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One Crazy Day

by birdinggal


I sat at my desk, with a typewriter with a blank piece of paper sitting in front of me.

     I looked at the blank piece of paper and frowned.

     What can I write about? I wondered, leaning back in my chair.

     I was just about to give up, when an idea began to form in my mind.

     The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

     I leaned forward to the typewriter, and started typing...

      * * * * * *

     Magax, a blue Wocky, floated silently over the trees, watching, waiting.

     Suddenly, he saw a green flash out of the corner of his eye. He quickly tried to move out of the way, but was not quite fast enough and was knocked to the ground. As he hit, he heard cackling; it was his nemesis – Hubrid Nox.

     “Hello, Magax,” said Hubrid Nox (who happened to be a blue Chia).

     “Nox,” said Magax coolly, picking himself off the ground and glaring at his rival.

     “What a surprise to see you here, Magax,” said Nox. “I thought you’d be off saving Neopia or some other such nonsense.”

     Magax opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by an earthquake!

     "Something has happened!" boomed a voice.

     "No, really?" muttered Magax.

     "An earthquake! Quick, hide under your desk! (You do have one in your Neohome, don't you?)"

     Magax and Nox hit the ground, tumbled, and finally came to a stop on - an island?

     After trying many times to escape with no avail, they plopped down on the beach, seething.

     “This is all your fault, Nox,” Magax growled.

     “My fault!” Hubrid exclaimed. “What do you mean my fault! How is this my fault?”

     “Because it always is.”

     “Is not!” Hubrid countered, jumping to his feet.

     “Is too!” Magax retorted, also jumping to his feet.

     “Is not!”

     “Is too!”

     “Is not!”

      5 minutes later...

     “It is too!” Magax said, crossing his arms whilst plopping down on the beach once more, sulking. “Oatmeal brain,” he added with a mutter.

     “I am not!” Hubrid snapped.

     “Are too,” Magax muttered.

     “Let’s not start that again, shall we?” Hubrid snarled.

     “Fine!” Magax shouted. “I doubt you’d be smart enough to know half of what I was saying, anyway!”

     “Why, you little--!” Hubrid started.

     * * * * * *

     I frowned. I wasn’t happy with where this story was going.

     It was time to take some action.

      * * * * * *

     “Hey!” I typed.

     Magax and Nox moved faster than a snow pet on a concrete sidewalk on a hot summer's day.

     “Who said that?!?” Magax said, striking a ninja pose, while Hubrid proceeded to duck and cover.

     I rolled my eyes. “Me,” I typed. (I was typing, but to them it sounded like I was talking.)

     Magax looked around suspiciously. “Who’s ‘Me’?” he asked.

     “‘Me’ as in, ‘the author.’ You guys are in a story.”

     Nox snorted. “Yeah, right.”

     “Look, you!” I typed irritably. “With just one sentence, I could turn you into a Lupe, give you three heads, four arms, five legs, eight eyes, seven ears, two noses, five mouths and three tails. Wanna see?” I added mischievously.

     Nox’s eyes bugged out and he looked around licking his lips nervously. “Uh, n-no, no, I believe you!” he said.

     “Party pooper,” Magax muttered.

     “Can we please get back to the story now?” I typed.

     “I suppose so,” Nox said. “Even if we said no, you would, though,” he added with a mutter.

     Nox and Magax walked along the beach looking for some way of escape, when suddenly, out of the bushes jumped a tribe of island natives! They captured Magax and Hubrid and cooked them for their supper. The End.

     * * * *

     “WHAT?!?!” shrieked Nox.

     “What?” I typed. “You don’t like my ending?”

     “No, I don’t!” groused Nox. “I mean, cooking us?!”

     I sighed. “Fine,” I typed. “I’ll change it.”


     * * * *

     Magax and Nox were not cooked; they were being held captive until the tribe could decide what to do with them for messing up their beach. Nox and Magax were tied to a big pole in the middle of the village, back to back.

     “Why don’t you tell the natives to set us free, Mister Author?” asked Magax sarcastically.

     “Two things,” I typed irritably. “One, it’s MISS Author. I am a girl, thank you very much! And two, you don’t want to see what happens when an author talks to the characters that she’s writing about.”

