Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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Smelly Nelly

by i_hate_backstabbers

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Five Easy Steps To Become A Successful Pirate
The utmost basic of pirate apparel is the red headband. Most people can pull this off, and it's probably the most cost effective. But if you're aiming high, then you want a hat. And if you're aiming higher, you want a BIG, noticeable hat.

by decarious


Fyora Day... Muffin Talk??
This shows how one small little Fyora Muffin makes a difference for the other faerie muffins... by being too original. ^.^

by xx_yuna___xx


If Real Life Were More Like Neopets
I don't see Fluffy going to war, fighting the neighborhood dogs with nothing more than some snowballs and a plastic knife.

by cellophane_girl


Silly Paws!
My, what tasty Neopets you have!

Also by polar_falcon

by pirate_ahoy

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