Spring Treats by avn48
The flowers are blooming, the air is crisp, and there is talk of a giant overgrown bunny hopping into your house and leaving candy (yes, that bunny). What does this all mean? Spring is on its way! Yes it is that time again, Spring!!!
Now you have probably noticed that everyone around you may have contracted a case of spring fever, a case in which you are always smiling, happy, and cheerful. You are probably planning some sort of Spring get together or party. Everyone has already sent an R.S.V.P. for your Spring party, but you have just realized that your menu has not been planned out yet. What are you going to do? Well, you could head down to the marketplace or you could just sit back and read my handy article to decide on the best Spring-worthy treats. Below I have only the most delectable, tempting, refreshing, and one of a kind choices for the PERFECT blow out Spring bash. But before the food arrives, be sure to have a rainbow, cloud or even fire picnic table ready for your guests to dine at. Oh heck, even throw out that rainbow barbecue for effect, just to wow your guests.
DRINKS: Drinks are of course are very important, because they set off the whole scene of the meal and make your guests intrigued. Here are my top five drinks that for me just say Spring.
This blend was frozen, then made into a tempting slush, topped with a fresh juicy raspberry, with mint sprinkled on top. YUM! This was my and my guests' favorite when I threw my pet a surprise party. And if your guests have any taste at all, they will love it too. My pet gave this drink two paws up! DELICIOUS!!!!!!
A tangy twist on traditional lemonade. Very elegant and satisfying. You could also set up your stand and sell some before your excited guests arrive. This jug comes with a plentiful amount of phearade for your many thirsty guests. It even comes with a cute little phear slice on the side. This drink tastes of strong phear and the chilling taste of ice.
Yes, I know this beverage comes in a can - how tacky - but the wonderful unique taste covers up that fact. Ahhhh, a delicious sparkling drink that just dissolves in your mouth. The combined essence of coconut and gooseberry make this sweet unforgettable drink even more unforgettable. Be sure to warn your guests to not shake this before opening, I mean, who would want to walk around with this sticky mess all over them? I mean, seriously; so open with caution.
What do you get when a ripe harffel fruit crosses a carton of milk? Harffel flavoured milk, of course! What else would you get, grape juice? Be sure to share that one with your guests as they file in (maybe someone will get it). Like regular milk, this flavorsome drink is also enriched with the calcium needed for your pets to have strong bones, with the added fun flavor. How cute; this beverage comes in a most stylish, colorful carton AND a little bendy straw that always adds a smile on some younger Neopian's face. How pleasing!
As soon as you twist open the top your guests will be tantalized by the irresistible aroma of the sweet tart juice. When you take a sip of this fizzy concoction, the mouth watering taste will linger in your mouth throughout this joyous Spring dedicated meal. Fresh rhuby berries are blended with carbonated soda in the cute little half litter bottle. This is truly perfect for your guests as they walk around and mingle with everyone else.
APPETIZERS: Appetizers say a lot about what should be expected of the upcoming meal. So in choosing your appetizers, be sure to think simple and elegant.
The compelling aroma of this savory salad just makes you wonder what the heck is really in it. What does the CPMPB name stand for? Chicken pesto, mozzarella, and peanut butter, of course! This odd yet tempting mixture will have your taste buds asking for more. Quite the different combination for someone to think of, but be glad someone did. Nevertheless, this is all together a gratifying meal in itself, but of course is best as an appetizer.
For this specific appetizer, you may feel the need to break out the campfire and your face paint in order to enjoy this islander treat. Perfect to those authentic islander natives to bring in the Spring season. Slices of dried islandberry grilled until crispy, or perfection. I once tried to make this treat myself but only ended up getting myself banned from Mystery Island. Better bought from the market, take my word for it. Yummy, satisfying are some words to describe this flavorful appetizer.
It will feel just like Spring when you eat this enchanting jelly. This jelly is set apart from all other jellies for it is infused with tasty tea leaves suspended in the jelly, which has never been attempted in jelly history. Set this on your table, hand out spoons to your guests, and let them indulge. This alluring, light dish is truly one of a kind. Sure to set off the party.
Just the sight of the hunk of white cheese, surrounded by heavenly raspberries, will make your mouth water. This is sure to add that elegant, classy feel you are looking for. The taste is exquisite and scrumptious. The hunk of cheese would be nothing without the ripe raspberries seeping into the cheesey texture. Plus, it comes on a cute decorative plate. YUM!!!!!!
MAIN COURSE: The main course is of course the most important part of every meal, shows your guests what you are really made of, and will determine whether or not your chosen guests will return.
Two slices of epple and a lettuce leaf make this a very healthy meal, so even your vegetarian guests will be pleased. The crunchy exterior makes the interior so much more enjoyable. The flower shape is signature and is oh so perfect for the Spring theme. The taste is indescribable; yes, it is that good. Your mouth will water just thinking, or even looking at it. This is the best choice out there for your sandwich part of the menu. I know my pets and probably yours too will just love this sandwich, and of course most importantly your guests.
