Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 141,362,208 Issue: 295 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Razzle Dazzle - Episode XIII

by khestrel

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Beware the Soup Faerie
This comic is in celebration of JUBJUB Day! and also it is a warning to all food-themed pets!! BEWARE!

by jokerqueen


Arghh, Me Petpet!
Those mischevious Mallards...

by nomitts


Dandilion Tails: Noodle??
I found him!

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by dandilion_crucifix


A Courier In Crisis In Crisis Courier
The Altador Cup was the last time we heard of the Yooyus... until Crisis Courier came along. That's right - His Highness King Altador sends a poor Yooyu through chaos...

by userplay6088

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