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Madison Jones and the Case of the Maractite Sling

by wildtail_4998


Please understand that this recording must stay in your hands. If anyone untrustworthy were to get this recording, it would be disastrous!

    Two weeks ago...

     Before I begin the story of how I wound up meeting (and helping) a famous yooyuball player, let me introduce myself.

     If you don’t already know who I am, the name’s Jones, Madison Jones. But call me Maddie. I’m your average white Kougra, except for my above average life. Not all the white Kougras in Neopia are sleuths, and happen to be the sleuth. What do you mean you’ve never heard of Madison Jones, private eye? I’ve solved loads of cases in Neopia Central.

     Anyway, after my disastrous (attempted) vacation to Brightvale, I had decided to spend the rest of my time off at my home in Neopia Central.

     The morning that the fateful letter arrived, I was doing what any normal Neopian would have been doing that morning: reading the Neopian Times with a Green Apple Slushie, which, by the way, is really quite good.

     I am a proud Maraqua supporter for the cup, and I was quite upset to discover that Dorina Hals was leaving. And being replaced by a Kiko, no less! (What, a sleuth can’t get caught up in the Altador Cup?) I had just finished reading a great article (Altador Cup VI: The Team Files Part 5) when a thump came from my entryway.

     I jumped up and ran to get the mail, hoping it was my next WAM update. I picked up the wad of letters and sifted through. When I did spot the Maraquan shield on an envelope, I was quite surprised to find that it was not from the team mailer. I frowned and opened the envelope.

      Dear Madison Jones,

      I am in desperate need of your help! I have heard you are a detective, and you are the only one I can turn to in this time of need.

     My name is Elon Hughlis; you may have heard of me. I play for Maraqua’s yooyuball team. (I do believe you are a Maraqua supporter?)

     Anyway, I play with a Maractite sling, my, ah, lucky charm. Recently, I left yooyuball practice early to get to Kelp before it filled up. I left without my sling! When I returned after my meal, my sling was gone!

     I desperately need this sling so I, uh, our team can do well in AC VI.

     If you are up to the task, please meet me at Kelp the night you receive this letter.


      Elon Hughlis

     I pushed my glasses up my nose and looked at the flowing handwriting again. Then I dropped the letter and screamed.

     My good friend Andrew Emerson came up from my basement, his Moltara Inventor Hat and Goggles still placed on his orange head. “What’s wrong, Maddie?” he asked, pushing his goggles away from his blue eyes.

     I picked up the letter and showed it to him. His eyes widened and he turned his attention back to me. “A new case, huh?”

     I shook my head. “What are you talking about? I screamed because I HAVE A MARAQUAN YOOYUBALLER’S AUTOGRAPH!”

     Andrew put his paw to his forehead. I didn’t have time to use my super sleuth skills to figure out why.

     I gave a little cough. “And a new case,” I mumbled and went back to the Times.

     A few hours later...

     “I’m ready!” I called down the stairs, then adjusted my glasses in the mirror. I walked down the stairs, clutching the letter in my white paws. I had put on my signature outfit: my Detective Trench Coat and my Super Sleuth Hat and Wig both suited me nicely. I had stowed my old Tour of Mystery Magnifying Glass and my tape recorder in my coat pocket, along with my Yellow Lined Notebook.

     Andrew looked like he hadn’t changed. He was still wearing his hat and goggles, and his Rugged Work Shirt and Vest had a stain or two. (His Khaki Trousers with Cuffs were clean, though!) He gave me a grin and opened the door. “After you.” I winked and walked out.

     “We’ll be taking the Underwater Express,” I said as I lead him towards the station. I could almost see him rolling his eyes; the Underwater Express was the only way to get to Maraqua from Neopia Central without getting wet.

     As we boarded, my green eyes searched the area, scribbling furiously on my notebook with my Basic Pencil. (Andrew wants me to mention that my notebook more resembled a Tatty Notebook and my pencil a Tatty Pencil. I’m ignoring him.)

