Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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Down the Symol Hole

by kingrelinquished

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Observations of the Wild Snowickle
My purpose here is to research Snowickles in their native habitat ~ the deep recesses of the Ice Caves. As yet, few traveled in these parts, save Petpet dealers intent on selling the animals they catch.

by resurrectedwarrior


In-Depth Guide to Training Your Neopet
How do these players get stats so high? How do they beat you with weapons that never worked for you? This guide to training your pet should help a bit :)

by scalibur777


Finny's Corner
Me? Obsessed?

by divisible_by_zero


Vegetables: Friend or Foe?
We’ve all heard it before. A steaming plate of food is placed before you, and as you look over the broccoli/carrots/peas, you hear: “make sure you eat all your vegetables.”

by luna_moonsilver

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