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Destruct-O-Match III – More Boulder Smashing Fun

by dipper70


The citizens of Tyrannia have a problem: their local landmarks have been blocked by boulders of unknown origin. Can you help the Council of Elders in their plea for help? Play Destruct-O-Match III and help smash the boulders so that sites like the Giant Omelette and the Concert Hall are once again available to Tyrannians and visitors alike.

Following in the tradition of the earlier two versions of this game, Destruct-O-Match III brings more puzzling fun. By smashing like-coloured boulders you can gain points and, if you want, earn neopoints.


There are five modes of play in Destruct-O-Match III. These are detailed as follows:

Zen Mode

In this mode you play continuously, being presented with a new screen of boulders whenever the moves in the existing level are exhausted. In this mode of play you do not earn points and therefore cannot earn neopoints.

Classic Mode

In Classic Mode you have to earn a specified number of points to advance to the next level. In general terms there is no time limit (except for timer boulders, detailed below) and neopoints are awarded according to the score obtained. The larger the number of boulders that are destroyed in a group, the higher the score you will receive. This is explained in more detail below, under Scoring.

For the first 2 levels, the game consists of 14 columns and 12 rows of boulders. In subsequent levels, extra columns and rows of boulders are added. The groups of boulders need to be clicked twice to destroy them; the first click greys the boulders selected, and the second click destroys them.

Extreme Mode

This mode starts with 14 columns and 6 lines of boulders along the bottom of the screen. Additional rows of boulders are added below these, one at a time, moving the original boulders upwards. It is therefore a race against the clock to destroy the boulders before the new rows push the boulders to the top of the screen. If any of the columns of boulders reaches the 13th row, the game is over. Only one click is required to destroy a group of boulders and neopoints are awarded for the points earned.

Double Trouble

In this mode you are given two screens of boulders, as described in Classic Mode above. When you fail to complete the level on one of the games, you can continue to play on the other. The game is over when you lose any level on both games.

At the start of the game, the play areas each contain 6 columns of 12 rows. As with Classic Mode, the number of columns and rows increases in subsequent levels.

Double Trouble Extreme

This mode gives two screens of gameplay as described in Extreme Mode. Each game starts with 6 columns and 6 rows of boulders. If a column of boulders in either screen reaches the 13th row, the game ends.


Fill – Represented by three boulders, a group that incorporates this special boulder will, when destroyed, drop a new line of boulders on top of those in play. This is a good way to gain extra boulders for destruction to increase your score, although its benefits depend upon the colour of the boulders and where they fall.

Timer – A boulder that has a number counting down indicates that it is being timed. Once it reaches zero, all boulders in the group will display crossed bones and become indestructible by any method other than an explosion (below). Destroy this group as quickly as possible.

Multiplier – Groups of boulders which include one displaying three meaty bones will be awarded three times the points normally received for that group. Try and make this group as large as possible before destroying it to earn more points.

Explode – This is the only single boulder that can be destroyed as in the process it will also destroy the 8 boulders surrounding it. This is useful for reducing the number of individually coloured boulders at the end of a level.

Overkill – A boulder with a picture of a flaming torch, when destroyed with a block of like-coloured boulders, will destroy all other boulders of that colour in the play area. It is best to use this powerup after the other groups of boulders of that colour have been destroyed, as you are only awarded points for the main group, not the additional ones.

Morph – Represented by a small block enclosed in a circle with a cross behind cross, this boulder will constantly change into different colours. This can be useful when you have a single boulder adjoining it as, when it changes to that colour it will form a group that can be destroyed.

Wildcard – A boulder with crossed Tyrannian spears on it can be used as any coloured block. When a group of boulders adjoining this one is destroyed, it will also disappear, adding to your score.

Undo – This boulder is represented by a Scorchio’s head. When it is destroyed, a paw print will appear on the left-hand boulder at the bottom of the screen. When this paw print is pressed later in the game, the group of boulders that have just been destroyed will reappear. The points earned will also be taken away from your level and overall total. This is useful if you find you could have made a better move. You cannot use Undo immediately after using another powerup on a group of blocks.

Shuffle – This boulder is represented by a Tyrannian Scorchio and, when destroyed, fossilised bones will appear on the right-hand boulder at the bottom of the screen. When these bones are pressed, a Tyrannian Scorchio flies past and the remaining boulders are randomly changed, with the possibility of creating more groups of boulders that can be destroyed.

Scamander – Only available in Extreme and Double Trouble Extreme, the boulder with a scamander will prevent the boulders in that column from rising when a new row of boulders appears. When this powerup boulder is destroyed, the scamander will move to sit on the top of that column and stop that column gaining height. When a second new row of boulders appears, the scamander will disappear and all columns will increase in height as usual.


You cannot destroy individual boulders. When a group of between 2 and 4 boulders are destroyed, you will be awarded 1 point for each boulder. If more than 5 boulders are smashed in one group, you earn slightly more than 1 point for each until, when 16 or more boulders are destroyed, you earn 2 points for each boulder. From this, you can see that destroying larger groups of boulders will give a greater score.

When all the boulders in a column are destroyed, the columns of boulders all shift to the across to fill the gap. The exception to this is when the Fill powerup is used, when a new boulder will fill the space.

Classic Mode

If you smash all boulders, then you will gain a bonus of 100 points for the level. For each boulder remaining, you will earn 10 less points. The highest number of boulders that will award a bonus is 9, which will give 10 points. These points will not count towards the score required to complete the level, but are awarded when the level is successfully finished.

The score required to advance to the next level is given at the bottom, left-hand corner of the screen, together with the points scored so far. On the first level the score required to advance is 100, and this increases by 20 for each subsequent level.

Extreme Mode

When all of the boulders are destroyed on extreme mode a 50 points bonus is awarded. This bonus can be won as often as the board is cleared.

Double Trouble

The score required to advance to the next level is given at the bottom, left-hand corner of each play area, together with the points scored so far. On the first level the score required to advance is 40, and this increases by 10 for each subsequent level. No bonus is awarded for completing a level.

Double Trouble Extreme

When all the boulders in either one of the game areas are destroyed a 25 bonus points is awarded.


This is a great, modern adaptation of the earlier Destruct-O-Match games. It is fun and lively but with the option to turn off the sound and effects if you are looking for a quieter game. For those who are seeking a greater challenge the two new, Double Trouble modes should give an extra dimension to the game.

I hope you have found this guide useful and enjoy playing Destruct-O-Match III. Together we can help the Citizens of Tyrannia destroy all of those boulders so that they can once again enjoy the Tyrannian Plateau and all its sites.


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