Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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Odd Oddities

by aileen_nguyen

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The Edge of the World
"Who's they? And who's Dr. Sloth? And what's Neopia?" Tinost said, echoing my own confusion.

Lapnia stared at us. "Are you two for real?"

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Racing the Hurricane
I lie awake in my bed at night, listening to the rain pounding on the roof. Hurricane Acara, first of the season, is coming in.

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Infinity: Part Eight

It was Wingen's voice, but Flicker couldn't find him anywhere in the room. But he flinched at what he did see: A small stack of papers floating in mid-air.

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A Second Chance: Part Six
Jane still fought hard against the tide, somehow managing to keep her head above water for long intervals of time. A ship on the horizon was her only sanctuary and salvation...

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