How to Make a Good NeoAdventure by computer_wizz
Have you always wanted to get the NeoAdventure Spotlight and never had a chance? Have you decided your NeoAdventure is boring and deleted it? Have you gotten frustrated and quit altogether? Well, this guide should give a cure to your troubles.
To tell the truth, I have never gotten the NeoAdventure Spotlight, but that’s probably because I’ve never entered. Most of the time I get fed up and delete my adventures, which is my only problem. I do have a pretty good grasp of making a good NeoAdventure, though. I’ll teach you a few tips and tricks that should get you a five-star rating! The first step is deciding what type of NeoAdventure you want to make. You should choose this according to what interests you and what you are best at doing. If you’re not good at writing stories, you should probably make a quiz. If you’re bad at making good outcomes for quizzes, you should probably write a story. I suggest you take this advice, but it’s your choice, after all.
Story Type: If you are confident in your writing skills, you should choose the story type. However, if you can’t come up with a good storyline, you might have to look at some titles that Borri generates for you and think them over for a while. (Borri is the red Quiggle in charge of the NeoAdventure Generator.) Once you’ve decided on an interesting storyline, you have to come up with a main character. Remember that it’s always better when the main character is referring to the reader. The next step is the setting. You should describe this with detail, along with the character. After you’ve introduced those things, you have to start plugging in your title. The ending of your NeoAdventure should be a good ending, not just, “Then Queen Fyora came and made everything right.” It should tie up all the loose ends and explain anything the reader didn’t understand. To me, the ending is the most important part of the story. Spend time on your endings.
Quiz Type: If you know that you’re not very good at writing stories, you should probably create a quiz type. There are two types of quizzes. One tells you about yourself, for example, “What type of chocolate are you?” The other is a pop quiz, which challenges the reader. For example, “How much do you know about Sophie?” Your quiz should never be too short. It should have at least 5 questions, 10 being ideal, and at least 2 outcomes. There should never be dead ends for quizzes. I know a lot of people who put dead ends on their quizzes, and I haven’t liked any of them. In my opinion, the pop quizzes aren’t very fun.
The Other Type: I can’t really think of a title for this type, because it’s very hard to explain. This type is my personal favorite, but it’s really hard to make. It tells about your true feelings. The author will ask a few questions, and according to your answers, it will tell you about yourself. I once found one that told you had found something on the ground, and picked it up. Whatever the object was what you desire. For example, I choose a teddy bear, and that meant I wanted love. You really have to experiment with this in order to make it. It should be accurate. Don’t just think of things and think they’re right. You have to experiment with them. Remember that.
Comedy Type: Apparently a lot of people think this is hard to make, because I haven’t found a single comedy story yet that I liked. Either they were completely random, or they just weren’t funny. Remember, a comedy story should have a storyline too. It doesn’t have to be interesting. It just has to have a storyline. And after you’ve chosen that, you add the comedy. If you chose the storyline, “There once was a Koi who found a treasure chest and built a restaurant,” then you should probably add things like the Koi being stupid, or the treasure being fake and the Koi getting in trouble. The restaurant could be made out of dung, and the food could be made out of crushed rocks. Once you’re done with your NeoAdventure, play it before entering. If you don’t laugh at least twice while reading it, you’ll have to go back and make it funnier before it’s a comedy type.
So have you chosen your story type yet? I hope so, because you’re not going to get anywhere until you choose that. To keep you on the right track, this should be the order in which things are done while making your NeoAdventure: 1. Choose the type. 2. Choose the genre. 3. Choose the title. 4. Make the first part of the story, which should describe the main character and setting. 5. Make your NeoAdventure. 6. Preview it to see if you like it. If you don’t, look over the things you didn’t like and change them. 7. Lock your adventure and let other Neopians read it! Before starting your NeoAdventure, read over these tips and tricks. I guarantee they will help make your NeoAdventure a lot better, so make sure to copy and paste these onto somewhere where you can refer to them anytime while making your NeoAdventure. -Describe your character and setting in detail. You should tell the character’s name, age, type of Neopet, and family. For the setting, you should tell the place, time of day, day of the week, month, special events, and year. It will help the reader a lot if you include as many of these as you can. They don’t all have to be in the first part, but most of them should. For example, you could look at your watch later in the day and see what day it is, or you could refer to special events happening as you are taking your morning walk. Remember that the character should always be the reader! -Give your reader lots of options. I know it’s really annoying to have to write so many different outcomes, but it will pay off when you get the NeoAdventure Spotlight! This is one of the main reasons that I delete my adventures. I get frustrated with writing all the different outcomes. I still need to work on that myself. Just take your time. The NeoAdventure Spotlight won’t disappear! -Always give your reader second chances. You know how annoying it is when you do one thing wrong and have to start the adventure all over again. Usually I just give a low rating and choose a different adventure when that happens. You don’t want that happening to your NeoAdventure, do you? -Include credits if needed. This is what I mean by ‘explain the unexplained’. Tell your reader about anything they might not have understood or interesting things that they might not have caught. Also include any people who might’ve helped you with the NeoAdventure. (I’d really appreciate it if you included me!) -Tell your reader to rate the adventure. On endings or in the credits, tell your reader to rate your NeoAdventure and neomail you with any suggestions. If anyone does give you a suggestion, you should probably make a place for them in the credits. You should tell them that, too. Just don’t ask them to rate in dead ends, because they hate it when they lose the adventure! You could probably ask for suggestions in dead ends with no problems, though. So did this guide help you? I hope so. I took time on this, about three hours straight. I hope to see my name in the credits of the NeoAdventure Spotlight winner, so thank you for reading this, and good luck!