The Aisha Trio by belldandy213
The three sat in the dark corner of the adoption center
looking down at the wooden floorboards sighing. Their owner had abandoned them
months and months ago, and, as they sat, they could only recall their dark past
in silence, and to think it all started with Angelina...
Angelina had longed for the day a nice boy or
girl would come to the adoption center and choose. Just to have somebody to
lend her a home. The blue Aisha was always excited when a human came into the
shelter, hoping that they'd pick her up and take her away. Life at the shelter
was harsh. The meals were usually cold and displeasing long before they touched
her plate. The other orphaned pets were usually very nasty, and tended to get
into fights among themselves. She was so glad when it finally happened…
A girl with shiny, curly hair came walking into
the adoption center. She was carrying a bag filled with Neopoints, and she walked
down by what seemed like almost all of the Neopets. Until she stopped, to Angelina's
surprise, at her! Then she dashed off to the Uni in the front register, soon
enough, she ran back to Angelina, now with the Uni, and picked Angelina up!
Angelina thought that this was the best day of
her life, but she knew it wouldn't last long, for when she got to her new Neohome
she saw why the girl had chosen her.
Two other Aishas were working tirelessly on the
magnificent golden railing of the stairway, and a Moehog seemed to be acting
like a butler for Angelina's new owner saying, "Would you like some tea madam?"
or "Is there anything I can do to help you, miss?" every single moment. There
seemed to be only one neopet not working, a Christmas Cybunny who looked slightly
dissatisfied, though she was being pampered at every single second, in fact,
she must've been the only one complaining!
"Okay you rot!" barked the girl. "Listen up!
My name's Mona, I'm going to be your new owner! Now then, you will be working
on the railing of the stairway with Alisha and Alicia." She seemed to be pointing
to the two Aishas that Angelina saw earlier working on the railing of the stair.
"Okay?" Mona continued. "After you're done, report to me to get your next instructions!
Now, go!"
Angelina scurried towards the two pink Aishas
that were scrubbing the golden stairway with dirty rags. The two were both wearing
patterned aprons and rubber gloves. The taller of the two was staring at her
and tugged her sister on the apron. They signaled her with a wave and smiled.
"Hello!" said the two Aishas.
"We're Alisha…" the taller of the two explained
with her squeaky voice.
"…And Alicia…" the other interrupted in a high-pitched
"The Aisha sisters! We're twins. Who're you?"
the sisters said together.
"Me?" answered Angelina. "My name's Angelina!"
"Hi Angelina!" said the twins.
All of the sudden, a Lupe ran over and said,
"Sorry to break up the conversation, but Mistress Mona said if you don't stop
fooling around soon, she'll have to put one of you in the Haunted Woods for
a night. So get back to work!"
"He's Lupin the Lupe. His brother was a troublemaker,
and one night he did something to make Mona really mad," Alisha paused, looked
around, and whispered. "He put three, slimy Wadjets in Mona's soup..."
Two of the Aishas, Angelina and Alicia, were
giggling frantically, but Alisha looked serious, "...and Mona made him go into
the Haunted Woods-alone-at night, and he never was seen again after that."
Alicia and Angelina looked thunderstruck, as
if they had just been electrified from a very strong Battledome move, but kept
on polishing the rail. They hadn't noticed how long they'd been talking, because
the rail had been polished so much that the Cybunny couldn't even complain!
"Do you know what the Cybunny's name is?" Angelina
asked the Aisha sisters as they walked over carrying buckets of dirty water
"Her name?" said Alisha. "Well of course, she's
Christen. I don't know that many Neopets around here that don't know her name,
but you're new so that's okay."
From that day on they became friends, the Aisha
The days went by slowly for Angelina. Cleaning,
cooking, everything that the owner should handle, not the neopet. It was a nightmare,
waking up to the sound of Mona's earsplitting yell in the morning.
"It's time for a little bit of action to flavor
this up!" Angelina whispered to the Aisha sisters one cold morning.
"No, you can't! We'll get in huge trouble!" Alicia
"I don't care! I want to give her what she deserves,
and I'm not going to let some dumb punishment stop me!" Angelina answered.
"Please don't, or else you'll go to the Forest!"
said a teary Alisha.
"I'll see you soon!" Angelina waved and set off
to her and the Aisha sisters' room.