OMG!! A what kind of sandwich? Most of you out there may not be familiar with the Sakhmetian fruit; in fact, at first I wasn't either, but to clear up all of your worries, a Sakhmetian fruit is only the best juiciest, plumpest, fruit out there so you can stop pulling your hair out and relax. The Sakhmetian grape sandwich is one of the best sandwich indulgences. Break away from the boring peanut butter and jelly and try something new. This particular Sakhmetian item is made with two slices of bread with a generous helping of Sakhmetian grape jam. DELICIOUS! This tasteful meal will have your guests on their toes. Always a dinner favorite.
An explosive hot dog topped with raw, yes raw, blue bomberries. Eat it with care! One bite of this flavorful, appetizing hot dog will make you more hyper than a Mynci on sugar. Yes, this is one of the rare items on my list, so this may be harder to get your hands on, but it's well worth it. A regular hot dog, only with a row of three fresh, explosive bomberries lined up on top. Younger Neopian guests will love the colorful texture and the fact that the bomberries may explode, so for them they have dinner and a show. Ahhhh, there is nothing better than sitting outside with your friends, at a Spring blow out party, eating a blue bomberry hot dog and enjoying the nice Spring weather. How delightful, and what a succulent meal.
Tangy, fruity and filling. This is one flavor you will either love or hate. Of all the flavors, orange? you may ask. And the answer is yes. The jacket of the potato is of a regular jacket potato, yet inside stuffed to perfection with citrus orange. One of the best potatoes out there. You can either take out the orange filling and eat it separately from the skin or you can eat them together as one. Serve your guests this and the enchanting, delectable, one of a kind, sensation will take over. A Spring time favorite. I mean nothing says Spring than a citrus stuffed potato.
DESSERT: As you will probably find out, your guests come for the meal, but stay for the dessert. Make sure to pick only the most enchanting, elegant, flavorsome and fun treats out there.
As good as Mother's, this pie will make your mouth water when you smell it. The flaky, golden crust pairs perfectly with the sweet, sugary blueberry center. There are even three fresh blueberries placed delicately on top. Serve this with a heaping scoop of ice cream to really set off this luscious treat. Your guests will be tempted when you walk out carrying this one of a kind dessert. This dessert is probably the most simple, but to your guests it will seem like the most delectable thing out there.
A delicious frozen treat shipped straight off an ice cave. The most simple treat you might have on your menu, but the taste is nothing but extravagant. The light purple ice is of course on a stick, so it is a perfect walk around treat. Be sure to eat it before the heat gets to it. The taste is a blend of black currant and of course ice. This will be the BEST Spring treat your neopoints will buy. The icicle is the most classic choice for Spring, but surely the best.
A variety of flavours all in one taffy treat. This sticky mess will not only bring color to your Spring menu, but also fun. The flavours included are probably of orange, cherry, grape, etc. Everyone will enjoy ripping off pieces and sticking them in their mouths. Pleasing and yummy, this treat is unbeatable.
As it is shaped like a kite, when you bring this alluring, banana filled bread out, your guests will want more. The banana flavouring is absolutely amazing and the shape goes without saying. WOW!!! When you bite into this unforgettable baked good, your taste buds will go on a joy ride they will never forget. THE ABSOLUTE BEST BREAD OUT THERE! And not only for Spring, but all year around.
*Dramatic Pause* OMG! could it really be? Your guests wonder if you are really bringing out CHOCOLATE CHIA JAM!!!! As one of your guests falls out of his chair, the others will be too stunned to speak. Yes, this item is that popular. Famous for being put on sundaes and cookies, you can suprisingly put this chocolatey jam on practically anything your heart desires.The classic chia shaped jar it comes in is also spectacular. There is even chocolate jam oozing from the top, on the sides of the jar. Indulge yourself with this enchanting, sugary, heavenly dessert.
Melted marshmallow and mocha flavouring sandwiched between a star shaped biscuit. This treat will also tempt you to bring out that campfire and fling that marshmallow over the open fire (on a stick of course). This s'more is symmetrically cut into the perfect star shape, which makes this perfect if you invite your neoschool teacher. The sticky marshmallow ooey gooeyness, goes perfect with the intriguing mocha flavouring. When your guests bite into this concoction they will be so pleased. PLEASANT, SCRUMPTIOUS, AND OOEY GOOEY.
I hope you have taken my article into consideration in planning your Spring welcoming party. Some other items well worthy of being mentioned are: speckled candy floss, buttered watermelon, jammy kyrii sandwich, twirly fruit toasty, or even a screlon. Good luck with your party and HAPPY SPRING!!!!!!!!!!