Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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Random Espionage: Halloween

by silvermare200

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Great stories!


Neotwins - Halloween Episode
Hmmmm... I wonder who ate all the candy... o_0

by sloan8222


The Mind of Max ~ Halloween Special!
Happy Halloween!

by 0omythical_dragono0


Never Trust Your Siblings On Halloween
"But it's Ha-allowe-eeen," Atyr moaned. "Everyone else gets to trick-or-treat at Halloween time..."

Also by nummy_yummy_stuff

by rachelindea


A Guide To Owning A Sklyde
Let me refresh your memory. It's pretty much a walking, bad tempered, hissing skeleton.

by lupegirl10811

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