kthxbye by reggieman721
Sender: remember321Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: hi yesterdays_future!! i read your story in the neopain times and i thought it was really really good. your a great author and i thought that your story was really cool and can you please reply? kthxbye
Sender: remember321
Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: wow you wrote back thanks so much! yah i just wanted to tell you how much your story was good and how your really cool and stuff i’m glad you apreciated it. actualy ive been working on a story for th nt but they keep rejecting it so could you help me? kthxbye ***
Sender: remember321
Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: well its about lupes and chias and the war their having and why lupes hve to eat chias and stuff. i submited in in short story because its about lupes and chias but they rejected it, so could you maybe read it and tell me how to get in like you did? kthxbye *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Allright I checked it for gramar and I proofed this neomail for captilizing and stuff too, you were right I messed that up a lot in the story. Thanks so much for reading it!!!!!! Im glad you liked the idea because I do too and I hope it gets in to the NT. I will work on fixing all of the capitilizing and send it to you again, k? kthxbye *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: O.K. I used spell check on this Neomail too and I guess I have to pay more attention when I type these lol!! But I’m glad you are liking the story more because I really worked hard to fix it up. But now I was just reading this week’s NT and I thought that maybe my short story should be an article instead?? Because I’m not sure but it sounds like it would make a cool article. Can you help me maybe think of a way to make it into an article? O.K. thanks bye. *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Wow that’s a really really good idea!! I will definitely do that. I will make my story into an article for sure now, thanks so much for your help! OK so let me kind of piece this together in my head. OK so first I’m going to have an introduction you said, right? And there I just talk about like why do Lupes have to eat Chias and why do Chias paint themselves fruity if they know they’re going to be eaten, and introduce all my questions that want to be answered, right? OK so then I interview a Lupe and a Chia to find out what they have to say, and then I’ll just give my own answers to the questions. And last is conclusion where I just wrap up. All right that doesn’t sound too hard, thanks so much for helping me out! I’ll neomail you the new article when I finish it. O.K. thanks bye!!!!!!! *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Whew! That took a long time. I’m working really hard now at making my writing better, do you think it’s working?? I finished up my first draft of the article, please tell me what you think! I also started reading other works in the Times like you told me, and you were right they did help my writing! I bet it’s a lot better than it was two weeks ago. Thanks so much! Bye. *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Thanks for the tips! I added them into my article and changed a couple things. I really liked your ideas for the way I present the material, using a reporter narrator instead of just telling the reader. What would I do without you! I also saw that you got another short story into the Times, and I read it and it was AWESOME! I wish I could write like you. I’m getting better though, don’t you think? Anyway, sorry to be so bothersome with all these neomails and revisions for my article but I really want to get published. I appreciate your help! Thanks a million. Bye! *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Well I’m glad to know it’s not a bother. Because seriously, I’ve been writing to you so much in the past few weeks I thought you’d be so sick of me by now! But I’m glad that you think my writing is improving, and I’m glad you think the article is getting better! I think I’m going to submit it soon but I just had a really good idea that I want your opinion on. Do you think I should include more than just one interview with a Lupe and a Chia each? I think that the article is a little short (I haven’t even checked how many words it is yet, but it feels short) so maybe adding a different perspective would help. Actually, just as I was writing I thought of another brilliant idea. I think I might have the interviews with the Lupe and the Chia in the same room! And then I could describe how the Lupe keeps looking hungrily at the Chia during my interview and stuff, lol! What do you think? Thanks for the help. Bye. *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Wow, what a relief! OK well I added it in, and I think the article is really close to being finished. I’m going to review it a few more times and try to smooth out the loose ends. I think you’re right about it needing a little more description, some more varying in the vocabulary, and more fluid plot movement. I’ll add all those in and then submit it. But I still need a title! I guess I’ll leave that to last, like you said. I’m not very good with titles. Any suggestions? Thanks, bye! *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Your article, "Dastardly Diet", has been submitted successfully. Yay! I can’t believe that I finally submitted a good article to the Neopian Times! If I got in that would be so amazing. It’s all thanks to you. Oh, I hope you don’t mind that I used “Dastardly” instead of “Disgusting” like you suggested, but I thought it would sound better. Anyway, at least part of this story has to be mine, right? You’ve helped so much, you almost deserve co-author credit! But seriously, thank you so so so so so so much! Bye!! *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: How long does it normally take for your stories to get accepted? It’s been like two days already and no word from TNT... I hope they don’t reject it! What’s the average waiting time? Thanks, bye. *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: Oh, all right then! I guess since this is my first time submitting a serious work I don’t really know the routine. But I’m willing to wait a few weeks, as long as I get good news! I’m so nervous though. Do you really think the article was good enough to get in? Thanks for sticking with me. Bye! *** Sender: remember321 Recipient: yesterdays_future Message: I’m glad you have confidence in me. It seems like just a few weeks ago (in fact, it WAS) that I was spelling words wrong and using horrible grammar in everything I wrote! I looked at an old story I had submitted to the NT and it was awful! I’ve come so far since then, and it’s all thanks to you. I honestly can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your help. You’ve done more than you know. Just by replying to my neomails, and reading my (terrible) first drafts, and helping me improve my writing, you’ve not only gotten me to be a competent author, but you’ve helped make me into a better person. You’ve given me confidence that I’ve never had before, and you’ve allowed me to find a way to express myself. That means a lot. Thank you so, so very much. Bye. *** Sender: chiamaniac9000 Recipient: remember321 Message: omg remember321 i read your article in the newspaper and it was so amazing i couldnt belive it your such an awsom righter can you plz plz right back to me? kthxbye