Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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by pink_kitty16

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Etana the Coward: Part Two
She moved numbly back into the library. What should she do now? She laughed out loud, her eyes stinging and throat tight. Of course, Etana the Coward would do nothing...

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Safe No Longer
Hiya! Scrap here. Cappy wants me to write down everything that happens. He says it's so he doesn't have to keep a captain's log....

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Waiting for Anna: Part Six
He laughs. "I lost my name a long time ago," he says, breaking eggs into a pan and taking them to the stovetop. "In a book somewhere, I think..."

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Are You Ready to Adopt? Are you Ready to Abandon?
Are you truly ready to adopt the ill, homeless, sad Neopet? Do you have a good amount of income, plenty of food and drinks, and a warm bed for the Neopet?

by epiercy1996

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