Confiserie's Dictionary by confiserie
Are you new to Neopets and don’t have the lingo down yet? Or are you in need of a refresher course? Either way, my dictionary will do the trick. Each term includes an example of how to use it, so you’ll be a natural in no time! The “most popular phrases” are also included with some words.3-mod: Complete and utter evilness (see TNT) Example: “Dude, I’ve been working on these 3-mods for hours!” “Why bother? Didn’t you hear Sloth’s ‘resistance is futile’ speech?” Altador Cup (AC): The best way to waste a summer Example: “So what did you students do over the summer?” “I pwned some faerie n00bs in the AC.” Most popular phrases: “We will Krawk you in this year’s AC!1!” “Where are my AC prizes?” Asparagus: Adam’s one weakness; a vegetable guarded with Adam’s life Example: “I wonder why Adam has his neomail blocked.” “Probably too many people begging for his asparagus.” “Or maybe people like you kept sending him other n00b mail.” Avatars: Neoboard pictures created to drive you nuts Example: “Ack, I’ve spent 50k on the Lever of Doom but it still won’t give me the darn avatar!” Most popular phrase: “I have more avatars than you! I have more avatars than you!” Breadfish: The perfect balance of carbs and protein Example: “Yum, I can’t wait to eat this Breadfish! Pass the Butterfish, please.” Daily Dare: A challenge that may damage your gaming self-esteem Example: “I still can’t beat that pesky AAA in the Daily Dare.” “Don’t worry, he has no life.” “But I don’t have one either. :(” Default Avatar: The avatar of some newbies and non-newbies trying to be cool (see March 13th Glitch) Example: “Why are you using a default avatar?” “Because that’s just how I roll.” “Early next week”: TNT code for “a very long time;” first introduced while promising the Altador Cup I plot prizes Example: “Do you know when the pound will be reopened, Jen?” “Don’t worry, I’m sure TNT will fix it early next week. =P” Fyora Day: An excuse to overload the Neopian Times with cute faerie articles Example: “Oh look it’s Fyora Day... and the NT is out!” “There is not much more my masculinity can take.” Gadgadsbogen: A serious test of your spelling skills Example: “Did you know that Gadsadboogan is going on this month?” “What now?” Hot Dog Mascot with Mustard: The most dangerous outfit ever; looks delicious but tastes like plastic Example: “Having to wear that Hot Dog Mascot with Mustard to advertise Hubert’s Hot Dogs was just awful!” Krawk: The least-numerous pet species that eliminates the need for a neohome security system Example: “Yay, I finally got a krawk! Come look.” “Awesome... did you also get a leash?” Most popular phrase: “Wait, how come no Krawks were released for Krawk Day?!” March 3rd: A day when TNT gets out of putting up the news Example: “Did you know that interest in March 3rd increased exponentially after it was canceled due to lack of interest?” Most popular phrase: “Hey, where is the March 3rd news??” March 13th Glitch: The day when many avatars and fonts were set to default; a great day to visit the panicked Avatar/NeoSignatures Board and laugh Example: “Thanks to this March 13th glitch, I can finally win Avatar Simon! Bwahaha.” Meepits: Petpets blamed for anything and everything; dangerously adorable Example: “Who drank my Neocola??” “IDK, maybe it was the Meepits.” Most popular phrases: “Meepits are ebil.” “Meepits pwn you.” Money Tree: A tree that hundreds of Neopians huddle under at once, pouncing on whatever appears; may cause injuries to the inexperienced Example:
“I got a lab map piece from the Money Tree!”
“Awesome! Who did you have to trample?” Most popular phrase: “What’s the best thing you have ever gotten from the Money Tree?” NC Mall: A shopping experience that may turn Neopians against each other; creates amusement for some Example: “Look at my new spiffy NC Mall clothes!” “ONG you traitor!1! I am so against the NC Mall that I bought 5,000 NC to get a Down With NC Flag.” Most popular phrase: “Please sign my NC Mall petition!” Neohome: Another way of saying “money pit” Example: “You know you’re a neohome addict when there is more NP put into your neohome than your bank.” Newbie Board: Where we send all of the off-topic people, not realizing that they are setting a bad example for the group of real newbies who enter it Example: “Tell me your name and I’ll tell you what disease your pet will get.” “Go to the newbie board. -_-” Most popular phrase: “The newbie board burns my eyes.” Kreludor: The best world ever Example: “What’s so good about Kreludor?” “What’s so good about your face? Pwned!” Kad: Kadoatie; a petpet housed at the Kadoatery, where it whines for expensive food; bribes you with the hopes of a shiny trophy and avatar (see avatar) Example: “Couldn’t you see that I made it to your cage first?” “Mew.” Most popular phrases: “Kad main pending.” “This darn kad wants a Frozen Negg again!” Qasalan Expellibox: A genius luck game that makes you so frustrated that you eventually buy your own neocash (see NC Mall) Example: “Haha, my neocash card bonus item was a Hot Dog of Justice.” “I thought you planned on just playing Qasalan Expellibox?” Rooligans: Members of the Roo Island chat group focused around the Altador Cup; derived from “hooligan” with no malicious intent Example: “Those ROO puns are getting on my nerves!” “Oh just admit it, the Rooligans pwn you.” Rubbish Dump: An excuse for players of all ages to roll around in the trash; a very smelly location to visit Example:
“Bye Mom, I’m going to the Rubbish Dump!”
“Okay sweetie, just don’t get any filth on the carpet when you get home.” TNT: The Neopets Team; workers who control our little world Example: “Be nice to TNT.” “Wow, you must be really considerate.” “Not really, I just want good plot prizes.” Most popular phrases: “Hey TNT, you rock!” “TNT, you rock my socks!” “Don’t worry TNT, I won’t even mention rocks in this editorial question.” Well those are all of the words in my dictionary! I hope that you’re a little more Neopets-savvy after reading it. Yay, my 10th article! Firstly, I would like to thank each one of my friends. You Kreludorks are just as strange as I am, which makes me feel at home. Next I would like to thank all of the readers out there, The Neopian Times, my neopets, their petpets, their petpetpets, Diet Neocola, the chicken I had for lunch... -gets carried off stage- Wait, I’m not done yet!