Naming the Average Neopet by gracecaroline_8
As the title suggests, this is about naming your very own neopet.
We know it is quite hard coming up with names. That’s why your petpet's name is Fluffy, or your neopet's name, Wocky_the_great. And yes, even I named my neopets like that. But fear not! I will teach you all the odds and ends of this day by day problem.
First off. Letters. For making up your own name... or otherwise.
Yes. Letters like the alphabet! I know this sounds crazy like I’m trying to teach you the alphabet. Okay. So I’m guessing you know your ABCs, right? Good. Now what I would like you to do first is to look at the letters of the alphabet. You will decide your favorite letters.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Okay, so you’re looking at the alphabet. I’m betting you're saying, What now? Well, number your first five favorite letters. For example, 1. R 2. G 3. K 4. M 5. U
Got it? Now, take your letters and narrow them down and choose your favorite out of the five. Let's say I chose... R. So that would be your first letter in the name.
Second; male or female? For making up your own name... or otherwise.
Alright, so you chose your letters and your number one favorite. Now you need to decide, male or female? Your neopet can either be male or female. So you need to decide. I mean, you don’t want a boy neopet named Prancy, do you? So we need to talk about boy and girl names. Girl names are more elegant than boys. Boy names are not very elegant. So there is the usual diff. Alright. So now you know that. Now you need to think a little harder. So I want you to A. chill. And B. think about what boys like and what girls like. I’ll give you an example of made up boy names; Kaichido (k-I-ch-E-d-O) Rioko (r-E-O-k-Oh) Utarun (oo-t-R-uh-n) Piccogua (P-k-O-guah) Gahnui (gah-noo-E) There. If you don’t like any of the names, whatever. These are only examples. Okay. An example of made up girl names; Kini (kee-n-E) Rhianami (r-E-an-a-m-E) Piannamo (P-an-uh-m-O) Umunaiu (oo-m-oo-n-I-oo) Gamanja (gah-MON-jah) You might not like those either... but again, these are only examples. And, the examples are finished projects of what you can end up with.
Third thing here. Words. For making up names... or otherwise.
Okay, so you decided male or female and your first letter. But now you need to think even harder. Words. You need those too!
So anyways... you need words to make anything written, right? Right. So think of some cool words you like or something. This step can be skippable. Okay, think of some nice words, again, making sure the word will fit male or female. Female words are like this, graceful, icy, flame, bouquet, etc. etc.. Male words are like this, flop, march, ran, swung. Etc, etc.. So remember this, the first steps will be re-mentioned in other steps. Now, go write down what you learned so far!
The fourth, very important thing here. What do you want it to mean? For otherwise.
Yeah. So this does not apply to anyone who is making up a name. So yeah. You people. You’re gonna tell me what you want it to mean. If you want it to mean anything at all. Like, different language or your own. English... Spanish... French... Japanese... Chinese... Italian... whatever you want.
So it can mean serene, peace, love, hate, war, powerful, against, with, eternity. Whatever you want. Just make it make sense. You can also mash words together! You could also use neopets word such as... chi fruit, nova, or anything you can think of. Just make sure it fits gender and personality. You probably don’t want a totally confident name when your pet is shy. I can’t give you any examples, though; figure that out on your own. ;)
Number five, do you like it? For making up names... or otherwise.
Think about it for a while. Are you sure you like this name? Because you're never going to be able to change it. And does it describe your neopet? Does it describe the personality? And, last--but not least--do YOU like it? If you're not sure, compare it to other names. Which one do you like best? Decide, and enter that name in the text box. If you can’t think of one you like, just take a break for a while. The worst option is to worry about it. So, take a little break for a while.
Sixth thing, y’know. Is it taken? For made up names... or otherwise.
You probably don’t want to end up with numbers on the end of that name! So enter the name in the search box. Click go, and cross your fingers! If you really like the name soooo much, you know what to do, right? You don’t? Oh. Then misspell it a little! And, spelling freaks. I have to tell you, this is the way it is when you love that name so much. Got that? Good. Number seven. What do you do if you already named it something you don’t like? For nicknames.
Fear not! It’s going to be all right. Breathe deeply. You better now? Good. Alright, just like billions out there, or at least millions, you don’t like your pet’s name anymore. That’s ok. I’ll tell you what I did.
Okay... make a nickname! Like what I did to mine! So when I enter them in Beauty Contests, people only laugh at the regular name! So, I make a nickname instead. Like Royal_Aisha’s is Royai. (r-OY-I) And Lady_Bellah’s is... Lellah. (l-L-uh) So you can do the same. Just mash the name together and make it something you like! So instead of a boring name like, Hugs_Kiss_Xweetok_is_sweet or 898989333.
But this is the SAFEST and most RE-ASSURING option. So don’t touch that pound button!!! Seriously, I mean it! TRANSFERING is a terrible option as well.
And last but not least. If your neopet's name is mentioned above, it was a mistake.
And, don’t let the meepits convince you that you shouldn’t name your pet something cool. Oh, if you’re reading this, that means I’m in the Neopian Times!! Thanks, TNT! DISCLAIMER: No names, neopets, petpets, or meepits were harmed in the making of this article brought to you via TNT.