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Beginning of a Legend: Part Three

by medit92


Jacques swiftly pulled his feet under his attacker’s chest and kicked as hard as he could. His attacker flew over his head with a yell and hit the many crates behind them. Jacques jumped up and grabbed the knife from his attacker and pinned him to the ground.

     “No! Don’t!!” Jacques froze as he stared at his attacker’s face.

     “What in the world.... You’re just a kid!” he exclaimed. The blue Kacheek of about ten looked him in the eye.

     “So? I had you pinned, remember?”

     “What are you doing here?” Jacques asked, quickly changing the subject. The boy hesitated.

     “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you. Just don’t kill me!!”

     “Who says I’m going to kill you?” Jacques released the boy. He held out his hand to help him up. The puzzled boy looked at him.

     “You... you mean you’re not going to slit my throat?” he asked.

     Jacques smiled, now realizing the boy’s situation. He attacked out of fear. “Would you have slit mine?”

     The boy smiled. “Probably not.” He stood up with Jacques’ help. “Sorry about that, though.”

     “Eh, it’s alright.” Jacques shrugged. “So what are you doing here?”


     Just like Talak, thought Jacques. “Why?”

     “Petty theft, getting on people’s nerves, and just because I look like fish food.”

     “Ah.” Jacques looked at the boy. “What’s your name?”

     “Sammy. Or just Sam most of the time.”

     “Pleased to meet you. I’m Jacques.” Jacques held out his hand. Sam shook hands with him. “Say, do you know anybody by the name of Talak?”

     “Yes. He and I sometimes hide together,” Sam answered him. “How do you know him?”

     “Have you ever thought about becoming a pirate, Sam?” Sam’s eyes sparkled.

     “Oh, boy, have I ever! It’s just finding an opportunity that’s the hard part,” he exclaimed.

     “Tell me about it,” Jacques said, remembering his own situation with Garin. “But what would your parents say? I mean, don’t they ever....” Jacques stopped his words from escaping his mouth. Sam’s face was downcast, and his eyes were welling up with tears.

     “My parents are dead. Killed in a hurricane,” he said. “I lived in an orphanage for most of my life until I was seven, and then I met Talak. He took me in. Gave me something to at least be able to call a home, but otherwise I’m just a street urchin.” Sam quickly whipped away a tear from his cheek. “Sorry. I... I don’t mean to be a wimp.”

     “It’s all right,” Jacques assured him. “Everyone cries sometime in their lives now don’t they?”

     Sam looked at Jacques. “You’ve got a point there buddy,” he laughed.


     “Jacques is waiting aboard that ship over there.” Garin pointed. “I just hope everything’s alright.”

     “Well, we won’t know until we get there,” said Bill, the red Buzz.

      “Nice vessel, by the way,” said Gordy. “What do you think, Talak?”

     “Yep. Fine ship.”

     “Right, c’mon!” Garin broke into a run toward the ship. “Ahoy, Jacques!” Garin called.

     “Ahoy, Garin!” Jacques leaned over the side. “Everything’s under control, but what in the name of Terror Mountain took you so long?!”

     “Oh, be quiet.” Garin hauled himself aboard the ship, glancing at her name. “The Black Pawkeet,” he murmured. “Fine name this ship has.”

     “Yeah. I was thinking we could leave it as it was,” said Jacques.

     “We might as well,” Garin helped Talak up, “because I can’t think of another name better than that one.” Jacques laughed.

     “So should we start cleaning up?” Sam came up from below deck carrying a bucket and a mop.

     “Who’s the kid?” asked Garin.

     “This is Sam,” Jacques replied. “Caught him below deck, and I figured we could use a cabin boy anyhow. I think he’s a friend of yours, Talak.”

     “Yep.” Talak nodded. “I helped him out just like I helped you two.”

     “So he told me,” said Jacques.

     “Hm. Well, to answer his question, yes, I think we should start cleaning up,” said Garin.

     “No kidding,” said Jacques.

     “Didn’t you get anything done while I was gone?” asked Garin elbowing Jacques in the side.

     “Well, I started to, but Sam here interrupted me,” said Jacques.

     “Say, captain,” said Sam. “We might want to check out all those crates below. I tried moving a few down there but they’re real heavy.”

     “All right. Jim, you and Gordy head below and start looking through those crates and see if you can turn up anything that could be useful to us. Anything else we can take into town and hopefully trade it for some dubloons or supplies.”

