Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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Day Jobs

by explorer_253

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Illusen's Day Off
"By order of Fyora, in punishment of thy many deeds dark and destructive, thou shalt be sentenced to a single day in the Glade..."

by micrody


A Shocking Plushie Story
I'm going to tell you the sad and miserable story of Plushies, those poor toys that everyone just throws around without a second thought...

by kotahkue


Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic - Part Nine
He wanted so badly to tell the truth, but he was a little afraid of what Seth might do. It had been a mistake, bargaining with magic to escape the situation...

by yatomiyuka


NeoQuest II: The Mysteries
OMG! It bit me!

by gabeedragon

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