About halfway through the passageway to the room,
a snobby voice stopped Angelina on her tracks. It was Christen.
"Well...Well...Well...What do we have here?"
said Christen in a voice that made Angelina want to punch that snobbish Cybunny
in her face. "Ah! Yes, of course, you're that Aisha I overheard talking 5 minutes
ago! Want to get back at my owner, yes? Well then, I'd just be glad to tell
her about this, but I have to go get groomed. So, please wait for me to get
back so I can enjoy all of the fun!" and then Christen ran down the hallway
and exited the Neohome.
Angelina dashed into her room, and started to
map out a plan. She then realized she'd need more Neopets to work it than just
herself, and right when she thought of this two other Aishas entered the room...Alicia
and Alisha!
"You're right!" said Alisha cheerfully. "We shouldn't
be afraid all the time of being punished for stupid little mistakes!"
"Yeah!" said Alicia. "So we're going to help
Angelina smiled widely. Then she and the two
sisters started discussing their plan. On their night shift, they usually had
cooking duty, and their owner always wanted barbecue sauce omelette so they
would Mix bits of dead Selkets with hot sauce and tell their owner it was barbecue
sauce! She'd never know!
So that night, the plan was all set and when
Mona asked for her omelette! Everyone had known about this plan except for Mona
and Christen, and were waiting for it to happen. So Alisha served Mona the omelette,
and Mona smiled an evil smile, "This isn't barbecue sauce." And called for two
of her servants to dump the trio out into the woods.
"Christen knew," said Angelina darkly.
"If only we could've gotten away with it…" Alicia
"Well, we didn't…" Angelina remarked gazing at
the forest floor.
"But what'll we do now?" cried a disappointed
"Fend for ourselves...I guess..." Angelina sniffled.
"Fend for ourselves? I couldn't 'fend for myself'
in Neopia central! Let alone here!" Alicia whimpered.
"It is our only choice, Alicia," Angelina said.
"Yeah, she is right you know," Alisha said to
her twin sister.
"Wait a second! Neopia central is near the Haunted
Woods, right?" Angelina asked the sisters.
"Right. Just a ways north," Alisha answered.
"And it will only take a while to get there,
right?" Angelina asked the twins.
"Right," Alicia responded.
"So we can go to Neopia Central!"
"Not right," said Alisha. "We'd only have until
midnight to get there or else the ghastly creatures of the Haunted Woods will
devour us..."
"…But if we stay here we'll be killed straight
away so..." Alicia interrupted.
"…All right!" Alisha finished her sentence.
The three trotted down the winding dirt-laced
path. The forest scenery shook the two twins and their comrade. After a few
hours of walking, they finally came across the elusive heart of the Haunted
"Let's ask someone if they can show us where
Neopia Central is!" Alicia suggested pointing to "Spooky Petpets". They walked
in and were immediately greeted by the Cybunny shopkeeper.
"Got lost in the wood, dears?" said the shopkeeper.
"Yes," said Angelina. Then the three Aishas told
the shopkeeper about everything that had happened to them.
"Oh! I know a young Lupe who has a story like
yours, put some Wadjets in his owner's soup, and she kicked him out, she did!
That's pretty drastic for a little prank, though..." the shopkeeper said, "...but
sure I can help you! In fact, stay in my Neohome! We'll have some company, because
that Lupe I was talking about lives with me, and in the morning I'll help you
figure out how to go to Neopia Central!"
The shopkeeper led them to a pretty 2-room Neohome.
When they got inside the Neohome they noticed a white Lupe was sitting there
reading a book, Alisha whispered in Angelina's ear, "That is the Lupe that disappeared!"
The Lupe said, "Hello Alicia, Alisha, and… whoever
you may be. Did the master chuck you out, too?"
Alicia said directing his attention to the blue
Aisha, "This is Angelina, Markus…"
Alisha said, "…And yes, Markus, unfortunately
she caught us replacing some barbeque in the barbeque sauce omelette with some
Selket powder and hot sauce. Dreadful temper she has…"
"Well," Markus explained. "Selket powder and
hot sauce isn't that unnoticeable. I would've done…"
"Markus, dear, I think that it is too late to
talk about that sort of stuff," the shopkeeper interrupted.
