Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,389,219 Issue: 553 | 13th day of Swimming, Y14
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Water Pets Are NOT Drinkable!

by schnauzerzrcool

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10 Most Delicious Jellies
What I think are the ten most delicious jellies out thereā€”or, what my Neopets tell me are, anyway.

by vadercat1997


This Story Does Not Exist
"Guess that means that I'm going to have to go get someone to go shopping," she muttered to herself.

by ivy_knight


Go on, you know you want to.

by minerva198


Cheat! - The Game of Moral Bankruptcy
I couldn't quite tell you how I found myself in the alleyways of Neopia Central that disastrous eve.

by valdeceit

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