     When the Express finally pulled up at our destination, I had made a list of suspicious behavior: an Usul reading the Times with the paper hiding her face, a Nimmo drinking a slushie, a Bruce scratching his head numerous times... Andrew dragged me out of the train before I could confront the Ixi that had dropped a NeoCola can.

     We passed Maraquan Petpets (what a cute Yoakie!) and the Maraquan Battledome Items shop, and finally arrived at Kelp. I fixed my curly blond locks under my hat and marched inside, Drew right on my heels.

     “Welcome to Kelp, Madam and Monsieur. We pride ourselves on our eclectic blend of both modern and traditional cuisine, which I am sure a connoisseur such as yourself will appreciate. Do you have a reservation? What name will it be under?” a sleek Maraquan Scorchio asked. I fidgeted with my notebook until Andrew spoke up. “We’re here to meet with Elon Hughlis on a matter of utmost importance!”

     I wanted to laugh. Drew in his work clothes was talking like he could afford the entire four course meal they serve.

     “Ah! Mister Andrew and Miss Madison, wonderful, someone will seat you momentarily, er, show you to Mr. Hughlis’ table momentarily.”

     We followed a Maraquan Uni to a table in the back of Kelp, a very private area. We came up on a table where the Maraquan Acara was seated, munching on a Spicy Radish Salad.

     “Mr. Hughlis, this is Madison Jones and Andrew Emerson. I believe they are here to see you.”

     The yooyuball player stood up and had a look of delight on his face. “So good to meet you, Miss Jones! Please, sit and order whatever you’d like, it’s on me.” I shook his outstretched, hand? paw? flipper? tentacles? and sat, and gestured for Drew to do the same. “Please, call me Maddie. And this is Andrew,” I said, gesturing towards the orange Kougra before picking up a menu.

     “Of course, Maddie!” Elon said, still wearing a (fake) look of delight. “And hello to you, Andrew!” He sat back down.

     After a few minutes of looking, I settled for the Tropical Fruit Bowl (a unique selection of some of the freshest Maraquan fruits!) while Andrew ordered the Stramberry Sausages (mini sausages enhanced with Stramberry sauce and mashed zeevines).

     Once our food had arrived, Elon began to talk much quieter, and once we started eating, he launched into his story.

     “So, I left practice early just as I said in my letter, leaving my Maractite sling behind. When I had finished my salad, I returned and the sling was gone!”

     I had my notebook out before I had finished my fruit bowl and was writing down every word. “Where do you practice?” I whispered over the pile of tropical fruit.

     Elon looked around suspiciously. “This is all top-secret, we don’t want fans messing up my, uh, our practice. So, this information doesn’t leave this table.” He glanced back at me. “You know the Underwater Fishing area? Well, there is another pocket of air or cave thing down in the ruins. We practice there.” He grabbed my notebook and pencil and drew a quick map. “You can check it out later. Here’s the deal: you get the sling back to me before the Altador Cup starts. Then you’ll get your reward. Alright?”

     “Deal.” I nodded, than gulped down the rest of my fruit bowl as Andrew did the same with his mashed zeevines.

     “Can do,” I said as we stood up. The Maraquan Uni came by with the bill and handed it to Elon. “We’ll meet back here in two days time.” With that, Andrew and I left, sweeping past many finely dressed Neopians.

     “So, Mads, what’s the verdict?” Andrew asked as he followed me down to Maraquan Neohomes, where they secretly have a small hotel in the top most turret. (Betcha didn’t know that was there. You should hang out with a sleuth; they are excellent at spotting, or finding out, about things like that.) That was where we had booked two nights.

     Anyway, we checked in and were lead to our room. Once there, I studied the map Elon had drawn. “Apparently, there is an air pocket in that building,” I said, referring to the building in the Ruins. “We’ll check it out in the morning.” And with that, we went to bed.