     “Aye, aye, sir.” Jim and Gordy went below. Garin looked at Jacques.

     “Well,” he said, “I’d say we’re starting out pretty well.”

     “Providing it stays that way, Garin.”

     “Worry wart.” Garin lightly punched Jacques in the shoulder. “Just wait. Everything is going to be fine.”


     A few days had past, and they had sailed the Black Pawkeet to another spot along the coast. The crew by now had learned to work together, and they had all become good friends. They had even picked up a few more members. Garin was doing his best as captain to be tough and like a leader, but he was mostly trying out the leader part. Everything seemed to be going all right... that is... until one day.

     Garin was by himself in town, picking up a few supplies for the voyage, when he got the strangest feeling he was being watched. He turned around, but saw nothing. He continued walking, but suddenly, as he passed an alley, a hand reached out and dragged him into the shadows.

     “Hey!!” Garin yelped. The figure put him into a headlock; Garin reacted by slamming his foot into the figure’s ankle. The figure let out a shout and released Garin. Garin drew his cutlass and faced the dark figure, whom he figured out was a Pirate Eyrie and not Daring Dixon or Big Ben. Garin wanted no trouble so he tried to bolt past the Eyrie to get away, but the Eyrie stepped in his path. His eyes burned in anger.

     “You aren’t going anywhere, you worthless bilge rat!” he shouted.

     “What did I do to you?” Garin asked. “I’ve never seen you in my life!”

     “You stole my ship, idiot!” the Eyrie snapped. Garin’s eyes widened. “And no one crosses Captain Bloodhook, and lives to tell about it!” The Eyrie drew forth a large cutlass and swung at Garin, who blocked, then jumped to the side. The Eyrie kicked Garin in the chest and knocked him over. But Garin recovered quickly and swung his cutlass twice at the massive Eyrie, who locked blades with him.

     “Hmm. You are a feisty little one. For a pirate wanna-be!” Bloodhook shoved Garin over, who now sat on the ground panting in frustration. He looked the large Eyrie up and down. He was tall, muscular, and had small, but yet grim looking scars on his face, most likely from years of battle. The Eyrie scanned Garin from head to toe and then said,

     “But then again, you seem to have great potential. What’s your name, boy?”

     “Garin,” Garin growled, hoping he wouldn’t be able to hear, but he did.

     “Garin? You sound like you came from a decent family. So what’re you doing here?”

     “I’m a pirate.”

     “Oh really?”

     “Yeah!” Garin jumped up and swung his cutlass at Bloodhook, who quickly sidestepped. Garin caught his move and swung his cutlass again, cutting Bloodhook’s arm this time near the top of the wrist. Bloodhook yelped and grabbed his wound, but then he let out a wicked, and very cruel, laugh.

     “Not bad! Not bad at all! Ye’ll make a fine buccaneer!” he chortled. “The only thing you need now is a ship and a captain.”

     “Got both of them,” Garin growled. “So forget the proposition, I’m not giving up my ship!”

     “You mean my ship.” Bloodhook’s grip on the hilt of his cutlass tightened. “If you won’t surrender it, I’ll take it back by force!”

     “Then just try!” Garin lunged at Bloodhook, who suddenly grabbed

      Garin by the neck and pinned him to the wall. Garin struggled viciously.

     “You think I don’t know anything about you? I’ve been watching you and your pitiful crew for days. And I know about your best mate.” Garin’s eyes widened. “Yes. I know about him. Jacques is his name, I heard. I swear to you now, boy, that if you fight back, all it will lead to is death. Even so, I’m going to take back my ship. And I’m going to kill your mate, just so you can watch him die,” Bloodhook hissed.

     “No,” Garin breathed. “You leave him alone!”

     “And who’s gonna stop me?” Bloodhook mocked. “You? You’re nothing but a slimy bilge rat, who can’t even take care of his friends, or himself.” Bloodhook laughed evilly and hit Garin in the head with the pommel of his sword. Garin went unconscious, with Bloodhook’s wicked words and his laugh echoing in his mind.

     Worthless... wanna-be... my ship... surrender... take it back by force... Jacques... kill him. I’m going to kill him... I’m going to kill him...

     “No... Leave Jacques alone,” Garin murmured, trying to fight back the words. “No... No!”

To be continued...

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Other Episodes

» Beginning of a Legend: Part One
» Beginning of a Legend: Part Two
» Beginning of a Legend: Part Four
» Beginning of a Legend: Part Five

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