The Water Faerie Necklace: Part One by jbergz8495
Julie’s favorite place in the world was the Tiki Tack shop in Mystery Island. She could spend hours there, searching through strange knickknacks in hope for treasure. Everything there was always cheap, so she could buy multiple things at a time. One particular day, she was rummaging through the store instead of going to school. It was a Wednesday.
“Good morning,” said the Tombola man. Julie liked the Tombola man a lot because he was very laid back. He never cared if Julie skipped school to buy things at his shop, and if he did care, he never questioned her.
Julie exchanged greetings with him and went right to work. She searched through piles and piles of random things such as sandals and colored sand. Suddenly, her hands touched something she had never touched before. She pulled out the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her entire life. It was a chain-link necklace with blue stones between every other link. In the very middle was the largest blue stone surrounded by a circle of tiny white feathers. A blue clasp held together the necklace. “Excuse me,” said Julie. She walked over to the counter holding the necklace between the palms of her hands. She was afraid of breaking it. “What is this?” The Tombola man looked extremely excited. “My, my!” he said. “I have not seen anything like this in a while! You are a very lucky girl for finding it.” “What is it?” Julie asked. Leaning closer, the Tombola man said, “It seems to be a necklace of a Water Faerie. I have not seen anything like this in a while! You are a very lucky girl for finding it.” “Wow,” Julie breathed, staring at the necklace in her hands. “Can I keep it? “You can keep it,” said the Tombola man, “for 250 NP.” Reluctantly, Julie laid her allowance on the counter. “Thank you very much!” the Tombola man called as Julie bounded out the door. Julie could not stop staring at her new necklace. It was so beautiful, she just could not take her eyes off of it. She was a very lucky girl for finding it.
“I need to put this on,” Julie said to herself. “I need to showcase its beauty!” Quickly, she clasped the necklace around her neck.
Suddenly, a thought crept into her brain. What would her owner and sisters say when she came home with an absolutely exquisite necklace? How was she going to explain how she bought it? She could not have said that she bought it at the Tiki Tack shop because everybody would jump to the conclusion that she skipped school. “Oh well,” said Julie. “I’ll think of something.” She stared at her watch. School was almost ending. She had to find a nice winged Pet to fly her back to Neopia Central for final roll call before anybody realized she was gone. She ran heavily, and as she ran, her new necklace flopped against her collarbone in rhythm to her feet pounding on the ground. --------------------------------------
Julie was the Tombola man’s only customer that day. He sipped out of a coffee cup and read the Neopian Times, as he normally did during a slow day.
“What a nice girl that Wocky is,” said the Tombola man. “She is going to look so pretty with that Water Faerie necklace.” All of a sudden, his coffee spilled all over his newspaper. As he grabbed a towel to clean, he yelled, “The Water Faerie necklace! She does not know any of its secrets! I left her with all of its power!” --------------------------------------
“How was your day at school?” asked Julie’s owner. Her name was Kaleigh and she was a dark-haired and doe-eyed teenager. This was the normal after-school routine; Kaleigh would give everybody a snack in the kitchen and ask them how their day was. “Fine,” Julie replied. Her sisters said the same. Sometimes Julie wondered if her sisters skipped school as well, and none of them wanted to admit it. Her oldest sister, Tara, was the most intelligent and had the most common sense. When Kaleigh wasn’t around, Tara was always in charge, always strict. Sometimes Julie called her boring because safety and discipline were always her priorities, instead of fun. She was a boring red Chomby. Megan was only a few days younger than Tara, but she was the wild child. She never passed up a challenge and wanted to go bungee jumping or join the circus someday. She was also the social butterfly of the sisters, and often invited friends over. She loved sports as well. She was a baby JubJub.
Alexandra was the quiet one. It was rare for her to talk in a conversation and hated meeting new people. She enjoyed writing in her journal, but never let anybody look at it. She was a purple Scorchio. Julie was the youngest out of her sisters, and never noticed by any of them. She bet that if she were to disappear off of the face of Neopia for a few days, nobody would notice but Kaleigh. “Julie,” said Kaleigh. By the tone of her voice, Julie knew that she was in trouble. “Yeah?” Julie asked. Kaleigh gestured for the rest of her Pets to leave. As the door to the kitchen closed, Kaleigh sat down at the kitchen table next to her. “I got a note from your school today,” Kaleigh said. “It seems like you’ve missed a couple of your classes this week.” Julie rolled her eyes. “I was at the library studying.” “Really?” Kaleigh asked. Julie wondered if Kaleigh knew that she was lying. She tried not to let the worry show on her face. Kaleigh whipped out a slightly crumpled note from the pocket of her jeans. “Because this note says that one of the teachers saw a small, pink Wocky exiting the school right after lunch. I believe you are the only pink Wocky at your school.” Before Julie could answer, Kaleigh said, “Where did you get that necklace?” “I bought it,” said Julie. Kaleigh crossed her arms and Julie said quickly, “From somebody at school! From somebody at school, I promise! I used my allowance money!” There was silence, and Julie fingered the necklace. “It’s really pretty,” Julie said. “And I love it.” Kaleigh seemed to believe her story, but Julie could never be entirely sure. At least half of her story was true. “Go do your homework,” Kaleigh said. Without a word, Julie bounded up the stairs to her room. --------------------------------------
Julie had recently redecorated her entire room. With money that she had saved, she bought a White Chocolate room and a couple pieces of zebra print furniture. She loved the black stripes on her otherwise all-white room. She sat down on her bed and grabbed her history book, opening to the assignment. She could not understand anything because she had skipped the lesson, and could not ask Kaleigh for help because it would make her even more suspicious. She decided to stop doing homework. She walked over to her window and leaned out. It was almost nighttime, and she could see stars shining in the distance. There was a knock on her door. Julie ran back to her bed, grabbed a pencil, and opened her history book again. “Come in,” she called. It was Kaleigh. “Julie,” Kaleigh said softly. “We really need to talk about this skipping school business of yours.” “I don’t skip school!” Julie yelled. “Why are you lying to me?” Kaleigh asked. Julie stared up at Kaleigh’s face. She wore a stern face, a face that Julie had not seen ever since she picked a fight with Megan for not playing cards with her. In reality, Julie herself did not know why she was lying. She knew that the one thing Kaleigh hated most was a liar; they were people that she could not forgive. Julie knew that if she had told the truth from the start, Kaleigh would not have been as mad as she was now, but it just seemed so much easier to lie than face the music. “I guess I did skip today,” said Julie. “I just wanted to see what was on sale at the Tiki Tack shop, that’s all.” As soon as the words escaped from her mouth, Julie knew that she had said something wrong. “You bought the necklace at the Tiki Tack shop?” Kaleigh asked. Julie nodded. “That’s another thing you lied to me about, Julie!” Kaleigh yelled. “I’m really sorry!” said Julie. “How do I know that you are sorry?” asked Kaleigh. “How do I know that you are not lying again?” Julie stared at the ground. “I don’t know.” “I’m going to have to punish you,” said Kaleigh. “You are grounded for a month. And you cannot wear that necklace anymore.” Before Julie could protest, Kaleigh said, “You can wear it again when I can trust you again. Take it off please.” Julie reached behind her neck to unclasp the necklace, but it would not budge. “I can’t take it off,” she said. “That’s ridiculous,” said Kaleigh. She tried to help Julie, but nothing happened. “Strange,” Kaleigh said. “For some reason, that necklace cannot come off of you.”
To be continued...