     We woke up late the next morning and skipped breakfast to get down to the Ruins. We swam, or maybe jumped? across the slimmer part of the Bubbling Pit and landed right in front of a large building, wrecked and apparently abandoned.

     I made Andrew go in first, and the only thing we encountered was a giant Slugawoo that told us to go away. Other than that, we met nothing out of the ordinary, until we reached the very back of the building.

     I gasped and Drew’s jaw dropped. There was a huge cavern like the one where people fish, but this had no water at the bottom. Instead, it had a yooyuball field. On one side was a bench where a few Bottles of Water sat and a Maraqua Altador Cup Jersey. Some Maraqua Team Cuffs were on the ground. I walked over, certain this was where Elon would have left his sling.

     I whipped out my magnifying glass and studied the ground. There were no footprints, but that was almost expected, due to the team being mostly Maraquan. Then I saw it. Under the bench a corner of something was sticking out. I grabbed it and took it out. It was a band-aid! I sat down on the bench as Andrew came over.

     I was racking my brain, thinking back to the articles I had been reading about Maraqua. There was one important piece of information I was missing, something that would tie this case together. I showed Drew the bandage, and continued thinking.

     The light bulb went off over my head. “Dorina Hals leaving...” I muttered. “Being replaced by a Kiko, no less. A Kiko!” I stood up so fast Drew jumped.

     “What are you babbling about?” he demanded. I turned my green gaze onto him. “Maraqua has a new player on their team, a Kiko named Lamelle Turow.” He gave me a blank stare. “Drew, a Kiko! Kikos always have a...” Understanding light his gaze. “Band-aid on their head,” he finished for me.

     I grinned. “Exactly. I’m not sure what position he plays, but Elon isn’t called the Black Hole for nothing! Maybe this Lamelle guy wanted to score, but knew he couldn’t with Elon never passing. So he took the Maractite sling that Elon always uses, guessing Elon wouldn’t really be able to play without it.” Drew nodded as I explained. It made perfect sense!

     All we needed now was a confession.

     Drew and I raced, or maybe swam, out of the building. I wasn’t quite sure where we would go to find Mr. Turow, so we had agreed to go back to the hotel. Once we got back to our room, I collapsed onto one of the beds and took out my pencil and notebook. Drew took out a mechanical thingie and messed with it while I scribbled my conclusion.

     I snapped the book shut and reached for my tape recorder. Tomorrow, we’d get a confession from Lamelle Turow. For the rest of today, we were going to find out where that Kiko was.

     I managed to track down his house after hours of talking to the citizens of Maraqua and another hour consulting an addressbook. Turns out, he hadn’t found a permanent home in Maraqua (maybe he didn’t want to?) and was renting a place not that far from where we were now. (He still had his home in the Lost Desert. Perhaps he was going straight back after the AC?)

     It was quite late when I returned to the hotel, Drew was snoozing away. I went to bed with my hat still on my head.

     The next morning, Drew and I got up early and ate a healthy breakfast of Breadfish and Butterfish (they go great together!). Anyway, after we had finished, I stuffed my notebook in my pocket and we set out.

     As we arrived at his house, I pulled out my tape recorder and knocked on the door. A very tired looking Kiko came to the door, still wearing a baggie Lost Desert Altador Cup Jersey that had been fashioned into a sleep shirt.

     “Who are you?” Lamelle Turow asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

     I tipped my hat and Andrew waved. “Hello, Mr. Turow. My name is Madison Jones and I’m a private eye.” That woke him up.

     “Uh, hi! What can I do for you?” He straightened his shirt and looked nervously at me and Drew.

     “Can we come in?” I asked, and the Kiko lead us to his living room. I clicked on my tape recorder. “For unknown reasons, we believe that you have stolen Elon Hughlis’ Maractite sling.”

     I told him how we found a band-aid like that of a Kiko’s and how Hughlis had employed me.

