? That
was our only one!"
Apoc moaned. Evidently this was what MI meant
about the less fortunate. He had to admit, his Regal Oak Wood Bed seemed pretty
good right now considering how late it was, but it would take more than that
for him to embrace the Christmas spirit.
"Fine! But who are you?"
"My name is Dasher, this is Har and Mage. We're
orphans; our owners abandoned us. Did your owner abandon you?" Dasher turned
to Apoc.
"Oh yeah, he was really mean!" lied Apoc. "Do
you mind if I spend the night with you guys?"
As soon as Apoc saw where he was spending the
night, he died a little inside. The three pets' home was an assortment of discarded
machinery from the Deserted Fairground formed into a tiny three room house.
Apoc was almost positive their lighting plan was at an all time low.
"Do you like it?" Mage asked. She turned to
Apoc. "It's not great, but-"
"No, no, I love it!" Apoc smiled. "Shall we
go inside?"
While Dasher and Har showed Apoc the house,
which consisted of a bedroom, kitchen and living room Mage fried up some Baked
Beans. She divided it up into four sections, which were served by broken pieces
of a Silverware Set. Apoc had never actually eaten Baked Beans before; he usually
whined until his owner stuffed something in his mouth to shut him up, so you
had to excuse him when he accidentally ate the can and spent the night on the
floor clutching his stomach.
The next morning Apoc helped get the house ready
for Christmas. Unfortunately, he had absolutely no cleaning skills, and after
he attempted to flush the sink down the toilet Dasher and Har decided to send
him with Mage to collect some food from the Money Tree.
"So what happened to your owner exactly?" asked
Apoc quietly as they entered Neopia Central.
"One day he talked to me and my three brothers.
He said that a pet in his other account needed to be moved to this one, so he
had to let one of us go. He chose me. I tried to convince him otherwise, so
he grabbed me and chucked me outside, then upgraded his security so I couldn't
get back in. Have you ever climbed a barbed wire fence?"
Apoc was quiet. After hearing this horror story
he felt sort of bad. His owner never chucked him outside, except for that one
time when he put starving Jetsams in his bed. And now today, Apoc kind of thought
he deserved it. His owner, not him, being put outside.
Apoc was snapped out of thought when he realised
they were at the Money Tree. As he put his training at the Academy to good use
and snagged some Trail Mix, he heard an all-to-familiar noise.
"Apoc!" The Bori turned and saw his teacher.
"What are you doing here?" The Kacheek scanned
his image. Apoc looked very dirty and was clutching some Trail Mix. Mage was
standing beside him. Then Mrs. Malon noticed something different. It wasn't
Apoc's appearance or companions. It was his face. Although he didn't look overjoyed
to see his teacher Apoc looked happy. Not the sort of happy look he had when
a scheme was working or when he was getting a gift from his owner. A genuinely
happy look. Mrs. Malon stepped back a few feet, then turned and ran off.
"That was weird!" laughed Mage. "Come on, let's
go home! I got some omelette so we're all set for dinner!" They headed off.
Meanwhile Mrs. Malon was wandering the streets
of Neopia Central. She couldn't get this strange version of Apoc out of her
mind. Suddenly she saw his owner MI. He would be able to explain things. She
called out to him.
"Hi Mrs. Malon, have you seen Apoc?" MI looked
frantic, like he hadn't slept all night.
"Why?" she asked.
"He ran away! We've been looking everywhere!
I even offered a 50 000 NP reward. Do you think it'll be enough?"
Mrs. Malon grinned evilly.
"Definitely." She smiled.
After Apoc and Mage got home, they sat down
with Dasher and Har for Christmas dinner. While it wasn't the most filling dinner
Apoc ever had, he enjoyed it the most. Plus, the next morning he had the chance
to give each of his friends the presents he bought for them on the way back
from the Money Tree.
After dinner the four pets lay out on their
straw beds thinking.
"Mage?" Apoc asked after a while. "If you had
the chance to go back to your owner, would you?"
There was a long pause.
"No," Mage answered softly.
"Yeah," Apoc said, even softer. "Me neither."
The four pets were woken up in the middle of
the night by someone banging on the door. After a minute it broke and a shadowy
figure stepped through.
"Merry Christmas!" Mrs. Malon snarled. She pointed
an Attack Fork at Apoc. "I've been searching for you for hours!!"
"What do you want?" asked Apoc defiantly.
"I want the 50 000 NP your owner's offering
for your return!" Mrs. Malon snarled. "I think that will be an excellent Christmas
present to make up for this dreadful evening!"
The three pets gasped. Apoc stood awkwardly.
"You're coming home!" Mrs. Malon reached for
"I sincerely disagree!" Apoc whipped out an
Improved Lightning Beam and fired, knocking his teacher back.
"Why didn't Apoc tell us about that?" asked
Dasher. "We could've sold it for a proper Christmas dinner!"
"Why would his owner offer so many Neopoints
for his return?" asked Har.
"Apoc," asked Mage, "what's going on?"
Before Apoc could answer, Mrs. Malon smiled
and got up.
"I anticipate trouble," she sneered. The teacher
whistled and some Defenders of Neopia swooped in.
"Look, some abandoned Neopets!" cried Danger
"I'll take care of the Bori!" commanded Judge
Hog. "You and Lightning Lenny get those pets to the pound!"
"NO!!" Apoc cried.
"Now little one, I think you'd better thank
your teacher. She got you home just in time for the holidays!"
"I can't believe you!" Apoc screeched. "You
ruined the happiest moment in my life for a few Neopoints!! You'd better enjoy
this holiday, because it will be the last happy moment you will ever have!!!"
"Someone's cranky!" laughed Judge Hog. "I'll
get you home!"
By the time Apoc arrived home he was asleep
in the superhero's arms. MI hugged the sleeping Bori tightly and tucked him
in for the night. When Mrs. Malon later came by for her reward, he turned her
away because he didn't like her very much.
The next morning Apoc woke up to the sound of
presents being opened. He ran downstairs and his family greeted him, with the
exception of Jay who took this time to help himself to some presents that were
not his.
"We're really sorry, Apoc!" said MI.
"We'll try to be better family!" said Min.
"Meep!" went Cheeky.
"Are you all nuts!?" cried Apoc. "I'm the one
who's been selfish! Can you ever forgive me?"
"Of course we can!" laughed MI. "Jay, get away
from those presents!"
After several hours of quality time with his
family, Apoc excused himself and ran back to the Haunted Woods. He ran for miles
until he found it.
The house was battered; it was evident a struggle
had occurred. Apoc went inside and glanced around. It seemed so empty now.
Then he remembered something. He looked for
the spot where he hid the presents. When he finally found it, he gasped in shock.
The presents were missing.
Apoc ran away from the Haunted Woods, back to
Neopia Central. He didn't go home, though. He ran straight to the pound.
"Excuse me," gasped Apoc. "Can you tell me if
a Hissi named Har, a Xweetok named Mage, and a Zafara named Dasher are here?"
Dr. Death stared at Apoc for a while, then went to look.
"Nope," he replied.
Crushed, Apoc headed home. He did enjoy the
rest of his holiday, and he most certainly made good on his promise to get revenge
on his teacher. But a part of him still missed a certain location in the Haunted
Woods, constantly replaying his rescue from the Esophagor, his time at the Money
Tree, and that fateful evening.
In summary Apoc learned a valuable lesson that
changed his outlook on life. It lasted about a week.
The End