Honour Illusen and Repel Jhudora (If You Can!) by earthlingdreamz
Also by yoyoteNeopia seemed frozen on the edge of winter. Even the winds held their breath for the advent of spring. Into this cold, still environment entered two Draiks who had once again convened for a meeting of minds. Lidaei snuggled into her ski gear, pulling the furry collar up around her muzzle as she walked leisurely through the forest surrounding Neopia Central. Though the ground had warmed and melted most of the snow, it remained entirely too cold out for her tastes. She rubbed her mittened paws together as she caught sight of something violent and crimson moving shining between the trees. Dawn, at last, had come. Blippita, walking rather dreamily alongside the faerie Draik, looked with appreciation in the direction of the light. The sun was rising in a great, silent blaze, casting its ruby rays upon the trees with ferocious splendor. Shadows grew deep and grass glowed fresh, and as the purple Draik drew her eyes away from the wondrous sight, she let out a little exclamation. “Reminds me of Illusen and Jhudora, almost," she remarked. "Green and purple, earth and shadow... Sometimes I wonder at how we Neopets manage. It seems that no matter what we do, we're always going to annoy at least one of those faeries." Lidaei nodded, her head barely bobbing above the level of her coat. She drew her mittens over the fur lining, tugging it down so that she could speak. "I think that is the part we play, to ever be in the midst of their eternal war." Lidaei paused and then giggled. "Even their colors seem constantly at odds. I've been wondering myself how to appease Illusen. I understand her much better than I do Jhudora. She respects all life, especially the earth and the trees." For a moment, Lidaei allowed her bright gaze to wander over the forest. She found Illusen's touch everywhere; in the first tiny green leaf of spring, in the healthy mahogany roots at their feet. It reminded Lidaei of her all-too-recent failure. "But no matter how much I love Illusen, I can never seem to please her. I couldn't complete the last quest she gave me, and I feel truly terrible about it." Blippita draped her scarf more warmly against the stinging air; the icy texture underfoot crackled delicately. "There's always something mysterious about Illusen," she commented, and a twig tapped her on the head as if on cue. "She's exiled from Faerieland, but we don't know what for, and she collects things for a secret purpose. I suppose all faeries have some sort of mystic aura which simply compels us to stay on their good side. You never know what powers they could unleash. I've heard horror stories of Jhudora punishing pets for failing her quests. I'm not sure what Illusen does, though. Did she just make you feel guilty?"
Lidaei lifted another branch out of their way, this time pushing gently off the snow in order hold the branch above Blippita's head. As Lidaei wafted back to the ground, she sighed and her breath crystallized in the cold air. "Mostly just made me feel guilty, although she won't give me another quest now for a while." Lidaei sniffled and then suddenly stomped her foot on the ground, quite uncharacteristically. "It's not fair! I don't even know what to do to make her happy, other than to track down this book or that toy in a certain amount of time. If I could just find a way into her heart, then I am sure she would be more lenient with me."
“A way into her heart," Blippita repeated thoughtfully, and remained quiet for a time. On they walked... In the shimmering silence of the wintry wood, they could hear the rhythm of their feet upon the damp, delicate leaves. Gradually, a glade opened up before the two Draiks, and as they entered the circle of frost-laced trees, Blippita paused. "Wow," said the purple Draik in hushed awe. "I can almost understand why Illusen would choose to make a new home among the trees. Being in this kind of atmosphere really opens your mind. Maybe this life, this greenness, is what Illusen really loves... I don't think she'd understand very much the ways of Neopets who live a busy, cluttered life among Neohomes and shops. I guess if I lived in a wood like this for a few years, I'd forget how hard it can be to find a certain item in a crowded marketplace."
“Absolutely. It's peaceful here, even in the winter." Lidaei turned her gaze upward, to the nearly snow-laden branches. "I do see your point, though. This place feels so far away from Neopia Central and if this is what she's used to, hmm. Well, maybe she would like more of it, if you see what I mean. Maybe the next time I do a quest, I'll be sure to wear a green bow." Lidaei tapped on the tip of her muzzle thoughtfully before smiling. "Or, I'm sure I could afford a packet of seeds. We could plant a tree or two in her honour. What do you think?"
Blippita laughed and clapped her mittened hands. "You're a genius, Lidaei. I believe that Illusen would be pleased. We can add some plants to our Neogardens, wear crowns of leaves to show our enthusiasm on Illusen Day..." She stopped. "Uh-oh. I just realized something. Jhudora's not going to be happy. She'll probably snarl at all the Neopets that show up at her door... well, she does that almost all the time anyway, but we should take precautions all the same. I wouldn't want to end up as an ingredient in one of Jhudora's rumored concoctions." Lidaei instantly decided against wearing a crown of leaves; it would squash her flowing Faerie ears, after all! But the other ideas sounded quite good, and so she nodded along. Then, she let out a small squeak. "I don't want to be a part of any potion Jhudora makes either! What to do!" Lidaei cast her gaze furtively around before skipping around a tree trunk. "We could just hide from her and hope for the best? All those leafy trees and bushes we will be planting for Illusen will provide some cover. Although we'll probably need something more than that..." “She has agents everywhere, supposedly," Blippita agreed nervously. "Hiding wouldn't be a foolproof solution. I wonder if we could use a good Jhudora repellent?" She looked around, as if expecting Jhudora agents to appear from nowhere and provide the answer. "Hmm... Jhudora hates everything Illusen-related. I suppose if I were to wash myself with Illusen's rain water shampoo, I'd be safe from the dark faerie's clutches?"
Lidaei giggled, and the sound made the icicles about them chime merrily. "Yes, the rain water shampoo sounds like a much better idea than putting honey potion on our heads. More economical, as well. Although maybe a spritz of honey wouldn't hurt, just in case." Lidaei paused in a wide clearing, which might normally have been a field, if not for the snow and the ice. "So we will honour Illusen, and repel Jhudora! Is there anything else that we've forgotten? I want to make this Illusen's Day the best yet."
A bolt of happy lightning seemed to strike Blippita. "Cakes!" the purple Draik exclaimed. "Illusen Day cupcakes and Illusen Day doughnuts, and Chocolate Mint Swirl Illusen Cake to complete the set!" She did a little dance in anticipation of the festival. "Maybe if we show up at Illusen's door on the big day, with our outfits and cakes and wide smiles all in place, she'll be so good as to give us an easy quest. And Jhudora will fume at a nice, safe distance. Of course, after Illusen Day we'll have to dodge between the two faeries all over again, but just for that one glorious day in spring, we'll celebrate Illusen!" “That sounds absolutely perfect, and -" But Lidaei stopped short of sharing her new idea. A loud *crack* had effectively cut off the excited flow of her thoughts. One look at Blippita and she didn't need to ask the purple Draik if she had heard it too. "Don't suppose someone else is out for a walk on this frigid morning?" Lidaei whispered hopefully as she edged closer to Blippita. No such luck. In the clearing before them, a cloud of lime and violet burst to life at the same moment as Lidaei squealed and ducked behind her more courageous comrade. Blippita's mouth formed a surprised little O. And then, before either she or Lidaei had time to say anything, they felt the ground slip beneath their feet. Two squeals, a rustle, two crashes and a big boom later, the wood was silently shimmering as before. It was as if the two Draiks had never been there. Jhudora strode into the clearing, smartly rubbing her manicured hands. "Well, that puts an end to another Illusen conspiracy," she cackled. "Happy Illusen Day, my dear sister." And, humming a joyful tune, she flapped her large purple wings in a graceful flight back up to her dark cloud.
The End