     Lamelle looked sheepishly around the room. “You know, I only just got to Maraqua. I’m really enjoying the players, but I don’t really have their approval. So I try extra hard, ya know?”

     I nodded, catching every word on my recorder.

     “So, the guys, Oten and Barit dared me to...” He glanced nervously at me and my tape recorder. “To take Elon’s sling. If I did it, I’d really be a part of the team. Uh, Tonie already accepted me and Elon didn’t care.” He coughed. “So I did it. I was planning on returning it right before the cup, so no harm done, right? Plus Oten really wanted to uh, teach Elon a lesson.”

     The Kiko looked back at me. I smiled kindly and clicked off the tape recorder. “Alright, thank you Mr. Turow,” I said confidently. “Do you have the sling?”

     He stood up, if Kikos can stand, and nodded. He left the room and when he returned he was carrying a gleaming Maractite sling. “Here,” he said and handed it to me.

     “Thank you.” I saw him staring at me with a guilty expression. “Don’t worry, I won’t give Elon Hughlis the details. I’ll just tell him I found the sling, okay?”

     Lamelle broke into a grin of relief. “Thank you, Ms. Jones!!” I winked and stood up.

     “Let’s go, Drew, we’ve got a case to close.” And he and I left.

     That night we marched into Kelp with a purpose. I had tied up the sling in paper and I had tucked in under my arm. The Scorchio let us through and we followed a(nother) Maraquan Uni to the exact same table as the last one, where Elon “The Black Hole” Hughlis was waiting.

     Drew and I slipped into our seats and he looked at us. “Did you find it?”

     I handed him the parcel, which he ripped open. Elon took out his sling and smiled so happily I could almost forget how selfish he was on the field.

     “Without a scratch on it,” Andrew said, admiring the gleaming Maractite from afar.

     Elon beamed at me. “Thank you so much, Maddie!” He slapped a bag of neopoints onto the table and stood up. “I’ll call on you again if there are any more problems!” He winked at me. “I hope to see you at the games.” Then he left.

     Drew turned and we high-fived. “Great work again, Madison Jones.” Drew tipped his hat.

     “Why thank you, Andrew Emerson.” I grinned and tipped my hat. “Let’s get back to Neopia Central, shall we?”

     Two weeks later...

     The colosseum was packed when we entered, but that was no problem. We had extremely good seats, the best even. (Yes, thank you, Elon, for mailing one ticket and Lamelle for the other!)

     As Drew and I took our seats, the match began: Maraqua vs. Krawk Island.

     The two teams are rivals, so this was bound to be an interesting match. I leaned forward in my seat in excitement as Elon “the Black Hole” Hughlis took the yooyu up the field.

     His Maractite Sling gleamed in the bright Altador sunshine and I nudged Drew, who grinned happily at me. I turned my green eyes back to the field just as Elon scored.

     Andrew and I stood up and cheered like crazy; we gave the blue Techo a run for his neopoints!


     After the game, (Maraqua won, 13 to 8), Andrew and I had just made it back to my house when a thump came from my entryway. Drew marched down to the basement to continue his work on many different gadgets while I turned and went to get the mail.

     I flipped through my weekly “Detectives of Neopia” magazine before grabbing the rest of the mail. There were some messages from neofriends, a coupon for Hubert’s Hotdogs and even a flyer telling me there was a sale going on over at the Uni’s Clothing. I sifted through it all, looking for the Maraquan shield.

     I spotted it at the bottom of my stack. There were actually two letters with the shield on them, one was the team daily guild mailer and the other one didn’t have a return address.

     I opened the last one and this is what it said:

     Dear Madison Jones,

     I am in desperate need of your help! I have heard you are a detective, and you are the only one I can turn to in this time of need...

     I grinned and took the letter with me to show Andrew.

      So, this is Madison Jones, private eye and sleuth extraordinaire, signing off.

The End

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