Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 170,616,256 Issue: 393 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y11
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Yup, It's Me!

by j_ja_l_2003

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Slime Surprise!
With friends like these, who needs enemies? ;)

by red4u


Eleven Sweetest Items In Neopia
We have compiled a list of the Sweetest Items in Neopia so that your neopet can indulge no matter which planet they call home.

Also by punk_rocker_pip

by khanhm666


The Blaze Brigade: Haggling
Haggling is fun. =3

by drag0n202


Lost City Lanes: A Place Where Striking Out is Good!
In order to get the ball rolling (heehee), you left click your mouse to pick it up. Then, while still holding the left click button on your mouse, you swiftly and quickly glide your mouse forward...

by facetiousmind

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