They slept quite soundly, and then, when the
sun had risen, the shopkeeper woke them up, "Wake up girls! We must not waste
"Why wake us up so early?" Alicia asked the shopkeeper
"We have to get you going early, and I have to
go to work, so this is the best time to wake you up!" the shopkeeper said.
The shopkeeper handed them a map to Neopia Central.
The map showed the three Aishas that they must go due north for approximately
150 miles before they would reach Neopia Central. However, the Cybunny shopkeeper
filled their knapsack with enough provisions to last them for at least several
days. They gathered their belongings, bode her farewell, and left by midday.
Again, they found themselves wishing they were
back somewhere more hospitable. The wood was so dark, cold, and damp. Even the
Neopian adoption center would've at least been lit. Still, the three did not
give up hope that they'd make it to Neopia Central. They vowed to make it to
Neopia Central alive.
"I wish that I wasn't so tired," whined Alicia
three days after they left the Cybunny shopkeeper's Neohome
"Well, it's your turn to carry your provisions
next, so you'd better be awake enough to carry the knapsack," Alisha said irritably,
as she was the one carrying the heavy knapsack.
"Oh, come on guys. No time for us to argue when
we're only a little over a day away from Neopia Central," Angelina told the,
attempting to resolve the argument.
"A day away isn't…" Alicia started.
"…Close," Alisha finished.
"We've been in the forest for ages! Surely, you'd
be overjoyed to hear that in a day or so you'll be out of this dreaded place,"
Angelina told them.
"But I want to be out of here now!" Alicia moaned.
"Oh, stop whining. I know the Haunted Woods are
dark and scary, even during the day! I wish to be out of this wretched wood
as much as you!" Angelina told the twin.
They continued to quarrel and walk, and they
found themselves much closer to Neopia Central then before.
* * *
Barely a day after that, they arrived in the
heart of Neopia Central. The three Aishas were so excited! The Haunted Woods
really could take something out of them. Anyway, they decided that they should
try to find a new owner before the adoption center people caught them and took
them away. They wandered through the back alleys and began to knock on doors.
The people seemed pretty nice, or at least, most
of them. Yet, none of them were available to adopt a pet. Some said they were
too poor to provide for one. Others explained that they had too many pets already
and could not provide for another three. Left and right, they were rejected
homes. They couldn't take anymore of this and decided that they must go to the
Neopets adoption center to take them in.
While walking to the adoption center at night,
a group of Gelerts confronted them saying, "You better watch out, kids. The
streets are unsafe at night," and walked away.
They scurried off hoping to reach the adoption
center soon. They saw it, and then went inside…
"Excuse me," Angelina said to the Uni sitting
at the reception desk. "May we be housed here for a small while?"
The Uni said, utterly taken aback by the three
pets that were willingly walking into the shelter, "I suppose you can… were
you abandoned? What are your names?"
"My name's Angelina," Angelina told her.
"Alicia," Alicia said.
"Alisha," Alisha said as if she was echoing her
"You see," Angelina explained. "Our former owner
was very cruel, and made us do hard labor at her mansion."
"She was very wealthy," Alisha said to the Uni.
"Yes," Angelina continued. "Very wealthy, indeed.
Yet, she was heartless. We attempted to pull a prank on her, to teach her a
lesson, but it was a fruitless attempt. We found ourselves tossed out of the
place and sent into the Haunted Woods."
"Then," said Alicia picking up on the conversation,
"we wandered into the town in the middle of the Haunted Woods. We found a nice
shopkeeper that took us in for the night and helped us reach here."
"After several days of hiking through the woods,"
Alisha continued her thought. "We finally reached here. However, we had no home
to stay. We had to find somewhere."
"So," Angelina said, "we knocked on the door
of almost every citizen of Neopia Central. Then we gave up and went here."
"I see," the Uni said. "Well, you can stay here
until an owner comes in and picks you up."
They were shoved off to a cage in the back of
the shelter.
Well, so there they are. They're just sitting
in their cage in the adoption center waiting for a new owner to come by and
save them. I guess that some things you just can't escape. Well, one thing's
for sure. As long as friendship is around to support them, the Aisha trio will
be together!
Oh wait… what's this? There goes a human now.
Approaching their cage… I think she's going to adopt them…
The End?