Secret Worries of the Tooth Faerie by august_chic
I was walking on a beautiful summer day trying to find a
poison snowball for my older brother when I saw an ad taped to the front of a
"Want to win 25,000 NPs? All you have to do
is find the Tooth Faerie, ask her a few questions, take a picture, and bring
it to us at the Neopian Times!"
I could use the extra Neopoints to buy lab
map pieces, I thought to myself. It was decided, well, actually I decided
it. I was going to find the Tooth Faerie, take a picture, and have an interview.
I walked home happily thinking of what happen
if I collected all the lab map pieces. It could turn me into a rare neopet like
a Poogle or Cybunny! As I opened the door to my two story NeoHome, my older
brother Gruslen, a fire Kougra, ran to greet me.
"Did you bring me my poison snowball?" Grulsen
asked me.
"Uh, I forgot. I'll bring it to you tomorrow,"
I quickly said as I flew up the stairs.
"Why don't you fly quickly? Our owner didn't
paint you a faerie Kougra just for nothing you know!" Gruslen yelled at me as
I rushed into my room.
"Older brothers," I muttered to myself. I grabbed
my purple backpack from my room. I would need it for my adventure to find that
swift faerie. I packed my fire faerie eraser, a notepad, a pen, some Neopoints
in case, and my camera. I flew to my brother quickly. I didn't want to waste
time so I told him that I was leaving for a special reason and that if anyone
asks where I went, tell them I went to a friend's house.
"What's in it for me?" Gruslen asked curiously.
"How about 1,000 NPs, and a very cool present
for next Christmas?" I asked hoping that it would be enough for my greedy brother.
"Throw in two poison snowballs and you're at
a friend's house," he said.
"Greedyguts," I said and flew out the door.
"Where should I start?" I muttered to myself
as I walked in Neopia Central. Faerieland would be my first place to go since
the Tooth Faerie was a faerie obviously, but I decided not to.
"Where else could she be?" I asked myself. Since
I was a very stubborn neopet, I decided to go with my first instinct.
"Faerieland, here I come!" I cried as I jumped
off the group and flew straight to my destination.
After about 15 minutes of flying, I was lost.
"You should have brought a map!" I criticized
myself. I was flying over water, so I couldn't ask anyone for directions. My
wings were aching because I flew long with a heavy load on my shoulders. I needed
a place to stop and rest. After searching for two minutes, I finally found a
large rock that I could rest on. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I collapsed.
"Are you alright?" A voice behind my questioned.
I turned around ready to fly away or attack if
it was the pant devil or someone else evil. Instead of someone trying to steal
my belongs, I was looking into the face of a kind water faerie trying to help
"Oh, hi there," I said relaxing.
"Are you alright?" The water faerie repeated
her question.
"I think so. My wings just hurt. I'm also lost.
Could you help me?" I asked.
"Sure. My name is Taya," Taya said.
"Pouncer," I said my name to her.
"You're looking for Faerieland right?" Taya questioned.
I nodded.
"Good thing you can fly or else you wouldn't
reach it. Anyways, you go north for about five minutes until you're under Faerieland.
Then you fly 10,000 feet up. But, I may warn you about the dangers in the water
under Faerieland. There are some ferocious Jetsams. They will attack you for
no purpose. Be ready for them. They are dangerous, very quick and smart. If
they catch you, you'll never see daylight again," Taya explained before disappearing
into the waves.
"Oh great! I have to fly so much, and avoid Jetsams
at the same time! If I knew better, I wouldn't have started searching for the
Tooth Faerie, but now I have no choice," I said out loud my myself. I sighed
before I started to fly again north.
I seemed like I flew for hours until I reached
the spot underneath Faerieland. Forgetting about the water faeries warning about
the Jetsams, I dove into the water for a quick swim to wake me up. Then something
grabbed my tail, and before I knew it, I was being pulled underneath the waves.
I turned around and came face to face with a
green jetsam accompanied by five or six other ones.
Oh boy! I should have listened to the water faerie,
I thought to myself. I had to escape before I ran out of air. I could tell my
cheeks were turning blue. With a great push of my wings I tried to escape, but
wet wings don't help a lot, but I did manage to break out of the jetsam's grasp.
The jetsam turned around staring at me with evil eyes. I then realized I had
run out of air. I swam as fast as I could up to the surface, my life depending
on it. The Jetsams followed behind me swiftly. Since I was swimming for my life,
I swam so fast I could have won a medal. Too bad no one would be here to give
it to me. With a final push, I reached the surface and jumped out of the water
into the air. Flying higher, I saw the Jetsams jumping out of the water, with
their jaws open wide trying to bite me. Their teeth were huge! All gleaming
white. I got scared stiff and flew as fast as I could higher and higher. As
I flew higher, I realized I reached Faerieland at last! I landed on the soft
cloud and wandered around looking for some help to where might the Tooth Faerie
be located.
