Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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Benefits of Being Zombie

by ultra_neo_maniac

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Sartorial Shoyrus Part 2: The New Collections
It's been two years since I last set out the dynamic threads available for your Shoyru. TNT has very kindly given us two new outfits each year, so it is time, methinks, to give an update on those closet-filling numbers.

by lotusbutterfly


One Lucky Day
Aww yeah!

by zemutt


Private Grooming Letter
Tired of simple, cheap, and junky grooming supplies?

by cutiepie_honeybear


i still dont know what to name this comic...
in which i failo shade a comic

by laser_fire

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