     “But you talk to us!” Magax fussed.

     “You two are the main characters,” I typed. “And I still say you don’t want to know.”

     “Yes we do!” said Magax. “Right, Nox?”

     “Whatever,” Nox grumbled.

     “Ok, fine,” I typed with a sigh.

     “Hi, natives!” I typed cheerfully.

     Those natives moved faster than a Meowclops running through a room full of rocking chairs.

     In a matter of seconds, the entire village seemed deserted, for everyone had run inside their huts and locked their doors.

     “Whoa,” breathed Magax. “Do it again!”

     “No,” I typed.

     “Aw, come on!” whined Nox.

     “I could still turn you into a Lupe if I wanted,” I typed in reply.

     Nox shut his mouth with a snap.

     Seizing the opportunity, Magax managed to grab a sharp rock that was oh-so-conveniently sitting within reach, and sliced the ropes that held him and Nox in place.

     “How come HE gets to cut the rope?” Nox complained.

     I ignored him and kept typing.

     The two companions took off through the jungle, only to discover a while later, they were handcuffed together at the ankle. With a startled cry, they fell to the ground.

     “Ow!” fussed Nox. “I’m getting really sick of not seeing you, miss author!”

     I sighed. “You REALLY want to see me?” I typed.

     “YES!” snarled Nox.


     Just then, Magax and Nox heard crashing in the jungle they had fled into, and out of the bushed jumped —“Not again,” Magax muttered. – A Faerie Pteri? With a notebook and pencil in hand--er, wing?

     Magax and Nox looked at the Pteri incredulously.

     “You’re the author?” Nox said in disbelief.

     “Yup,” I said.

     “But you’re a Faerie Pteri!”

     “So?” I responded.

     “Wait a minute,” Magax said, inspiration dawning on him. “If you’re a Neopet, then you can be turned into anything!”

     Magax then grabbed the notebook and pencil and started writing furiously.

     “And then the author turned into a mutant Pteri!” Magax said as he wrote.

     Hubrid grabbed the notebook and also started writing. “With two heads!”

     This went back and forth for a while, until they finally looked up at me.

     “Hey,” Hubrid said slowly. “How come you haven’t changed?” he demanded.

     I smiled. “Because, I wrote a footnote that only the author can choose what she wants to be.”

     Magax and Hubrid looked extremely annoyed. I wonder why.

     “But I’d like to thank you for all the ideas!” I added with a grin, and grabbed the notebook and pencil. “See ya!” And with that, I flew off into the jungle.

     Then suddenly, and without warning, Magax turned pink!

     “WHAT?!?” shrieked Magax.

     “All right!” shouted Nox, pumping his fist in the air.

     “Turn me back, NOW!” demanded Magax.

     “No,” I typed.

     “Please? ANYTHING but pink!”

     I grinned. “Anything?”

     “Oh, no,” groaned Magax, putting his head in his hands.

     Suddenly, Magax found himself back to normal.

     “That’s better.”

     Magax and Hubrid managed to break the chain using a couple of rocks, but they were still stuck on the island.

     “Don’t remind me,” muttered Nox.

     Just then, the ground gave a slight tremor.

     “Did you feel that?” asked Nox.

     Magax nodded, wide eyed.

     The ground began to tremor more and more, until they found themselves in the midst of a full-fledged earthquake!

     They tumbled around for a while—“Déjà vu,” muttered Magax – until they came to a stop in a wooded area.

     They sat there for a bit, stunned, until they finally managed to get to their feet.

     They walked for a bit, until Nox gave a startled cry.

     “What now?” said Magax.

     “LOOK!” shouted Nox. “It’s the Deserted Fairgrounds! WE’RE HOME!” he added with extra emphasis.

     Magax looked.

     “You’re right,” he breathed.

     He then let out a joyous whoop, and started jumping up and down. “WE’RE HOME!” he shouted over and over.

     And he was right. They were home.

THE END. (Better, guys?)

     “Oh, yeah!”

Miss Author’s Note: I hope you had as much fun read this as I had writing it! :D

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