"Excuse me," I said to a faerie Draik.
"Yes?" she replied.
"Do you know where the Tooth Faerie might be?"
I asked.
"Why dear, don't you know that no one can know
where the Tooth Faerie is because she is always collecting teeth around Neopia,"
the Draik explained.
"Doesn't she ever take a break?" I fired another
"Only when there are no teeth to collect," the
Draik said and went on her way.
"Oh great! I came all the way to Faerieland for
nothing!" I cried to myself. What could I do? I thought to myself. I kept remembering
what the Draik said as I walked around Faerieland aimlessly:
"…She is always collecting teeth around Neopia"
"That's it!" I cried as I jumped into the air.
That night, I was snuggling in bed at the faerie
cloud racers palace. They offered me a place to stay. Also that night, I pulled
out a tooth. It was very hard. I tried so many tricks. One trick, I tied one
end of a string to a door handle, and the other end to my tooth and slammed
the door, but it wouldn't come out. It was the oldest trick in the book. Walking
back to the room I was sleeping in, I tripped over my own feet and my tooth
came out.
"Wow. Being a klutz surely can come in handy
sometimes," I muttered to myself in amaze.
I placed my tooth underneath my pillow, and decided
to stay awake to wait for the Tooth Faerie to come.
That night, it wasn't until 12:00 that something
quickly flew into my room and landed on the floor. The site was breathtaking.
She looked beautiful with blue hair, blue pants with fur at the bottom, a blue
shirt, and a short see-through lavender purple dress over her shirt and pants.
As she quietly tried to pull out the tooth from underneath the pillow I sat
straight up. She was taken off guard and jumped back, flying into the air.
"Sorry to bug you but can I take a picture of
you?" I asked quickly as I got up and pulled out my camera from my backpack.
Thankfully it was waterproof so my journey under water with the Jetsams didn't
affect the camera. Without her answer, I quickly shot a photo of her.
"Hi," she said shyly.
"Hey, can I ask you a few questions?" I asked
"Sure I guess but make it quick because I have
to collect more teeth," she said quickly glancing at a nearby clock on the wall.
"Okay. What's your name? Where do you get all
the Neopoints from to put underneath the pillow? How can you travel so fast
around Neopia? Where do you live?" I asked her breathlessly.
"Okay slow down. My name is Maria. I get all
the Neopoints from playing lots of games like everyone else, and some other
faeries help me collect the Neopoints. I travel so fast because I have so magic
dust to make me fly faster, and I live in the clouds, higher than Faerieland
where everything is built out of teeth," Maria said calmly.
"Okay great. Now I can give this to the Neopian
Times, the photo, and I'm rich!" I cried quietly, but when I looked at Maria,
she went pale.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Well, if you give that to the Neopian Times,
nothing would be a secret about me and everyone would lose their interest in
me. People would come see the place I live, would like the buy the magic dust
that I make and use, and I wouldn't be special anymore. Small neopet babies
wouldn't think me as "magical" anymore, I would lose my touch, and that's mostly
it," Maria said. By the time she finished saying everything, she was in tears.
I felt so sorry for her. I ran up to her and hugged her.
"I'm sorry. I never knew about anything. All
I mostly cared about was earning money and I got caught up to it," I explained.
"It's okay. You can keep the picture and information,
but please don't publish it," Maria said.
"Don't worry, I won't," I promised. And with
that, the Tooth Faerie disappeared.
The next time I meet her, I have to ask how she
does that, I thought to myself and went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up and found myself in
my own bed in my Neohome.
"Strange. I don't remember flying back," I quietly
said to myself.
I came downstairs into the kitchen where I found
"Don't worry, I'll get all your stuff today,"
I said to him before he could open his mouth. I looked past Gruslen where I
saw the Tooth Faerie winking at me, and then she again disappeared. My mouth
dropped open.
"What stuff? Why is your mouth hanging wide open?
You don't want to swallow a fly, do you?" Gruslen asked me strangely.
"What about the friend's house thing?" I asked
curiously with my mouth still hanging open.
"What house thing?" Gruslen asked me eyeing me
"Never mind," I said.
I went back upstairs into my room. I went to
the desk, and I took a pencil and paper out of my backpack. I decided I would
write a story about my adventure, and keep it a memory. I would also have to
take out the part of finding the Tooth Faerie. I wanted to warn other Neopets
and owners of what greed can do to you. I decided to begin the story like this:
I was walking on a beautiful summer day trying
to find a poison snowball for my older brother when I saw an ad taped to the
front of a store.
I guess some things are just supposed to be kept
The End